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  • Sony acquires 'Destiny' game studio Bungie in $3.6 billion deal

    crowley said:
    skingers said:
    danox said:
    Great news. Bungie benefits and gamers benefit.

    Bungie is an insanely great developer these days. Perhaps the single best house on the market.

    Great buy. 
    Hardly, nothing but crap will come out of it….The state of gaming is the same as Music, Movies, and TV most of it bad……game play has died, picking your kids allowance ie…the parents credit card is the only thing happening these days…..
    Really cannot agree with this.  Sony first party games like The Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, and God of War have been some of the best games and story telling within games ever.  Bungie as part of the Sony stable is great news for them and gaming in general. 
    From reading more about this, it’s being framed as a technology purchase, that Sony want to invest big in “online, live service” games. That’s a very different prospect from the other first party games you mention, and not an area I’m interested in at all.  Could well be lucrative for Sony, but I don’t know that it’s good news for gaming.
    I do agree with you here.  The fact that they get one of the biggest ever MMO and FPS franchises of all time is gravy, very smart acquisition for Sony.
  • Sony acquires 'Destiny' game studio Bungie in $3.6 billion deal

    Great news. Bungie benefits and gamers benefit.

    Bungie is an insanely great developer these days. Perhaps the single best house on the market.

    Great buy. 
    Uh... they literally have one game currently, Destiny 2. I must assume you're a huge Destiny 2 fan, otherwise you'd have zero reason to say this. They're most certainly not the "single best house on the market" — that's insane.
    Well you can argue whether or not they are the "best house on the market" but they did create a title that has become synonymous with content that is more important than the system with "the Halo effect" and then, as you mention did go on to have lightning strike again with Destiny 2 being the biggest MMO of all time after WoW and the second biggest selling FPS shooter of all time.  Making this a pretty decent platform to compete with whatever MS is doing with Activision/Blizzard at a tiny 5% of that purchase price.  This is only partly about buying Destiny, it's about buying pedigree and know how.
  • Apple 'an amazing company' says Microsoft's Bill Gates

    sflocal said:
    I'm stunned and dismayed that a site like AppleInsider, even in the year 2018, continues to peddle the falsehood that Bill Gates was Apple's saviour! This has been debunked OVER and OVER again, and is a blunt LIE that was peddled by mainstream media in the late 90's whilst Apple was in dire straights.

    Please REMOVE the phrase "and one-time savior of Apple" from the opening statement, it's a blunt and proven lie!
    Apple and Microsoft were battling due to MS' infringement of Quicktime codec.  Apple was also very close to losing it all.  While "Savior" may be a bit melodramatic, I don't expect anything less from the media (including AI) to fluff pieces and claim "that's what everyone does".  

    The reality is that Apple really needed that $150m to prevent going under.  Call it whatever you want, but that money did keep Apple afloat long enough for Steve Jobs to set a clear and profitable course.
    In no way is it a lie, or a "fluff."

    Like it or not, there is no question that the money, the development deal to make sure that Office (and Internet Explorer!) remained on the Mac, plus the cessation of the QuickTime lawsuit saved Apple's ass.
    No, Magman is correct.  This was not some kind of altruistic side of Microsoft or even an action designed to provide good "optics".  It was a settlement for a lawsuit where Microsoft was caught red handed stealing code from quicktime.  

    Here's an article that describes what actually happened, written some 20 years closer to the actual event.

    "David Boies, attorney for the DoJ, noted that John Warden, for Microsoft, had omitted to quote part of a handwritten note by Fred Anderson, Apple's CFO, in which Anderson wrote that "the [QuickTime] patent dispute was resolved with cross-licence and significant payment to Apple." The payment was $150 million."

    No, Microsoft did not choose to "save" Apple, it was settlement for stolen quicktime code, plain and simple.