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  • Microsoft tests multi-window iPadOS support for Word and PowerPoint

    Can't wait to see this feature rolled out to the general public. Office 365 has to be one of the most cost effective and high value subscriptions going. You get the full office suit along with OneDrive for a real low monthly fee - Australian dollar term its just $17.20 per month - such great value. Compare that to Adobe subscription which is a rip off at $24.50 per month. You just can't compare the two in terms of value. Adobe should be ashamed. Little wonder people decide to get around their licensing by purchasing other products.

    By implementing OneDrive we got rid of DropBox which saved us the cost of our Office subscription. Whilst, DropBox is far superior than OneDrive, OneDrive is improving all the time and it does what we need it to.

    For once, Microsoft have got something bang on right, a good product suit at a fair and reasonable price. Its a no brainer for me. Adobe have got it all wrong. It should be a $9.95 product and 3 PC install allowance. 
  • Apple to pay $18M to settle dispute over FaceTime fiasco

    As with nearly all legal cases its the lawyers that win. A gravy train for them, so they are happy to chase any case. Whether the costs to Apple is an incentive not to follow the same path in future is questionable but in part, the whole legal process of suing for any minor complaint is getting out of control. Everyone pays in the end, the only winners are the lawyers.

    We have become a society of claimants chasing easy money at the cost to everyone. What is lost in the noise of all this are the legitimate cases where claims should be made with legitimate reason to sue. Reversing this trend or undoing this litigious society will be very hard.

  • Apple Pay activated by last major Australian holdout

    FINALLY!!! Its only taken, what 4 years or so but it is a very much welcomed addition. 
  • 'iPhone 12 Pro Max' design detailed in new video

    Notch, what notch, never notice it.
  • Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro now available to order

    Eye waveringly expensive... not an impulse purchase by any means. Old keyboard disappointingly underwhelmed and eventually stopped working for no obvious reason. Keen to see the office AppleInsider reviews. The implementation of the software to use the track pad did impress me I have to say. 