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  • CPSC calls Peloton Tread+ a danger to children and pets

    My current and previous Reebok treadmills have never been as high off the ground as tis Peloton one. Look at the main image, there's plenty of room under there for anything to be pulled under. Nothing can go under my Reebok treadmill. This looks like a design flaw to me.

    I don't know whether the belts on other Peloton treadmills are this high off the ground, and if so, then maybe it's something else about this particular model.
  • Apple Watch Support for Bike+ cut back due to GymKit implementation issues, says Peloton

    I think this is likely a case of Apple's Product Managers creating a bunch of development stories to implement, then putting them on-hold to get the initial version of the software out of the door. It's not beyond the ability of Apple's engineers to do this, but they are constrained by the levels above. You get this everywhere that software is being written; things are prioritised out of scope. We might see it sometime down the road, and I would expect it sooner rather than later.

    On the other hand, this is typical Apple. If you're doing any sort of workout and accidentally tap "End" instead of "Pause", there's no way to go back - the workout is ended; that's it, done, all over. There's nothing stopping Apple from adding a "Resume" button next to the "Done" button so you can carry on where you left off, but no.

    The user experience of most Apple software is getting poorer. Here's an example that I've bugged with Apple: you still can't edit the tags on anything in the Books app. I have an audiobook that releases a chapter each week, but if I add the new chapter to the Books app it adds it to a completely different book rather than simply a new chapter in the same book. I cannot edit the tags in the Books app so I have to use the Music app, but to do that I have to disable my Wi-Fi so Music doesn't upload it to my iCloud Library. If I don't disable Wi-Fi and I edit the tags while it's being uploaded, upon saving the changes the Music app reverts them to what's in the iCloud Library, i.e. none of my changes are saved. Terrible user experience. When I disable Wi-Fi, I can make the changes, then drag the file back out of Music and delete it from the library. I should not have to disable my Wi-Fi just to edit the tags on an audio file.

    Apple split iTunes into separate apps, and the new apps don't have all the standard features you'd expect. Editing the tags on any file should be standard.
  • Apple to pay more tax in UK following EU profit-shifting law repeal

    This is hilarious:
    A Treasury spokesperson [...] said, "The UK continues to be at the forefront of the global action to tackle tax avoidance..."
    According to this Tax Justice Network article from 21st November 2020:
    The UK and its "spider's web" of overseas territories are responsible for more than a third of global tax avoidance each year, a study has found.
    Abuse of the tax system by multinational firms and wealthy individuals deprived countries of $427bn (£321bn) for hospitals, nurses, schools and other public services last year, according to advocacy group the Tax Justice Network. Of that figure, more than $160bn was facilitated by the UK and its territories and dependencies.
    The real reason we left the EU is not because of "foreigners coming' over 'ere, takin' our jobs"; it was so we wouldn't be obliged to follow the tax avoidance crackdown the EU was implementing on 1st January 2021.

    The UK government is just gaslighting us now. They know they're lying, but most of the public are too stupid to realise.
  • Insultingly, Facebook continues to try to convince users that privacy-violating targeted a...

    I had a Facebook account in late-2012. In mid-2013 I saw a video - recommended by Facebook's algorithms because I was into animal rights etc. - of two idiots aged about 15-16, who had put a kitten into a bowl, poured lighter fluid onto it, and set it alight.

    That was recommended viewing according to Facebook.

    I contacted Facebook to report it. Facebook said they "wouldn't take the video down because it might be a video that a charity is using to show why they need to fundraise."

    Well, it wasn't from a charity; it was posted onto the little f**kers' own pages.

    That was all I needed to know about Facebook, and I have never used any of their services or apps since. They are blocked in my etc/hosts file, and I couldn't be happier.

    Please delete your Facebook accounts. Zuckerberg doesn't care about anything but making money off other peoples' misery.
  • Apple has taken steps to eradicate mysterious malware strain

    I thought this was a macOS issue, not an Apple Silicon Macs issue? Why mention ASi Macs?

    This was a bit of malware that contained a binary compiled for BOTH Intel AND ASi Macs. That's not really a reason to doomclaim that Apple's ASi Macs are somehow more at threat than Intel ones.