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  • Kensington TB550 Pro Fit Ergo Trackball review: a solid entry-level trackball mouse

    Thumb driven trackball? A GIANT NO!
    Tried several, they're awkward and uncomfortable.
    You want a trackball that you control with your index finger, at the very least.
    A thumb can't do what an index finger is capable of. EVER.

    I've used maybe a dozen of trackballs over the years.
    YES, they're far more comfortable, faster and much more accurate than ANY mouse. This design is NOT it.

    PLUS, with a trackball, you NEVER runout of desk space (or cable). AND they're perfect for multi-montitor setups.

    Sure, a trackball may take a little time to get used to, but having ZERO hand strain makes the minor effort worth it.
    Once you use a trackball, you'll NEVER want to use a mouse ever again!

    For me, the absolute BEST trackball EVER is the Kensington Expert Mouse… yes, it's a trackball and an ambidextrous, too! They make wired and wireless versions.

    It has a large ball, which is much easier and faster to use than a small ball.
    (Rest index and middle finger on it and point to where you want the cursor to go. The hand is ALWAYS in a relaxed state. There's NO strain whatsoever.)
    It has 4 programmable and chordable buttons.
    It has a scroll ring around the ball itself for very fast and accurate scrolling.

    Kensington Expert Mouse = BEST trackball! The thing in the article? Cool looking, sort of, but ergonomically challenged.
  • Apple Watch bands harbor dangerous bacteria -- because no one cleans them

    Now that I know that every watch band is lying in wait, ready to KILL ME, I’m so glad I stopped wearing a watch years ago.

    I kept taking off my watch, a stainless steel Heuer chronometer, to avoid scratching my Titanium PowerBook. 
    Pretty soon, I just stopped wearing it altogether.
  • Apple's forgotten Trailers app is on its way out

    Who knew they even had an app like that.

    Just what I want to do.
    Sit and watch a bunch of trailers for movies I'd never want to see.

    I guess if you can't afford a streaming service…
  • Ex-Apple retail head Angela Ahrendts joins Kim Kardashian

    jimh2 said:
    Another professional leach moving from company to company without actually doing anything of value except talking a big game.
    Before running Apple retail she was a highly successful CEO. Your bias is showing. 
    Point taken, but then the Mango Mussolini was a successful CEO too. Not an automatic qualifier.
    If bankrupting your company 6 times (and counting), 7 if you include a tax scam PAC, is considered “successful”, that would be a very low bar to clear, indeed.
  • Mazda adds touchscreen support to CarPlay in 2024 CX-5

    Glad I have a Honda!

    When we were looking for a vehicle during the pandemic… NO subways or buses for us, thank you… we arranged the whole lease transaction online.
    Our vehicle was delivered directly to our building. Easy.
    So, our 2020 HR-V had CarPlay. No restrictions like lacking a touchscreen or anything.
    We recently renewed the lease for a 2023 HR-V, the screen is better, but it all works the same. 