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  • US Senate greenlights anti-robocalling bill to combat 'daily deluge'

    This bill is a piece of crap, and will work about as the do-not-call list in curbing robocalls.  All 98 votes should have been against, but 97 voted aye because the bill gives the appearance to voters that congress is doing something about the problem. 

    The FCC already has the ability to penalize robocallers, and all this does is increase the penalties.  The FCC has been completely ineffective, and raising civil penalties will do nothing because robocallers are often foreign entities, can't be located, or couldn't care less about civil penalties.  

    In addition, the bill:
    • does not require carriers to implement STIR/SHAKEN for 18 months, giving robocallers plenty of time to find a workaround 
    • gives carriers a means to obtain exemptions and extension to STIR/SHAKEN implementation
    • does not provide for private right of action against robocallers, which means FCC is the only means of enforcement 
    • does not impose any criminal penalties for spoofing a phone number, nor criminalize robocalls
    • does not require carriers to give consumers the means to block anonymous calls
    • does not fix any of the existing problems with the Do Not Call List
    What Congress should have done is give consumers the right to sue scumbags who send unsolicited texts and make unsolicited calls, require carriers to immediately give consumers the ability to block anonymous or fake numbers, and criminalize violations of the Do Not Call list.  But that will never happen.
  • Facebook staring down possibility of 20 years of FTC oversight to end privacy probe

    $5 billion in fines and 20 years of oversight is a slap on the wrist to a company this size.  Nothing will change. 
  • New aerial Apple Park video shows mystery rainbow stage

    apple ][ said:
    Picture blown up. Same exact colors as LGBT flag.
    Time to get your eyes checked. Those are not the colors of the rainbow flag. They are the colors of the Apple logo until 1998.
  • Editorial: Will Apple's 1990's 'Golden Age' collapse repeat itself?

    Kuyangkoh said:
    Amen Brother Daniel.  Spot on as usual :p
    Hahahahaha in the 80s, Apple has no $billion in cash hordes, now making mistakes won’t have a dent on their pocket. New Buildings are aimed at directing moving back to america w their billions tax breaks. 
    Apple did in fact have cash on hand of at least $1b in the late 80s and it’s been over $1b each year since except 1993 and 1995.  
  • Editorial: Will Apple's 1990's 'Golden Age' collapse repeat itself?

    cornchip said:
    In school (specifically the creative arts & design), the teachers (the good ones anyway) usually push the best students to do even better. The mediocre students generally don’t get driven as hard or minor details called out as being in need of correction.

    it simply comes with being the best. If you regularly dish out so-so work it’s hard to know where to start critiquing, and student gets a b or b-. For the student that regularly cranks out amazing work, it becomes easier to call out specific flaws, and will get an a or even a b+, even though the work compared to the b student is obviously far superior. It’s tough being the best.
    Did you post this here by mistake?  