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  • iPhone XS Max scores second in DxOMark's smartphone camera tests

    I simply cannot imagine someone switching from an iPhone to a Hauwei (an Android phone) simply to get better camera functionality, especially since much of what we’ve heard lacking in the XS/XS Max photo/video quality is likely due to the image processing software via the new neural/ML engine, meaning that three months from now it could see dramatic improvements as Apple applies feedback to tune things.  

    Agreed. Camera is just one part of smartphone experience. iOS Vs Android ALONE will seal the issue for most of the people (if not all). And it is not as-if P20 Pro camera is near-perfect. Far from it. It has its own weaknesses, again induced due to AI features in software. Not sure if they fixed those issues in the last 6 months though (we will come to know about it once the Mate 20 reviews are out). The only area where Huawei P20 Pro is way above other phones (including iPhones) is - extreme low light photography which is the hardest thing to pull off. So kudos to Huawei where due.

    On the extreme low light photography - Huawei is going to retain that advantage even after 3 months because camera modules chosen by Huawei played the most significant advantage. No amount of software improvement can work around the superiority of sensors used by Huawei compared to the ones used by Apple.

    I feel like ever since the iPhone 6 (and pick some comparable Android phone) camera quality got good enough on the high end smartphones that the camera alone isn't enough of a reason alone to pick a phone. Before the 6, camera quality was pretty weak, and so it was possible to make big jumps in camera quality. But since 2014, smartphone cameras on the high end at least have all gotten good enough for the overwhelming majority of photos you want to take. I find most of these comparisons to be pretty pointless. (I think the big difference with the cameras is whether you like one style over another.)
  • Microsoft unveils Surface Pro 6, Surface Laptop 2 & Surface Studio 2

    they are making some nice gear, I already placed my main desktop with a PC.  my mac book pro is scheduled to be replaced by a dell xp, and this looks like good fit when my ipad pro goes eol.
    No Apple discussion board would be complete without some "Apple customer" telling us how they're switching to Android or MS. This has been going on so long I'm surprised there are any Apple customers left.
  • Photo smackdown: iPhone XS Max versus Samsung's Galaxy Note 9

    foggyhill said:
    Boomster said:
    You look fake, like a porcelain doll in the front camera iOS pics. Turn off beuaty mode, oh wait... You can't. It's forced "on" with the new phones. Check out all the YouTube videos discussing this camera issue. 
    And you l’on like grainy  green shit with the note.  So that’s surely better ...

    shooting straight into the sun is dumb and no one doing actual photography would do it, even doing HDR cause of the ridiculous stopping down you need to do to get the dark areas lit OK and the resulting grain if iso goes up, the possibility of movement (if exposure longer) or a softening of the image (if many shoots taken and stacked).

    Even with HDR, shooting in non stupid mode is PREFERRED.
    I find most of the photo "tests" in reviews to be kind of BS. I feel like the photos I take with whatever camera I have at the time are generally better than the photos I see in these tests, but then again I make sure to take photos in decent light even if it's low light (and bear in mind, I wind up looking at most of my photos eventually on a 21.5 4K iMac screen so it's not like I'm only looking at them on my phone screen). I would imagine that for the most part, they're taking photos in extreme situations of the type few people really take photos in to see how far the cameras can go.

    I feel like before the iPhone 6 (and probably something comparable on the Android side), the cameras were mediocre enough that it was possible to make substantial enough improvements in phone cameras so that the camera alone was a compelling enough reason to buy a new phone. But starting with the 6, the cameras got good enough for most people. When I look at most of the photos I took with my iPhone 6, they hold up very well next to the ones I took with my 7 Plus or even my X. The difference between my 6 camera and my 5 for me was much greater than the difference between my 6 and my X (which is why I have so few pre-6 photos compared to the photos I've taken with each camera since).
  • Huawei trolls Apple by handing out power banks to customers waiting in line for an iPhone ...

    Obviously they haven't updated to iOS 12 because my battery life is now spectacular. Yesterday, my battery was at 62% after an entire day.
  • Eager customers line up for iPhone XS, Apple Watch Series 4 as first shipments arrive

    claire1 said:
    lkrupp said:
    So much for the “too expensive” narrative we hear from the usual nattering nabobs of negativism on AI. 
    It's selling well huh?

    "Wow look at all the stupid sheeps!! These idiots should be buying the knockoffs instead!!!!!!!1"
    Increasingly, it's the Android fanboys who seems like sheep.