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  • After decade of iPhone launches, there's still a line in San Francisco

    How much cheaper is iPhone in the United States? A little but not all that much, he noted, stating he just happened to be here and wanted to pick one up while traveling.
    Oooh, I hope he doesn't get frisked by customs officials back in Belgium, or he'll be paying import duty and sales tax. Completely unrelated: I'll be aiming for an iPhone X when I'm in SF in a few months, if Apple can build enough by then...
  • AppleCare+ iPhone 8 back screen glass replacement $99, not screen repair cost of $29

    Users with AppleCare+ for the iPhone are accustomed to a relatively new $29 screen replacement from Apple -- but that only applies to the screen in the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, and not the back glass.

    Isn't that obvious, though? It's $29 for "screen replacement", not "$29 for any bit of glass to be replaced, even the back bit - which isn't a screen."
  • Watch: All the details about the iPhone X that you may have missed

    The video says the graphics have been upgraded with an M11 processor which is faster than the M10. The M co-processor isn’t anything to do with the graphics, right?
  • First look: Apple's HomePod speaker

    I like the idea of having Siri somewhere other than my iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch, but I think they've got the price wrong here. Given that in the UK this will sell for a direct $ - £ conversion, I could get 7 Echo Dots for £349. 7 Echo Dots covers my house and garden summer house. I don't have £349 for every room. The Echo Dot does everything I need to, and it does more than one timer!

    I've no doubt people will buy this, but I think it's far too overpriced for the majority. And yes, I know that Apple isn't in it for the majority (which is a bit of a weird way to run their business), but just think what they could achieve sales-wise if they sold it at a more reasonable price.
    avon b7
  • Editorial: The future of Apple's Macintosh

    What this article seems to ignore is that we need Macs to write apps for every single iOS device out there. Without the Mac there would be no iOS, and if Apple keep paring down their offering, people won't be able to write apps because they won't want to be forced to buy something they aren't 100% invested in.

    Some people prefer laptops for app development, some prefer desktops. Some need the cheapest Mac (the Mac mini) because they have a great app idea but don't have $1000 to try it out, and some are writing huge apps that need the raw processing power of a Mac Pro. It's not just "professionals" who buy the Mac Pro. Lots of people like to have the best they can afford. Not everyone is an uninformed consumer who just buys the low-end iMac because it was on display.