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  • New York's updated Excelsior vaccine passport drops Apple Wallet support

    mike1 said:
    Glad mine was updated to the 1-year expiration and in my Wallet before this change. Maybe Wallet compatibility will be made available again before I need to update.

    Update. This article is partly wrong. I just checked the NYS site and Excelsior passes can still be downloaded directly to Wallet.
    What can not be added to Apple Wallet are Excelsior Plus passes. I was unaware of this pass until now, but apparently has more info regarding your vaccine, including where and which vaccine you received. It is not necessary for entry into places where you need to show proof of vaccination.
    The article is not wrong at all. It states that it is the Plus pass that cannot be added to wallet:
    The original Excelsior Pass, however, expired six months after a user's vaccination date. Because of that, New Yorkers will need to update to the Excelsior Pass Plus.

    As noticed by AppleInsider staffers, the new Excelsior Pass Plus is not compatible with Apple Wallet. Unlike the original Excelsior Pass which had explicit Apple Wallet support, users will need to head to the NYS Wallet app every time they want to prove vaccination status.

  • Unfinished AirPower unit shown off in new video

    elijahg said:
    Interesting that the charging animation was left in. Seems they finished the iOS software but never could get the charger to work properly. Which is pretty unfortunate since there are now AirPower style charging pucks available with 3 spaces. I wonder if there were limitations due to the nonstandard AW charging which they couldn't work around. Leaving things like this in the OS though is where exploits stem from - rarely used software that's not fully tested. It should be removed. 
    A charging puck "with 3 spaces" is not remotely close to AirPower, and there is nothing on the market currently that is functionally equivalent.  AirPower was designed with 20 coils so that it would not be necessary to align a device exactly with a coil for charging. Obviously 20 coils creates heat problems that aren't an issue with just 3 coils. 
  • Apple Silicon transition may hit its two-year target with 2022 Mac Pro

    mbmoore said:
    Which states banned gaming computers? The same ones that mandated 100% electric cars by 2035? What morons. Power consumption only matters with laptops, tablets, and cell phones. Desktop power consumption is almost irrelevant in comparison as long as there is sufficient cooling.
    No state has "banned gaming computers."  That is utter bullshit.  California and some other states enacted regulations limiting idle power draw. Does not ban any computer, nor does it even limit power consumption when the machine is actually being used. 
  • Apple Pay now offered for eBay purchases made on desktop

    There's an Apple Pay logo on every listing, but Apple Pay is not an option during checkout. 
  • Apple removes fake review identifier from App Store following Amazon complaint [u]

    whittonm said:
    So its OK for Facebook and Twitter to propagate vaccine lies that hurt people but Amazon can get Fakespot removed because it says that it does not perfectly identify fake reviews?  Oh, I get it, "show me the money"
    Next time read the article before commenting. 