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  • Lock Socket Review: Effective charger loss prevention

    Sorry, but that kludge won’t work with modern Decora style receptacles. 
    Outlets with center screws only belong in the back of closets or in the basement or garage. 😜

    For my Apple chargers I picked up Blockhead sideways charging plugs from tenonedesign.

    They replace the folding plug on the charger and it sits flat against the wall, not sticking out, ready to fall out.
    It’s MUCH better!
  • GM ditching CarPlay & Android Auto for Google-built infotainment system

    I saw “Subscription Service” and immediately I want nothing to do with it.
    No kidding.

    Pay tens of thousands of dollars for a vehicle and SUBSCRIBE to an A/V subscription?

    Besides, I would NEVER buy an American vehicle.
  • Battle of the sexes: Men and women like different iPhone models

    My wife prefers the Pro Max. I like the Pro. 

    I'd like a Pro Max, but it's too big to integrate with all my stuff.
    Most of my pants have a side pocket on the leg that Pro fits into.
    I also have a few packs with pouches that the Pro fits into. For me, the Pro Max is just too big.

    She does a lot of testing for work on the Pro max, so the bigger screen is perfect for what she needs.
    Bart Y9secondkox2watto_cobra
  • Apple launches Apple Music Classical app

    spheric said:
    Classical music works by very different structures. 

    Yes, you have composers that you can sort by. And those have multi-movement pieces that you can treat like albums (but probably don’t want to split when shuffling). But then, you also have conductors, orchestras, and soloists. And you have albums with pieces from different composers, each with several movements, played by the same orchestra and conductor and solo pianist, but the encore is just solo piano. 

    Or you have six versions of the same multi-movement piece by different orchestras, or even the same orchestra and conductor, but from different decades… 

    Or you have the same piece, but arranged by a different composer, for six-piece string setup. 


    A one-size-fits-all approach that works for sorting rock and pop where there‘s rarely any complexity beyond a particular artist and their song or album is not a good match for classical music. 

    People who are unfamiliar with classical music simply don't know about or understand the complexities.
    That's ± 1,200 years of music, with a dizzying array of styles and ensembles.
    Calling ALL recorded music tracks "Songs" for classical music is just plain WRONG. Hopefully Apple fixes that in the Classical App.

    Generally, the piece of music is the first thing. Then the performers.
    There can be different versions of the same pieces (ie: Bruckner's Symphonies… Haas or Novak editions).
    Then there are the orchestras, conductors, soloists or other ensembles. Different recordings by the same conductor with different orchestras spread over decades. Sometimes even the halls pieces are recorded in is of interest… The Leipzig Gewandhaus, Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Boston Symphony Hall, etc.
    With opera there are different casts, orchestras and conductors. Live vs. studio recordings. Keeping track of all of it can be daunting. 

    For instance, Jean Sibelius' 7 Symphonies. I have 3 different complete symphony cycle recordings conducted by Sir Colin Davis.
    First with Boston Symphony in the early 70s for Philips. Second with The London Symphony in the mid-90s for RCA and third, The London Symphony again in the early aughts for the LSO Live label. The interpretations from different time periods are very different. I also have numerous other recordings of the Sibelius symphonies with different orchestras and conductors. It can be a lot to keep track of!

    Pop music is fundamentally different and far simpler.
    Generally, the performer is paramount. There's one song, on one album. That's it.
    The composer rarely matters. The performer is the most important. 

    ANYthing that can help organize and find things is a good thing. Hopefully, Apple does it right!
  • Apple launches Apple Music Classical app

    grlym said:
    Spatial audio for classical depends just like in other genres on whether the original recording was done w Dolby Atmos and or who the engineers were and what you are using to listen to the music. On original HomePods and the AirPod Max’s I use, classical can be extraordinary or crappy depending on the above.

    I look forward to this app. It is very frustrating to deal with a classical album of different works and not be able to see who the composers, orchestra, chamber soloists are besides who might be the conductor and singer.  
    I fail to see the point of using Spacial Audio with Classical music. It is the new Quadraphonic? 
    I guess Apple feels the need to add/support things like that. 
    For dedicated classical music aficionados higher bit rates would be MUCH more welcome. 
    I have no idea what file formats iPhones and the Mac Music app actually support. I always rip music using Apple Lossless.

    The dearth of track information displayed even in the Mac Music app is incredibly frustrating. 
    The Music app stripped away so much visual information and functionality that iTunes had, it’s incredibly frustrating!

    When I’m ripping new CDs or disks from my music collection… I’m up to 1250 complete “albums” as of yesterday…
    I’m really particular about how things appear. 
    Things Like Every Word Capitalized In Every Movement / Track Title Of A Disk Drives Me Crazy. Luckily, I found an old AppleScript for Music that will fix it!
    The album Artist is/are the performers, NOT the composer
    The years of composers’ birth and death should be included.
    The conductor’s name should be listed LAST. Etc., etc.…

    Hopefully Apple fixes this and puts more actual usability and CONTROL back in the users’ hands.