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  • Reddit client Apollo is shutting down on July 1st -- please decline your refund

    chasm said:
    He's made a lot of money, I mean a lot of money over the years and knew the risk building a business off another business and that risk finally materialized like it always does. 
    A. Probably a lot less than you imagine. Developing apps COSTS money, you know, in terms of both support and upkeep, and Selig updated his a lot.

    B. Nearly all businesses are built off of another business. Do you think McDonald’s  raises its own cattle and grows its own potatoes?
    McDonald's pays for beef and potatoes. Selig paid Reddit nothing. 
  • Reddit client Apollo is shutting down on July 1st -- please decline your refund

    Why should anyone decline a refund for a service they paid for is being shut down? This developer is a great person but Apollo isn't a charity although at times he gives IAPs to charity nothing indicates that declining a refund would go to a charitable cause. He's made a lot of money, I mean a lot of money over the years and knew the risk building a business off another business and that risk finally materialized like it always does. 
    Because the annual subscription was something like $25. Anyone who paid it doesn't miss that money, but owing Apple $250,000 in prorated refunds will certainly hurt. He's done ok, but don't overestimate what a developer makes just because they run a popular app. These people aren't millionaires.

    It's your choice to not get refunded of course. But we all agree that declining the refund is the respectable thing to do.
    He's done "ok" ????    He collected millions of dollars a year.  
  • Reddit's largest Apple community will stay dark, as CEO promises to ride out shutdowns

    The API charge noted in this article is incorrect. Reddit charges $0.24 per 1,000 API calls, not "$0.02 per user."

  • Burglars cut through wall, steal $500,000 in gear from Apple Store

    eightzero said:
    Ha. If only there were some available technology to alert property owners of suspicious activity within their premises, like some sort of machine that would detect unauthorized motion, or that could take remote pictures. Alas, such things are probably beyond the capability of a small company like Apple. 
    Pretty clear you didn't read the article
    it wasn't until the following morning that Apple staff learned the full scale of the heist.
    Based on what they observed from surveillance footage, Lynnwood police believe it to have been a well-organized operation.
  • Apple AR headset debut at WWDC in doubt

    mobird said:
    Apple could reduce the MSRP on it's entire product line in a meaningful way with the funds that most likely has gone into this project... ;)
    Not sure how far the R&D money goes when applied to so many products sold, but you’re onto something. 

    Apple was expected to actually LOWER prices with the advent of Apple Silicon. Instead, they have skyrocketed with exception of the SSD-handicapped Mac mini. 
    No one expected or was promised “lower prices.” Total BS. 