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  • What the M1 and Apple Silicon mean for Mac security

    Another factor that has protected macOS in the past was its lack of popularity compared to Windows. Hackers can't be bothered with a small number of victims. For now, that factor remains intact.
    Maybe, and this is a trope that is often trotted out, but there are other factors as well which are much more worthy of comment. One of them is that Apple is vastly more successful at getting its users' system updated to the latest (more secure) version of the operating system. As a result there is a smaller proportion of the Apple systems in use that are vulnerable.

    This is particularly the case with iPhones compared to Android devices, but it also applies to Macs when compared with Windows.
  • Apple's T2 chip has an unfixable vulnerability that could allow root access

    @Svanstrom - your frankly hysterical post gets things totally out of proportion. Do you REALLY, seriously, think that some "moron with a knife" will read about an Apple vulnerability and then decide to target you? You have some serious issues, man. Come on, get some sense of proportion!
  • VMware, VirtualBox tools impacted by macOS Catalina memory leaks

    This is bad, and entirely supports my personal decision not to update from Mojave, BUT (to WarrenBuffduckh) have you SEEN the problems Microsoft have with Windows right now? It is one serious problem after another - printers not printing, internet access only happening for some apps and not others, crashes, performance issues... the list just goes on and on.

    By comparison MacOS is an absolute model of stability and calm.
  • Apple makes $1.8 billion in UK, but pays just $8m in tax

    lkrupp said:
    "Government is not the solution to the problem, government IS the problem." Ronald Reagan

    The more we can starve the government of income the less destructive it will be for the people. Apple should not pay one penny more in taxes than it absolutely has to. Use every loophole, every legal means to reduce one's tax bill. That should be everyone's personal motto too.
    Puerile anarchistic libertarian rubbish. Do you honestly think we can do without schools, roads, railways, defence, police, courts, prisons, and all the other things that keep our society going? How is all of that going to be paid for in your world? The only way you can make that work is to have everyone be wealthy and live in their own castle with nothing but wasteland in between. A bit like South Africa, or the way in which the USA is heading. Good luck with that.
  • Apple Pay in iOS 14 might support QR code payments

    Rayz2016 said:
    My only question is how would you prevent fraud? I hate to be the “Hey You” guy, but what if someone replaces the QR code with one that diverts payments to another account?  
    Agreed - there needs to be a very robust mechanism in place that enables the payer to ensure that how much they pay, and to whom, is in line with what they are expecting. For example, let's say that a busker has a QR code that he says will give him £1, €1 or $1, but in fact it transfers 100 times that amount.

    It is possible that the implementation can address this, with a large display on the screen of the amount and the person's (or organisation's) name, and the need to ID (touch or face) before the transaction goes through, but people will need to be on their guard...