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  • You could walk a mile in Steve Jobs' shoes, if you win this auction

    With all due respect but walking in a dead man's shoes, whoever they are is not for me but if someone gets sucked into this thinking they were really his, then good luck.
  • Level responds to lock picking claim, says Level Lock+ exceeds standards

    This is a non-issue. All locks are the same. I’m sure many people who locked themselves out have been relieved when someone was able to open their door again it without destroying it.

    However, what you do get with level lock is a notification your door has been unlocked, so even if someone hacked it, you would instantly know the door was unlocked where you would would not with a non-smart lock.

    i love my level lock. The convenience has been fantastic and saved me multiple trips home when people have been locked out. I don’t give keys to visitors I give them the app. It’s just so good.
  • What's next for the Matter smart home

    This is great for the manufacturer and the consumer. It is also great most can be upgraded by just a firmware and not needing to buy a new device. That’s good for the environment and peoples pockets, and their original investment.

    Winn, win for all concerned.
  • Unionized Australian Apple Store employees set to strike again

    Hedware said:
    Hey American idiots here commenting on Australia. Just to enlighten you soft folks, Australia is a different country to USA and has different industrial/labour laws (yes I spelt both words correctly). Apple Australia is going to have a difficult job emulating Apple US labour practices and finding anything useful in your rabid views. 
    Agreed but doesn't make it ok for Union's to pitch their benefits in misleading ways. I read the unions demands and it is well out of touch with reality. They just can't help themselves, pushing and pushing for extras that are just out of touch. I am all for pay rises and benefits but union just can't find that balance. They are their own worst enemies and when a company is profitable, they think they owe to them.

    I personally think every company should have profit share scheme for every employee but that is an argument for another day. One thing for sure, Unions sure know how to make themselves redundant. In future, they will look back and go, wow! We really cocked that up. Case in point the car industry. 
  • Europe coming after Apple's App Store with Digital Markets Act

    I want the App Store, I do not want to have to get my software from outside of it because I enjoy the peace of mind of Apple as a Gate Keeper. Whilst, it does not fully stop rogue apps it will stop a good majority of dodgy apps. Apple just needs to stop being so controlling of its profits and subscriptions, because it is greed and that control that is causing European Union to look at this, and developers to whinge (in some cases justifiably).

    Keep Apple as the Gate Keeper for Apps for security, but Apple, lighten up on your subscription cut for developers.