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  • Apple Watch 'Series 6' display may be identical to Series 5

    lkrupp said:
    apple ][ said:
    Many Apple stores have been looted and cleared out completely 100%.

    It's strange that there has been no stories about that yet.

    There is usually a weekly Apple crime story, and surely this qualifies as big news.
    Well, AI's main page has an article but comments are disabled. Can't have opposing opinions about whether the violence is understandable. One question has never been answered when Apple stores are robbed is whether the products looted (specifically iOS products) can be used by the thieves. I have never seen a for-sure answer. If not then the thieves/looters can only fence the products to chop shops  for parts, right?
    Yes, I saw that article. It was added shortly after my comment.

    I do believe that Apple stores have various added security protections for their in store items. I found this article from a while back.

    A source tells us that the current special OS images on demo devices include a software ‘kill switch’ which disables them when they go out of range of the store Wi-Fi. This means that Apple no longer has to use Find My iPhone to disable them manually.
  • Apple Watch 'Series 6' display may be identical to Series 5

    Many Apple stores have been looted and cleared out completely 100%.

    It's strange that there has been no stories about that yet.

    There is usually a weekly Apple crime story, and surely this qualifies as big news.
  • Apple fails appeal of 10M euro iPhone battery slowdown fine in Italy

    lkrupp said:

    I would strongly disagree. Then we would have a myriad of iOS versions for developers to contend with, the same fragmentation the other platform experiences. Apps designed to run on current iOS versions might simply not work on older versions or that the developers would have to spend precious time and money keeping thier apps compatible with every damn point release of iOS ad infinitum.   We already have ranting and raving about things working or not working on which or what version of whatever. I fully support Apple's motives to push users on the latest versions and I truly believe this is an issue only for the fake techies rag on. 
    I agree. I'm not a programmer or a developer or Apple, but it seems like plain common sense that there will be a lot less issues, bugs, problems and hassle to deal with if users are mostly on the newest OS. There is a lot more work and a waste of time and resources for Apple to support older OS versions and various problems that may be encountered by users who are still using those versions.

    I always keep all of my iOS devices up to date, running the newest updates soon after they are released and I've never encountered any big issues. Nothing is perfect and there will always be a few users who encounter some niche issue, but that doesn't affect the vast majority of users. 

    Apple obviously intends for iOS to be as simple to use as possible, because the average user is simple, they aren't techies.

  • Apple's stranglehold on wearables market continued in Q1

    No surprise to me. I'm one of the customers who helped drive up the numbers as I bought a wearable in Q1.
  • JP Morgan hikes AAPL price target to $365 on India iPhone SE, 'iPhone 12' launch

    I remember some doom & gloom comments here not that long ago, when the entire market, including AAPL was down quite a bit because of you know what.

    I am shocked to see that they were completely wrong. :#

    I don't even bother to check AAPL every day anymore, like I used to before.

    My plan for my shares is quite simple, I do nothing. The virus can piss off and so can any doom & gloom spreaders of fake news.

    I don't worry about anything. I can go into hibernation for the next few years, and I don't worry about AAPL at all.

    aderutterspock1234red oak