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  • UK buying 11,000 iPhone SE for government use in $5.7 million deal

    4,181,628 GBP

    4.25 million pounds

    Sorry to be picky, but we do have the £ symbol for this, i.e. £4,181,628, or £4.25m.
  • What the M1 and Apple Silicon mean for Mac security

    Another factor that has protected macOS in the past was its lack of popularity compared to Windows. Hackers can't be bothered with a small number of victims. For now, that factor remains intact.
    Are we really saying that hackers aren't interested in hacking into, say, a company that almost exclusively uses Macs to do everything and is currently the world's most valuable company?

    Burglars don't steal the money from the tills of 50 shops when they could steal the diamonds from one jewellery shop.
  • UK politicians urge government to try for Apple Car production jobs

    seanj said:
    darkpaw said:
    It's funny how those who voted for Brexit are the same ones who are blaming the EU (that they're happily no longer a part of) for messing up their vaccine rollout, and those who voted to remain are the ones who present the facts.

    The only ones with a screwed up vaccine rollout are the members of the EU vaccine pool. Thank goodness we didn’t listen to the Remoaners who wanted the U.K. to join it.
    As EU president Ursula von der Leyen admitted, when it came to vaccines the U.K. is a speedboat and the EU is lumbering oil tanker.
    That doesn't refute my point at all. I said the ones blaming the EU for their vaccine rollout are the ones who voted for Brexit (because of a deep-seated loathing of the EU), which you are proving. I know the UK has administered more vaccination doses than the EU collective pot; I never said they didn't, so this graphic is a little unnecessary and beside the point.

    Remainers are the ones presenting facts and being shouted down because those facts don't fit your narrative.

    Go on, then, tell us the great things that have happened since we left the EU at 11:00pm on 31st December 2020 (because that's when we legally stopped having to follow EU law). I mentioned fishing, and no one refuted it. How about the cheese company that used to sell £30 gift sets into the EU without issue, but now have to pay £120 per gift set for a health certificate to export it to the EU, making it no longer viable?
  • UK politicians urge government to try for Apple Car production jobs

    It's funny how those who voted for Brexit are the same ones who are blaming the EU (that they're happily no longer a part of) for messing up their vaccine rollout, and those who voted to remain are the ones who present the facts.
  • UK politicians urge government to try for Apple Car production jobs

    elijahg said:

    Rubbish. There was no hint of vaccines when the UK left the EU, which was the 31st January 2020.
    Yes, we left the EU on 31st January 2020, but we were still in the transitional period to the 31st December 2020 which meant we were still following the rules etc., and that's what I was talking about (and you likely knew that, but it didn't suit your viewpoint).