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  • Early iPhone XR reviews praise performance & battery life

    Soli said:
    It amazes me that Apple can offer such a great device for people not wanting to dish out four figures for an iPhone that isn't using last year's A-series chip and these asshats and trolls still find reasons to say how many it and Apple sucks.

    saltyzip said:
    georgie01 said:
    If I still had my iPhone 7 I’d upgrade to the XR probably without hestitation. The whole talk about resolution and the XR not being 1080p is pointless—it’s nothing more than a semi-legitimate sounding complaint against Apple delivered simply for the sake of complaining about Apple. The most outstanding aspects of my XS display are the colour and blacks. The higher resolution is only an extremely small benefit.
    Would you buy a TV that wasn't at least full hd in 2018? Of course you wouldn't, so why buy a phone at £750 that wasn't either? Why compromise with downscaled videos etc. ?
    TV and phone completely different things. 720 on an LCD screen is perfectly fine. You didn't see people complaining about 720 on the iPhone 8. You wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between a 1080 and 720 video on your phone with an LCD display. Speaking of TV's, you do realize most channels are broadcast in 720p. 
    So the XR not 1080p because 720p is “perfectly fine”? Since when has Apple ever been about being just fine? I’m not someone into spec whoring but 1080p seems to be the standard on phones these days. For me a bigger question is why the XR offers a 128GB option but the XS and XS Max do not. Honestly the XS line should be 128 > 256 > 512.
    “Honestly” no it shouldn’t. I ordered the 64gb X because with iCloud music and photos, I simply don’t need as much local storage anymore. Why would I want to pay for a larger tier if I don’t need it?

    Where did I say you need to pay for a larger tier? I said I think the current XS 64GB entry level tier should be 128GB.
    You just said it there, unless you're say that Apple should be required to double the capacity for free, which would be an even more ridiculous statement.
    The XS storage options are still stupid. If you say you don’t even need 64GB who the heck needs 512GB?

    So your argument is that if @StrangeDays is fine with 64 GB since he uses a lot of cloud storage it means that no one ever use more than 64 GB?

    128GB is the sweet spot yet Apple doesn’t offer it I’m sure assuming/hoping users will opt for 256GB rather than 64GB and thus increasing revenues & ASPs.

    If that's a sweet spot for you then get the 128 GB iPhone XR. For me, I'm in the same boat as @StrangeDays so 64 GB is more than enough for at least the next couple years. Why you believe that no one wants 64 GB, that everyone needs 128 GB, and that 512 GB shouldn't exist is even one person is fine with 64 GB is sounds fucking nuts. You have capacity options of 32, 64, 128, 256, and 512 GB of storage….but all you do is bitch that's it's both not enough options and too many options. JFC, man.

    I believe a lot of phone snobs can't imagine that anyone would want something other than the exact phone with the exact specs they want. I also think they like showing off how much more incisive and refined their sensibilities are than the rest of us.

    BTW, I have a X with 64GB, and I am more than happy with that. I'd be wasting anything else.
  • Early iPhone XR reviews praise performance & battery life

    Phone looks great, but saddened that they didn't put the optical zoom on it. It's being sold for $749, so it's the cheap version now, even though it's priced higher than the highest end iPhone 2 years ago, 3 years ago, etc. which all had optical zoom.
    The original iPhone 7 Plus cost $769 when it was released 2 years ago, and that was with a tight 32GB. Earlier iPhone Plus models may have started out at a slightly lower price, but they came with an unusable 16GB. (I really think this is phone is comparable to the Plus phones and not the non-Plus ones.)
  • Lack of iPhone XR delivery delays suggest softer launch demand than iPhone XS

    chia said:
    avon b7 said:

    I was back in the market for an X model until prices were announced. It's now a no go for us.
    From your posting history I highly doubt you were “back in the market” for any iPhone.

    The new XS range has launched at the same price level as last year’s X; thus you should be able to get the X at an even cheaper price in clearance sales.
    I've never really understood the Android/Windows fans who like to pretend to be Apple users who for whatever reason have decided to bail on a product or give up on Apple because they've decided to do something. These people, as opposed to people who are genuine Apple users, are pretty easy to spot.
  • Should you buy the Apple Watch Nike+ Series 4 instead of the standard model?

    roake said:
    razorpit said:
    Kaepernick told me to buy the regular version.
    I head the same message the same way.  No longer a Nike fan.
    I heard Kaepernick's message which is precisely why I am now a Nike fan.
  • iPhone XS Max scores second in DxOMark's smartphone camera tests

    claire1 said:
    This is how the iKnockoff Knights work:

    "iPhone sucks lol!"

    "Huawei has .02% better camera!"
    "Samsung has faster LTE"
    "Pixel has squeeze for Android Siri"
    "LG has brighter screen!"
    "ZTE has cheaper price for SAME features lol!"

    ......great, now I have to tape 5 androids together to get a comparable iPhone......nice.
    I always like it when you're going up against the Android phones, you have to go up against the best feature for every single phone out there rather than one specific phone.