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  • M1X Mac mini with more ports could launch within months

    I don't get why we'd ever need MagSafe on a desktop computer? For a laptop, great; someone comes along and treads on the cable, it pulls it out without breaking the port on the laptop or pulling the laptop to the floor, and the laptop continues running on battery power.

    For a Mac mini (and, even the 24" M1 iMac) if someone comes along and pulls the cable out, the computer turns off right away. No battery there to safely save your data and shutdown gracefully. I guess that's better than having the mini fall to the floor, but who has the cables in a place where they could be trodden on? Most people have a desk against the wall with the cables running behind it. Anyone who has the cables in a place they could be trodden on, should really be thinking about that.

    I mean, who am I to know why it would be there. Apple might've had a spate of repair claims from exactly this.

    Okay, I answered my own question.
  • Users lobby 1Password to abandon new Electron version

    I'll wait until the next version is out of beta and released before I chime in on how it performs, but if it's rubbish I'll switch to a different app. I'm generally quite loyal to companies, but if I get a degraded experience then I'm happy to move away. I think a lot of others will, too.
    gilly33magman1979byronlomar moralesseanjgbdocwatto_cobradoozydozen
  • Amazon UK allegedly destroys millions of unsold items a year, including Apple products

    Reportedly, nearly 130,000 items a week are organized into boxes marked "destroy." Eventually the items are dumped into bins and shipped to recycling centers or landfills.
    Actually, that's 130,000 per week per distribution centre, and that 130,000 is a target for the staff to reach. All so Amazon can get another 130,000 items in stock.

    Also, Amazon claim nothing is sent to landfill. You even quote them later in the article: "No items are sent to landfill in the UK." Though, I guess they could ship it overseas so it's not a "landfill in the UK".

    An Amazon spokesperson told iTV News that the amount of stock that the retail giant destroys is "extremely small."
    Oh, well that's alright then... I only killed one of your children.

    Seriously, this fupping company. Cancel Prime. Sell your Kindle and Echo devices. Delete your account. Amazon is only as big as it is because we put it there, and we can put it somewhere else.
  • UK to investigate Apple and Google's 'effective duopoly'

    I'll tell you what "could be creating problems for consumers and the businesses that want to reach people through their phones": This stupid government!

    As a developer, I don't want to have 20 different mobile phone operating systems to code for. I want one or two, because every extra platform costs me time and money, but there aren't *more* consumers to sell my apps to.

    When a coffee shop opens on a street, you get, say 40% of people trying it. Another one opens, but 40% of the remaining 60% don't suddenly want a coffee. There is a market of consumers, and they have decided that Apple and Google are just fine. They decided against the Facebook phone, and they decided against the Windows Phone. The market has already decided.

    If the CMA decide that the two companies, Apple and Google, have "too much power", maybe they should go after, oh I don't know, the Conservatives and Labour? Those two political parties have "power" all sewn up between them!
  • Hands on: Azio Izo wireless keyboard set is an attractive, functional addition to your des...

    Oh Gods, no. This is vile. And why is that calculator so thick?