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  • Apple updates COVID-19 screening app with updated symptoms, mask tips

    When I am outside walking around, I see quite a few people who are wearing masks, but the masks are not covering their noses! The mask is below their nostrils!

    I can only imagine that these are the same kind of people that use their phones in portrait mode when shooting video. You can't fix stupid I guess.
  • Apple must expand its COVID tracing technology into large scale testing

    This is real life and the president is an absolute jackass surrounded by incompetent lickspittal dipshits 
    Haha, things are going just fine. The fed has handled the situation just fine and the Pres will get elected again. Unfortunately for those who suffer from TDS.

    Most of the fumbling and incompetence has been by deranged Dem run state and city leadership and other partisan Dems in Washington. When the Pres shut down travel from China, you had that insane, evil old woman Pelosi actually go out and promote tourism into Chinatown. When the Pres shutdown travel from Europe, he was blasted for that too.

    In New York, they were sending seniors from nursing homes who had tested positive straight back into the nursing homes! LOL. That's practically a death sentence for many of the residents. The incompetent leadership in NY was begging for ventilators and and hospital beds and they got that huge Navy hospital ship which has now left, because it basically sat there empty and unused the entire time it was there.

    The Dem fascists are also releasing all sorts of sexual predators from Prison and using police resources on mothers and children instead. 

    I know who the incompetent dipshits are, and it's not the President.

  • Apple to offer Apple Card payment plans for products other than iPhone

    Wow, that's great!

    I see some additional devices in my future. Interest free, 24 months? That sounds real nice, and I'm definitely going to take advantage of that offer. It makes zero economic sense not to.

    Expanding it from just the iPhone is awesome news!
  • Apple reports $58.3B revenue in Q2, shows growth despite COVID-19

    lkrupp said:
    They are Doomed (LOL)
    Jesus Christ said the poor will always be with us. As for Apple the doomsayers will always be with us. We should pity them and offer them succor. 
    I don't do pity that well, I'm not Jesus after all, so I don't have to live up to any ideals.

    I despise the doomsayers and I will continue to mock them and point out their utter cluelessness. They've been wrong for decades and they will continue to be wrong until their last breath. I don't think highly of dishonest people.

    I do agree that they will always be with us though.
  • Apple reports $58.3B revenue in Q2, shows growth despite COVID-19

    Post-COVID-19 they’ll skyrocket.
    Indeed, Apple was at all time highs before the virus crap came. They'll be back to new all time highs soon enough.