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  • What to expect at WWDC 2020 - and what not to

    Put a virtual audience in there, like has been done with some sports matches!

    They could be clapping, shouting, applauding and Tim Cook could tell them to shut off their virtual Phones, because of WIFI disruptions. Hopefully the virtual crowd wont be full of weirdos with green hair.

    Apple has a chance to make this event exciting and interesting, even though it'll be the first Apple WWDC without an audience. And since it doesn't have to be live, the whole thing can be planned out and edited beforehand, to keep it interesting and to keep the flow going, just like a feature film would be. 
  • Apple Watch Fall Detection helps save 92-year-old farmer after fall

    mike1 said:
    Yeah, but unfortunately many of the elderly people at the most risk are not comfortable with tech or can't even to put it on or manage the routine charging responsibilities.
    Yes, that is true. Some older people in my own family are totally clueless about tech. 

    I guess that it's up to those who are more tech savvy to set up the devices for the older people in their family and show them how to use it with the least amount of hassle/effort.
  • Please don't wish for a 'free' App Store

    ranson said:

    I don't think anyone on this thread is suggesting how Apple run THEIR app store. The suggestion is that it should not be the ONLY app store (or only way to legitimately load an app).
    I do think that Apple should be the ONLY store.

    I like that Apple is the gatekeeper for apps. I trust that my iOS devices are more secure than other platforms and I'd like to keep it that way.

    Allowing other app stores would be a disaster, a massive breach of security and malware, viruses and illegal apps would greatly increase. It would make the entire platform less secure and worse for all users.

    If somebody wants the wild, wild west of app stores, and the garbage that comes with that, then go use Android.
  • Apple Watch Fall Detection helps save 92-year-old farmer after fall

    All old people should have an Apple watch. All people in general should have one if you ask me, but especially old people who are more susceptible to falling and not being able to get up.

    The cost of an Apple watch is peanuts compared to what it provides. Just one visit to the doctor can easily cost more than an Apple watch.

    I look forward to seeing what new medical and health features Apple will be putting in future versions. It'll only become more of an essential item.
  • Please don't wish for a 'free' App Store

    These ignorant a-holes who want the app store completely open would ruin the entire app store if their ideas were to be implemented.

    Look at the mess that is Android.

    Nobody has any business telling Apple how to run their app store. If anybody doesn't like it, then go use something else. Nobody ever forced anybody to be in the Apple eco system. Don't come to Apple with your braindead ideas and demand them to change.