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  • How the UK's Brexit vote to leave Europe affects Apple

    hawker said:
    ireland said:
    Glad the UK had the courage to vote themselves out of the bureaucratic mess that is the EU. Bunch of unelected, unaccountable suits in Brussels trying to introduce one set of rules for us all. The amount of times we hear in my country 'our hands are tied' from our elected officials is not funny. Practically every other week. Each country needs to take back their sovereignty.

    And this has nothing to do with that Trump clown who cannot even successfully operate a Twitter account. 'No games.' Go home, narcissist.
    It is because of uninformed rubbish like this that it is good that the UK will leave the EU once and for all. They should have never joined. I find it always very rich to hear when one of the house of parliament in the UK is not elected by the people in the first place. It is called the house of lords. Never mind all the other misinformation put out by the brexit camp.
    Maybe we should brick up the tunnel on the french side as well so you can keep all your sovereignty and your empire for yourself.
    Where do you live?

    You talk of 'uninformed rubbish' while not even knowing that the poster you are responding to doesn't live in the UK, even with a massive hint like his username.  Pure genius, Holmes.

    I also live in Ireland and can tell you he was pretty much spot-on.  Water charges, a ban on turf cutting, the forced sovereign assumption of private debt, completely disemboweling an entire country from a social and economic perspective, in order to line the pockets of German bankers who didn't do any due-dilligence...  The list is long indeed.

    Edit:  Oh yes, and after the Forced bailout, those same German bankers, our beneficent EU cousins, then repaid Ireland's accommodating subservience by charging utterly usurious interest rates for the bailout, which initially was 6% when the official ECB rate was 1%.  Then, when Ireland sought to restructure the loans because they were able to borrow in the market at much cheaper rates, the *uckers continued their incessant policy of screwing Ireland by refusing to allow them to restructure the loans.

    Ireland urged eurozone partners Monday to give Dublin more time and leeway under its banking bailout, a demand resisted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    This same bunch of Euro elitist scumbags offered far more generous rates and terms to both Spain and Greece.  They also tried to use the unconscionable situation they had created to blackmail Ireland into raising it's corporate tax rate:

    Eurozone leaders refused Friday to reduce the interest Ireland must pay on its bailout packaged unless Dublin budges on its business taxation level, one of the bloc's lowest at 12.5 percent.
  • Huawei working on internal OS to avoid 'the crutch of Android'

    cnocbui said:
    Rumour is that Samsung will have sold 25 million S7s, most of them Edges, by the end of the month.  They at least are making a decent profit.  Near impossible to tell how the Chinese manufacturers are doing.
    "Rumors" are not just ideas you invented while typing in comment on a blog. Samsung sold around 9.5 million S7 in Q1, which was surprising because they were only expected to sell 7M. Projecting that they sold 1.6x as many more in the quarter after launch for a total of 25 million is ridiculous, and assuming that "most of them Edges" is just fantasy grade nonsense. Samsung hasn't even recovered to the phone profits it had back in the days of S4. The majority of its phones are junk models, and a much greater share of its profits are now coming from non-phone businesses.  

    Samsung doesn't emphasize Android in its own marketing. It already ported as much easy hardware to Tizen as it can.  
    The source of the rumour has just as much veracity as any of the endless rumour based articles AI is so happy to feature.   You are implying I just made it up, which is not the case.

    the S7 and S7 Edge are projected to cross the 25 million unit barrier by the end of this month.

    The projection comes from Daishin Securities, which estimated sales between 14.5-15 million units in the last three months, taking Samsung’s total flagship tally in the first half of the year to somewhere between 24-25 million.

    The total sales figures in Q2 may only represent a little over a 1% increase over Q1, but considering the high prices of the S7 and S7 Edge (which reportedly outsold the regular S7), Samsung can expect a solid increase in revenue and profit. Daishin is forecasting an average smartphone selling price increase from $217 in Q1 to $228 in Q2.

    Samsung's average smartphone selling price is expected to increase from $217 in Q1 to $228 in Q2.

    Daishin is therefore predicting an increase in Samsung’s Q2 operating profit from 3.89 trillion Won in Q1 to 4.27 trillion Won in Q2. Perhaps not surprisingly, Samsung’s share price hit its highest point ($1,230) since April last year.

    The amount of Samsung's income being derived from products running Tizen, compared to that from their products running Android, would be a couple places to the right of the decimal point in the totals.

    I could point you to several references indicating early S7 sales were significantly in favour of the Edge version over the standard one.  This latest rumour is just reiterating the earlier reports and indicates that pattern has continued.  I think your strident denials represent the real fantasy.
  • Huawei working on internal OS to avoid 'the crutch of Android'

    misa said:
    This is just another sign that Android is failing. Samsung will single-handedly destroy Android, and all the other Android vendors except former Motorola/Google will go back to their own OS's.

    Android has always been a disaster for developers, developers hate it, Android is slow, lacks standards among devices, and generally nobody is making money on the platform. Samsung wants to try and clone Apple's eco system but can't because it doesn't control Android, and risks it's entire smartphone sales if it wholesale drops android. So Samsung is stuck.

    The Chinese companies have a small advantage right now, by dumping Android now, they can build their own "walled garden" without letting the Korean phone makers in.
    You are such a laugh.  Android failing? - no it isn't; it is gaining marketshare, quarter on quarter.  85% is world domination, not failure.
    lord amhrangatorguy
  • Adele's '25' hits Apple Music, Spotify, other streaming services

    pepe779 said:
    cnocbui said:
    You have very poor musical taste and discernment, sorry, I just had to get that out.
    You can't compare musical tastes, all I can say really. Just because you like her music, doesn't mean your taste is better or "right". I listen to so much music across so many genres, you wouldn't even believe it. I have never said her music is not good, but it just got too old and too repetitive, it's being played everywhere and that's why I said it became annoying in the meantime.
    Well, you actually can compare musical tastes, just as you can compare just about anything else you care to mention.  Adele's current album has set numerous world sales records in several different countries, far surpassing the Barbie Doll drone.  That means that a lot more people like Adele's music than the drones.  I am not an Adele fan and her music doesn't really suit my taste, but I deeply appreciate the quality of her song writing and delivery, both of which are epic.  The drones vacuous output is utterly forgettable.  It's Eurotrash, California style.

    Class and talent shine.  When I first heard Hometown Glory, I thought it was quite arresting in it's brilliance.  Had I known at the time she was 16 when she wrote that I would have been stunned.  I can remember two other instances in my life of being so easily and correctly able to spot such pure talent:  One was hearing Waterloo, by ABBA from radio Luxembourg an a MW radio in Ireland on a visit just after they had won Eurovision, though I didn't know that at the time or even what Eurovision was.  The other was hearing U2s Sunday, Bloody Sunday, in Australia from the BBC via Short Wave radio.

    I think the critical difference is musical creativity vs performance - the ability to write and create original material.  Adele has that, The Beatles had it, the Stones had it, Marvin Gaye, Prince, U2, Abba and many others have/had it - TS doesn't.
  • Huawei working on internal OS to avoid 'the crutch of Android'

    OS's are practically irrelevant to all but a few tech junkies.  It's apps that matter and they are the reason alternative OSes are all going to face a near insurmountable hurdle in gaining traction.