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  • 5G 'iPhone 12 Pro' could have 120Hz ProMotion display

    apple ][ said:
      (Actually, my grandson would have it for the first two of those years then hand it down)

    I don't have a grandson, but if I did, I wouldn't be buying any $1000+ phone and giving it to them and then getting it back for me to use after 2 years.

    I'd get them an SE, and then I would rather buy myself a brand new iPhone 14 in 2 years from now.
    After a decade as an accountant & financial analyst then a couple decades as a programmer & systems analyst I tend to base decisions objectively based on need, functionality and cost-benefit.

    In this case, he uses his phone for much more than I do -- particularly video type stuff.  And, he has (so far) taken excellent care of his Apple equipment.  And, now that Apple offers Theft & loss coverage as an option with AppleCare+ most of my concerns are covered.

    So, the biggest hurdle is his mom who gets all huffy if he has a better phone that she does -- but she has enough money to afford anything she wants so I don't let that slow me up (too much).

    So, that brings me back to my original decision points on whether to get him a 12 or 12-Pro:
    "For me, it boils down to just 2 questions:
    1)   Will this be a phone I could live with for the next 4-5 years?   (Actually, my grandson would have it for the first two of those years then hand it down)
    2)   Will the additional features be enough to get me to pay the premium for the 12-Pro over the 12?   The last rumors I've heard are that both will have OLED screens and 5G.   So for the primary features (quality screen and communications) there won't be enough difference to support the existing $400 premium -- 2/3's over the cost of the base model."

    You're obviously thinking this through, so you know what you're doing and you'll make the right choice based on your thought process.
  • 5G 'iPhone 12 Pro' could have 120Hz ProMotion display

      (Actually, my grandson would have it for the first two of those years then hand it down)

    I don't have a grandson, but if I did, I wouldn't be buying any $1000+ phone and giving it to them and then getting it back for me to use after 2 years.

    I'd get them an SE, and then I would rather buy myself a brand new iPhone 14 in 2 years from now.
  • Apple Retail stores will look very different in the US when they reopen

    In other countries like China and S. Korea they did the right things, brought the virus under control quickly and are getting their economy and their lives back to normal.   Here we have no signs of relief -- just more economic destruction and more dying everyday.

    Yeah, China lol. They've certainly been doing the right things. They've been lying and covering up since the very beginning. They're also complicit in helping to spread the virus, because of their misinformation and cover ups. They've also been hoarding medical supplies while they were pretending that the virus was not a big deal. They've also massively been lying about their death counts.

    Keep praising China, lol.
  • Apple Retail stores will look very different in the US when they reopen

    No, he's wrong on that too.   Seniors are far from the only ones affected by this -- ask anybody in a prison or working in a meat packing plant.
    People in prison don't count, and stupid politicians should certainly not be releasing any of them due to the virus, as certain idiots have been doing.

  • Apple's over-ear headphones may be called 'AirPods Studio' & retail for $349

    I'll be checking these out when they get released. If I like them, I'll get them.

    I have a personal bias against the beats name, so I'm happy that Apple is putting their own name on these. And yes, that bias probably stems from rap music.

    I will be expecting amazing sound quality from them. Anything less than that will be a disappointment. There are no physical limitations for the sound, unlike smaller in ears.

    I'm  very happy with my Air Pods Pro, but they aren't the best headphones I have in terms of sound quality of course. The sound quality does not compare to larger over ear, headphones, which is no surprise.

    In the $350 price range, headphones should sound pretty decent. And since these will be larger, over ear headphones, I am expecting the battery life to be stellar on them.