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  • Apple debuts colorful 24-inch iMac with M1, upgraded camera and audio

    mario said:
    Headphone jack is located on the side on the desktop computer???? Who wants speaker cable dangling from the side all the time going to external powered speakers, instead of neatly tucked behind the screen and out of sight?
    Uh, because a standard headphone jack is actually thicker than the M1 iMac.
  • Samsung unveils its Galaxy Z Flip phone during the Oscars

    DAalseth said:
    zimmie said:
    Foldable screens like this look cool and all, but do they solve an actual problem?
    That’s been my question, not just about these, but a number of high tech gadgetry that has come online in the last few years. Yes it’s cool that they can build a phone that folds in half. But what does that solve? I very much want to point out that if this was from Apple, I’d be asking the same thing. Why? Give me a good reason to put up with a noticeable crease in the middle of my screen, or a ripple in the middle of my drawing tablet, for the sake of folding it in half. Especially if it’s at such a premium over what I have that does the job just fine.
    See I think for folding phones to really take off and ever be anything more than a niche product (or at best a replacement upgrade like say how 4K TVs are for HD TVs) they need to do something you can't do on existing smartphones or tablets. Think about how with the original iPhone one of the killer apps was that it had a full web browser on it that would allow you to go on the web whenever you wanted. The original iPhone very much felt like a small laptop in your hand and not like a smartphone or even an iPod with a smartphone. I think when Apple comes out with a folding phone, they will have solved this problem. They will find something you can do with it you can't with a smartphone or tablet but you can only do with a folding phone. (You might be able to do whatever this thing is on some already existing device but not on a mobile one.)
  • Apple earns record $91.8B in first quarter revenue on strong iPhone 11 sales

    lkrupp said:
    Uh oh, better fire Tim Cook like all those knuckleheads said to do.
    Not knuckleheads but ASSHATS, and many of them live here. Can’t wait for the armchair CEOs to expound on how Apple could have done much better if it had followed their advice. All the blathering about Tim Cook, Apple’s QA “decline”, crappy software, lack of a headless Mac with slots, political stances, environmental policies, the list goes on for ever. All the blowhards that come in here ranting about Apple can take a slow boat to China, but remember to wear a mask, losers.
    This is all you talk about and you never actually contribute anything good here. Go home and stay off. It only makes you look like the asshat as you like to call everyone else that has a different opinion than yours. 
    There's whole range of people who like nothing but to bash Tim Cooke, and tell us how awful of a CEO he is. It's one of the really tedious things about Apple comment sections are all of the people posting frankly ignorant criticisms about Apple. Of course, if you want to contribute something, you could actually try pointing out what was wrong with this comment instead of going off on it.
  • Apple Maps improvements conclude with push into Alaska, Central & Southeast US

    ArcaSwiss said:
    I don't get why Apple has their own maps. Google Maps is what I use and don't think Apples are as good
    Uh, because Google Maps started withholding key features such as turn by turn directions from the iPhone and Apple thought that Google was collecting too much data form its users. If you're using Google Maps on your iPhone and you honestly think that it's better than Apple Maps, you really have Apple Maps to thank for that because if memory serves me right Google only started improving Google Maps on the iPhone once Apple Maps was released.

    Personally, Apple Maps works just fine with me, and I almost never have a problem with it to the point where I can't remember the last time I used Google Maps (I may have even deleted it off my phone, I honestly can't remember.) I am also happy to have one less Google thing in my life tracking me.
  • No, Apple's new Mac Pro isn't overpriced

    jmulchino said:

    lkrupp said:
    There is absolutely no need to explain the price of the Mac Pro to anyone. The market it was built for knows full well the value of the machine. As usual the tech media is hell bent on spinning this as another example of Apple’s “overpriced” hardware. There’s already a video on YouTube by some complete dimwit claiming the Hackintosh he built outperforms the Mac Pro for a quarter of the price. Stupid is as stupid does. The complaints here in AI are from sub-Pro hobbyists and so-called Prosumers who thought they would get a tower with slots starting at $1999.00.
    I feel like your third sentence explains why we did this piece.
    lkrupp said:
    There is absolutely no need to explain the price of the Mac Pro to anyone. The market it was built for knows full well the value of the machine. As usual the tech media is hell bent on spinning this as another example of Apple’s “overpriced” hardware. There’s already a video on YouTube by some complete dimwit claiming the Hackintosh he built outperforms the Mac Pro for a quarter of the price. Stupid is as stupid does. The complaints here in AI are from sub-Pro hobbyists and so-called Prosumers who thought they would get a tower with slots starting at $1999.00.
    I feel like your third sentence explains why we did this piece.
    With all due respect, I disagree. AI has presented the new Mac Pro, however in nuanced terms, as an article for consumers and not a workstation for professionals. Two examples: AI posted an article about where to get and how to install third party RAM on the Mac Pro to avoid paying Apple for outrageous RAM prices. Why would a pro do that? As a consumer I would easily consider that. But not a pro working for an agency. And two. You are quick to rationalize for Apple re: the $500 wheels by listing Windows operating system as a similar $500 add on. You know that’s not the same thing. 
    My point being is that by diving into the nuts and bolts of the new Mac Pro you are treating it like a consumer product when I would guess 99% of your readers will not purchase it. You reap what you sew. 
    You mean that AI treated this as a consumer device with lines like, "The Mac Pro is absolutely a "Pro" machine. It is also absolutely not for everybody, and absolutely not aimed at the same markets that the lower-end of the G4 towers or lower-end Mac Pro towers were. Comparing prosumer hardware like the low-end G4 or lower-end Mac Pro with a workstation is a strange comparison to make, but it's being made anyway"? The very fact that this device starts out at $6000 pretty much demonstrates that this device isn't aimed at people like me and 99% of the people on here.

    Posting articles about where you can get 3rd party RAM doesn't in anyway make this sound like a consumer device or even a prosumer device for most people in that market.I have no intentions of ever buying a machine like this because it's not aimed at me, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in reading about this or for that matter where you can find the RAM for it.