mj web


mj web
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  • Kuo: Demand for new MacBook Pro models tepid due to high prices, disappointing specs

    I earmarked a MBP purchase but have now put the brakes on. The prices are silly! $2-3K laptops? 256 GB drives? 8 GB RAM standard, 16GB max? "Pro"? Apple Care +++? Tim Cook is an effete snob who has lost touch with all but the most ardent AI readers. Apple was, is, and always will be doomed under Cook's mismanagement. The MBP is a big disappointment and a big joke.
    duervoavon b7
  • Jet black iPhone 7 potentially vulnerable to scratching, Apple admits

    mj web said:
    Does Jonny Ive design anymore, or does he just do voiceovers exclusivly for Apple? My two year old iPhone 6 looks identical to the iPhone 7. I won't be upgrading FYI. Missing critical roadmap upgrades and acting lazy, that's Tim Cook's new Apple. Instead of technological innovation, Cook gives us hours of Super Mario and Pokemon -- and boring, old, Phil Schiller.
    troll garbage. what critical features is it lacking? the features they demoed were all great -- if Apple is lazy then this thing won't sell. Cook and Ive and Schiller are big parts of the team that made Apple the titan it is. 

    oh but you wanted a shell that looked way different. wah. 
    My criticism translates into the very reason AAPL is 20% off its all time high, achieved several years ago, and withering in a $90-$110 trading range. The S&P is up 25% since AAPL's high and AAPL is down 20%. IOW AAPL is underperforming the S&P by over 40%! I'm no troll, you're a clueless fanboi. I happen to be one of the only people in this entire forum connected to reality. I'm doing all of you a service. 
  • Apple releases third public betas of iOS 10, macOS Sierra

    Does it break Photoshop CS6?
  • First video of functional Lightning EarPods hits the web

    mj web said:
    Er, there's this little technology called Bluetooth that makes these earbuds obsolete, not to mention this little thing called airplanes which requires a mini RCA jack to access inflight entertainment. This isn't well thought through, at all, which is what I've come to expect from Tim Cook's Apple.
    utter nonsense. in flight entertainment ports is the feeaking last of anyone's priorities, including the airlines. get an adapter or use the freebies on the plane. also, it's not a mini RCA jack. mini phono. 

    tim cooks Apple is doing better than Jobs' by every quantifiable metric. the critical whining had remained constant, however. 

    get real. 
    Do you mean with the exception of growth, innovation, design, and creativity? All but the deniers agree that Apple, under Tim Cook's leadership, is withering on the vine. Wake up! already! 
  • Kanye West wants Apple to buy Tidal, calls for executive meeting

    Kanye West is a gigantic SCHMUCK!