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  • AirPods and AirPods Pro success better than Apple 'could ever imagine'

    I've never even tried the regular Air Pods before, but I'm liking my AirPods Pro in the few months since I've been using them.

    Sometimes I don't even listen to music on them. I can be walking outside, and I'll just have them in my ears with zero music and with the noise cancellation on. It works really well for filtering out all sorts of sounds from outside world. It's like my own personal mute button, and I can instantly turn the volume down on anything, whenever I feel like it. It's also real quick to turn that feature on and off when necessary. Of course, somebody should always be aware of their surroundings, especially when using them outside.

    I haven't tried them on a plane yet, as there hasn't been that much travel happening recently, for obvious reasons, but I imagine that they'll work very nicely there too for filtering out the plane noise.

    They also work really well for filtering out any annoying people. I was standing in a line recently, and I really wasn't interested in listening to the low IQ conversation that a few people standing next to me were having, plus one of the people had a really annoying sounding voice, so I merely squeeze my AirPod stem and presto! That person is muted, as if they don't even exist! It's like blocking somebody on a forum, except you can do it in real life.
    JapheyBart Yjdb8167watto_cobra
  • Apple Retail stores will look very different in the US when they reopen

    svanstrom said:

    Seriously, the education needed is as simple as giving them an example like :

    Employee: I'm sorry, but you have a bit of a temperature; so I can't let you in.
    Customer: Oh, that's normal for me.
    Employee: Great, so you've had this checked with a doctor? What's your normal temperature?
    Customer: It's X degrees.
    Employee: *compares with the devices; and makes a decision*
    Speaking of naivity and ignorance. 

    That's not a good solution. People are liars. You can not trust what anybody claims or says without sufficient, acceptable proof.

    Using your method, many people who lie and actually have the virus would be let in, just because they claim that it's "normal" for them.

    I wouldn't let any of them in. They would have to immediately vacate the premises or be shot, if they decide to get violent, which we have seen multiple cases of.

  • Apple Retail stores will look very different in the US when they reopen

    You will think very differently about these rules when someone(s) around had died due to Covid. I am in Asia and I heard more in US had died because of Covid19 than Sep 11
    That's just media fear mongering and a pretty useless comparison in my opinion.

    More than sept 11?  Another comparison that I've seen the garbage media make is D-Day, lol.

    In 2017 in the USA:

    Heart Disease  647,457  - - - OMG that's 215 Sept 11s every single year, and just from heart disease!  :#

    Cancer  599,108 - - - OMG that's 199 Sept 11s every single year! :#

    Accidents 169,936 - - - OMG, that's 56 Sept 11s every single year! People should be more careful so that they don't get into accidents. Maybe we should shut down society completely and save at least 170,000 lives this year :#

    The plain old regular Flu and pneumonia  55,672 - - - OMG, that's like 18 Sept 11s every single year!   If everybody were confined to their homes 24-7-365 and never went outside, nobody would catch the Flu anymore and we wouldn't have tens of thousands dying from the Flu each year.  :#

    I don't see anybody getting all hysterical about those deaths. 

    It's important to keep things in perspective. So far, all of the death totals for the virus are far, far lower than many of the insane, delusional and clueless predictions that have come from a variety of sources.

    I'd say we're doing pretty good. 

  • Apple's iPhone 11 captures 68% of India's 'ultra-premium' smartphone market

    Makes sense.

    Apple is the best, so people with lots of money will naturally choose Apple.

    I still think that Android is mostly for poor people and third world people. There are a few exceptions of course, but I believe that the average Android user using the average Android phone is not using the top models or the very expensive models, they're very budget conscious and/or broke.
  • Apple Retail stores will look very different in the US when they reopen

    wizard69 said:
    Very interesting but I have two issues. 

    First what happens to customers that normally run temperatures above “normal”.   Frankly I really doubt there will be a lot of public tolerance to having their temperature taken.  

    Second does social distancing really accomplished anything if people are wearing masks?   I’ve been wondering about this a lot lately.  I don’t mean actual touching here but rather the stupidity of the 6 foot rule.  
    Temperatures above normal qualifies as sick in my opinion.

    I don't have any issues with these measures. I'm all for the stores opening up as quickly as possible. If that means increased measures, then so be it. I've been calling for society to open up as soon as possible for a while now.

    It's not like they're sticking a thermometer up anybody's ass. They're probably using a laser gun thermometer directed at the forehead to quickly check the temps of people entering the store. Measures like this have been commonplace many places worldwide. I've seen many images of people getting their temp taken before they are allowed to enter somewhere.

    If somebody doesn't like it or objects, then they should be considered infected and not allowed to enter under any circumstances.

    Apple should also have armed security ready to shoot any violators who get violent or threatening, as we've seen in some other businesses.
    GeorgeBMacSpamSandwichBart Y