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  • Abandoned $10 billion Apple Car project referred to as 'Titanic disaster' by employees

    There will be plenty of positives from this development. Maybe new tech but ultimately had it been released it could have been billions more of a disaster and a ruined brand. Better to cut your losses than proceed.
  • Pair found guilty of trying to defraud Apple of more than $3 million

    High the prison sentence the better. A deterrent for one but justification for another. These scumbags increase costs for everyone as Apple and other manufacturers have to factor in fraud, theft and other costs into the purchase price. Like insurance fraud, it costs everyone. 

    It is amazing how good the counterfeit products are. Are these counterfeit product rejected iPhones during manufacture and simple recycled or some very good quality fake manufacturers. Image what positive work they could be doing if they weren't trying to product counterfeits. 
  • Apple Vision Pro early review: a peek into the future of computing

    The real future of these are being able to collaborate with another person wearing one. In other words, you can all be at a football match, in the best seats in the house, next to you are your friends that you can see as though you are there. I can imagine this would be almost as good as being at the game but in the comfort of your home without the queues getting to the game. I imagine you could probably sell tickets to these games. 

    For many people this is probably the only way they could get to games. This is exciting. (potentially)
  • Phil Schiller warns third-party app stores are a risk to iPhone users

    Anyone that uses a 3rd party App Store is an idiot in my opinion. Why bother, why risk it. No protection to know what is being installed on your phone.

  • Jony Ive wanted to combine MacBook Pro and MacBook Air lines

    It needed two models, so you can capture the lower end market that would have moved to PCs laptops. Made sense to have two.

    However, what gives me the s**ts with Apple is how they restrict MacBooks to only one external monitors when the M chips can definitely handle 2. Restricting it to try and force you to upgrade. Come on, this just gouging. 