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  • 'Overworked and unhappy' Apple Southampton store staff want to unionize

    The luxury employees have these days is choice. Choice to work where you want work and for who, or you have the choice to find another job. There is no law stopping you from leaving. You may love your work and the job but feel under valued or underpaid or both, and that is a true shame but you may find that balance elsewhere.

    What I have learned as an employer, is that pay rises are quickly spent and the satisfaction is short lived. The dissatisfaction quickly returns and those passing around the toxicity soon start to bring it back again. A job is more than just pay but pay of course is important but it is not the overriding factor. 

    Unionising will solve nothing. Business have had to compromise in the past 24 months to levels never seen before. I often seem to forget who is working for who, the employee or the employer. 
  • Apple insists Australian payment rule changes shouldn't apply to Wallet

    "the CBA doesn't want "free riders and loopholes" - CBA (Commonwealth Bank, also known and Con Bank - because, yes it conned its investment customers out of millions) - has the gaul to make this claim.

    This is nothing but the big banks trying to get more control and make more money back because Apple Pay is a success. I don't want any external Government changing rules to suit the big banks. Like I don't want the App Store being forced to change anything. I am quite happy for Apple to look after my security, I actually think they care more than any Government or big bank. They may care more because its good for them and their shareholders but if I had to pick a choice, go with the Australian Banks that have not done thing for their customers or Apple, well, its Apple all the way.
  • Google unveils $1799 Pixel Fold, the latest Android folding smartphone

    The crease will need to be flat (invisible) for me to buy one. However, I will never buy a Google device. Google Snoop, spy and achieve, yeah don't think so.
  • Skydiver's iPhone survives 14,000-foot fall from a plane

    It's a funny story because no one was hurt in the outcome but it was pretty incompetent of the skydiver. Had his phone hurt some seriously, it would have been a different story.
  • Tim Cook: Mass layoffs a 'last resort' and off the table for the moment

    "Apple earned $94.8 billion in revenue in its second quarter of 2023, with earnings buttressed by iPhone sales beating the expectations of analysts and investors.

    No need to lay off anyone with that amount of revenue.