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  • Epic Games CEO says Apple suit is about 'basic freedoms,' calls Apple a middleman

    I saw some guy on the TV being interviewed about this, and he said Apple is acting as a rent-collector, milking their tenants rather than innovating. Idiot. Anyway, he suggested that Apple should reduce their cut to maybe 10-15% rather than 30%. So, this guy *knows* exactly how much Apple need to spend to maintain and improve the App Store, iOS, the development tools, etc.? He *knows* that Apple can afford to halve their App Store income and will still be able to cover it? Unlikely.

    It's not about being a monopoly or exhibiting monopolistic behaviour, it's about money.

    Apple charges 30%. You knew that when you developed for iOS. That's the deal. Don't like it, then don't put your game on iOS.
  • England's Apple-Google Exposure Notification app set to begin public trials

    Couple of things about the article:
    1. NHSX isn't "the [NHS's] innovation arm"; it's a government unit separate from the NHS and not funded by the NHS.
    2. It's the Isle of Wight, not Wright, which is "not right", natch.

    The trouble with having devolved health services across the four parts of the UK - and using the app that NHSX initially tried to produce for NHS England - was that the app would not work with whatever app NHS Scotland/NI/Wales created. Indeed, they wouldn't work with any other contact tracing apps worldwide either. Unless all four of the UK's Health Services were using the same app, they wouldn't interoperate.

    When you use the Apple-Google API those apps will be able to interact with each other because they are all based on the same foundation. So, you could be sitting in a pub on the border of Wales & England and have the phones talking to each other. The original NHSX app for NHS England wouldn't work with the NHS Wales one, which means fewer contacts traced. It's the same as if every US state decided to write its own version and not use a standard base.

    I'm pretty sure NHSX were well aware of the Apple-Google API, but chose not to use it out of "British superiority" - something that only exists in the minds of the nutjobs in charge. It's why we still don't have the "world-beating" contact tracing app Boris Johnson promised by 1st June...
  • Microsoft is closing all of its retail stores, permanently

    Almost half a billion dollars in write-offs? Wow. Epic fail.
  • Force Touch support to be dropped in watchOS 7

    Choosing to drop the support for Force Touch across all Apple Watch models will ensure that all wearers have a consistent experience regardless of hardware.
    But that can't be the reason for doing this. If an older Watch model supports it, keep it in the OS for that model.

    The iPhone 11 Pro Max has a screen just as big as the old iPhone 6/7/8 Plus, but when you rotate it to landscape it doesn't rotate the icons on the Home screen like the 6/7/8 Plus does. Why is that feature still in there for older phones but not newer?

    Removing Force Touch on my Series 4 Watch just because -insert random reason dreamt up by a Product Manager at Apple here- is a bad idea. I use it all the time.

    Will I be able to change watch faces on the Watch or must it be done in the app on the iPhone?
  • Apple says it wasn't told about UK contact tracing app issues, plans

    I put all my trust in Boris in how to embrace Corona (supported by 5 kids with 4 mothers...)
    Perhaps they're also working on a track and trace app to locate his children?