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  • A deep dive into HomePod's adaptive audio, beamforming and why it needs an A8 processor

    tardis said:
    What a load of rubbish! Sure, Apple does a great job of engineering audio devices that work well in difficult circumstances, and the HomePod devotes impressive technology to the task of providing a voice-controlled interface to internet-connected devices. Good quality music reproduction is a welcome by-product, but it's not automatically "an audiophile's ideal speaker".

     Matt Hines is correct to say that speaker location can affect performance. But "causing some resonant frequencies to become inconsistently louder", "sudden, violent variations in frequency levels" and "bass might disappear"? Really, Mr. Hines? I challenge you to prove in a blind listening test that "adjusting the listening position even an inch will have a very material impact on the arrival time of the audio to your ear"?

     If your ear can hear that difference, I will gladly eat it.
    Errm as an ex (and retired) sound engineer who's worked in some of the modest to the best recording studios, who's worked on live shows from clubs to stadiums, alongside some of the best sound engineers, I can 100% tell you that you're talking bollocks. Moving small distances changes the phase as well as the frequency alignment, both of which have become the most critical factors in modern systems. Hence the modern day preference for electronically controlled line-array systems.
  • T-Mobile's John Legere boosts Apple Watch LTE speed limit in response to customer feedback...

    It's been puzzling reading this thread. I'm in the UK and we don't have to register a new device to use with a service. And I can't see why you need to. Forgetting the 'dozens of devices' comment earlier, surely, you have a phone contract with a data package. All your devices ( if you choose) go through that package, you're not using up extra bandwidth. I bought my partner an AW recently and just paired it with her iPhone. She uses either/or with no problem (be kind of tricky to use both together I guess!).

    I know it works a bit differently in the US (our phones work anywhere/everywhere no matter the provider) but wtf?