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  • Thunderbolt 5 vs Thunderbolt 4 -- everything you need to know

    That’s great.

    I just upgraded to a 16” MacBook Pro, M3 Max. GREAT machine!
    Bummer they REMOVED a Thunderbolt port to add a SLOW SD Card reader and an HDMI port.

    Anyway, Try to find Thunderbolt 3 accessories, never mind Thunderbolt 4.
    Managed to get a CalDigit Thunderbolt 4 hub, but there doesn’t seem to be much else in terms of even Thunderbolt 3 stuff out there.

    Meanwhile they’re pushing Thunderbolt 5. This reminds me of the FireWire timeline.
    When will we see compliant products? 2028?

  • Gene Munster: Apple should buy Rivian after cancelling Apple Car

    flydog said:
    jimh2 said:
     Good businesses do not diversify into products that are outside of their primary focus. Apple makes phones, computers and related accessories. They also do streaming of music/videos/podcasts and create content. Manufacturing cars is does not even remotely fit into their business model.
    Under your "primary focus" rule, Apple would never have branched out into music players, phones, watches, earphones, and portable speakers, which together make up over 90% of its current revenue from product compared to what as the "primary focus" prior to 2001 (computers).  Maybe you define "primary focus" broadly to include anything with a CPU in it, but that rules also fails because Apple derives 20% of all revenue from services that include producing their own TV shows and movies and selling ads. 
    The step from building computers to other electronic devices isn’t that great.

    An automobile is FAR outside the realm of personal electronics. 
    There are more than enough automobile manufacturers out there. 
    Partnering or selling technologies, such as CarPlay, is the way to go for an electronics giant like Apple.
    That’s a win-win for any company that partners with Apple.

    Trying break into a saturated vehicle market is not.
  • Decade-old Apple Car project may be completely dead


    The LAST thing the world needs are MORE cars. Apple or otherwise.

    I kind of thought that Apple was using the Apple Car project as a skunkworks of sorts. Investigating ideas and concepts.
  • M3 Max 16-inch MacBook Pro review 3 months later: Peak Mac with best-in-class performance

    Perfect timing!

    I finally got sick of my 2019 i9 MacBook Pro, 32GB RAM, slowing down to a nearly frozen crawl every day. 
    Restarts, clearing RAM, quitting Safari have been temporary fixes. 
    Been struggling with running out of space on my 2TB SSD, constantly offloading files.

    Ordered a 16” MBP M3 Max, 16‑core CPU, 40‑core GPU with 128GB RAM and 4TB SSD! 
    SILVER! A black MacBook Pro just seems kind of sacrilegious.
    Getting it NEXT WEEK!

    Looked GeekBench speed comparisons and the M3 max is something like a solid 4x the speed on everything.
    It ought to be able to whip Vectorworks into submission.

    — Just got an email… Out for delivery! 
  • AirPlay-compatible TVs rolling out to hotels starting 'later this spring'

    That would be great.

    When I travel I’ll download the day’s photos into my iPad Pro 11” for backup and to review, so it would be great to be able to see photos on a much bigger screen without needing to lug cables and adaptors.

    But, good luck finding a hotel with TVs like this!