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  • Improved iPhone, AirPods availability suggests Chinese production nearing normality

    ben20 said:
    Sign in to Facebook and check the comments on South China Morning Post. Great lesson why we should never ever manufacture in China again!
    Stay safe and healthy!
    If it's posted on FaceBook, then it MUST be true.
  • Coronavirus forces massive AAPL hit, Microsoft earnings warning

    This isn’t looking good.  China has done a good job containing the virus (despite criticism) but it’s spread globally seems inevitable.  

    I’m particularly concerned about reports of patients having been cleared (after being infected) then having the virus being detected again later (and sick).  What’s happening?  Is the virus living on surfaces longer than expected and the persons coming in contact with it again?  That doesn’t seem likely.  Does the virus have the ability to go dormant in the body then have a resurgence?  This would mean 2 weeks of isolation isn’t good enough.  Also, all those temperature reading to determine if someone is infected doesn’t mean squat.
    The flu has killed 14,000 people in the US this year, and sickened over 25 million.  That's only in the US.  Worldwide, the flu has killed nearly 1 million people this year. 

    In comparison, this has killed 2,462 people on the entire planets, no one in the US.    There is no indication that healthy people with a normal immune system are at risk of death. 

  • Apple among companies sued over 'brutal' child labor

    spice-boy said:
    wood1208 said:
    If this guy Terrence Collingsworth is so cared of younger people working and making living to feed themselves and family than he should give his own money to them. If he is lawyer than must not be making enough living.
    You realize that child labor is banned in all western nations? I hope you consider sending your children to work in such conditions because you believes that its fine for others. 
    Child labor is not "banned" in any western nation. In the US, children between 14 and 16 can work limited hours in certain occupations, and children over the age of 16 can work unlimited hours in certain occupations. A significant number of part time workers in fast food and retail are under the age of 18. 

    The US is one of the most restrictive, In Canada, children as young as 12 can work with similar restrictions on the nature of work and number of hours. 

    In the European Union, children over the age of 14 can work. 

  • Anti-robocall legislation passes through US House, on track to become law

    This bill will not accomplish anything because it does not prohibit robocalls, only the spoofing of phone numbers in making such calls (and even then it allows for numerous exceptions). Moreover, it does not address a giant loophole in current law where the definition of a robocall is so narrow that 99% of such calls are not really robocalls. 

    Under the TCPA, an autodialer is a system that can "store or produce telephone numbers to be called, using a random or sequential number generator; and ... dial such numbers.” 47 U.S.C. § 227(b)(1)(A)(iii)

    Under current law, if the person operating the autodialer/robocall system manually inputs the numbers into the system, it is not a robocall. If the numbers come from a marketing list, it is not a robocall. Only a system that randomly generates numbers falls under the definition.

    What congress needs to do is put teeth into laws that have been around for 20 years by increasing penalties, giving consumers a private right of action, and banning all automated calling systems. But that will never happen, so the calls will continue unabated.  
  • Qualcomm working to deliver 5G iPhone 'as fast as we can'

    rob53 said:
    So Verizon and AT&T are locked into a proprietary modem for the supposed 5G standard. Is 5G a standard or is it proprietary? 
    Article doesn’t state that Verizon and AT&T are locked into a proprietary modem. It states that they need antennas for their specific frequency bands. 