apple ][


apple ][
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  • Apple moves to 'de-risk' China production, keep iPhone SE price low

     Lastly you Called it “our technology”, Apple’s I.P. Is Apple’s not American and not yours. It seems China is the o lot entity laying claim to other’s work. 
    I would disagree. Apple is American and their IP is also American. Apple is not free to do as it wishes with their IP. They are bound by American laws and they are also protected by America. 

    I remember some years ago when one of Apple's computers was classified as a supercomputer and they were not allowed to sell it to certain countries.
  • France proceeding with digital tax, regardless of international reform efforts

    avon b7 said:
    They have already factored that risk in. 

    That's good then, because nobody should be surprised or mad when we do strike back.
  • France proceeding with digital tax, regardless of international reform efforts

    Time to hit them back in that case and return the favor.
  • Apple details retail changes in global store reopening plans

    apple ][ said:
    I hope that the Apple stores by me open up soon. They've been closed for far too long already.

    I actually need to go to an Apple store soon, because I need to pick up a few things, and I want to see a few different models in person, before I make my decision.

    I have personally declared that masks are no longer essential for myself, because when I went outside today to pick up a food order, I decided to not wear a mask

    I am so utterly appalled at your intensely self-centered "reasoning" that I struggle to find useful words. I'll leave it at this: there is a good chance you are going to get someone killed. Please don't do that.

    If anybody is overly concerned about getting killed, then I would suggest that they don't leave their homes. Nobody is forcing anybody to go outside. People are free to quarantine for as long as they'd like. What they do not have the right to, is to force their beliefs upon others and expect others to follow.
  • Apple details retail changes in global store reopening plans

    I hope that the Apple stores by me open up soon. They've been closed for far too long already.

    I actually need to go to an Apple store soon, because I need to pick up a few things, and I want to see a few different models in person, before I make my decision.

    I have personally declared that masks are no longer essential for myself, because when I went outside today to pick up a food order, I decided to not wear a mask, for the first time in a while. I've also noticed that many people who were outside were not wearing masks either. It felt good to breathe in regular, fresh air again.

    Stores still require a mask, so I'll just carry one in my pocket and put it on quickly, if I need to enter any stores. I'll take it off as soon as I leave the store. It'll basically function as a prop.

    The weather is getting to be too nice and too warm. and soon, more and more people will not be bothering.