iPod Update One Week From Today

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
The 28th is the one year Anniversary for the iTMS, I think it will be cause for an updated iPod line. Especially with news topics like this, posted by our very own A.I. staff. Care to place a guess?

T-minus 1 day and some hours...


  • Reply 1 of 77
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    I think the iPod would have new buttons, and obviously some firmware/software updates and enhanced abilities. Perhaps a color screen. If (and I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel here) there is a video out port, it will be for pictures/mirror of the iPod menu only but no movie support. S. Jobs made that very clear.
  • Reply 2 of 77
    Oh please dear God I HOPE so.

    I've been waiting for a new 4th gen iPod since my ex stole my old 3rd Gen ipod \

  • Reply 3 of 77
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by TrunksGoku

    Oh please dear God I HOPE so.

    I've been waiting for a new 4th gen iPod since my ex stole my old 3rd Gen ipod \

    Why didn't you hunt her down and kill.... no I mean..... Why didn't you pay her a friendly visit and eeehhr.... kindly ask her to give it back.....or something...
  • Reply 4 of 77
    andiandi Posts: 4member
    I really hope to see a 4th-gen iPod the 28th but then again the Monster iCable offer lasts until june 6th if i'm not misstaken. I'd like to see the same touch weel as the mini has, but i guess that's bound to happen.

    Hopefully april 28 is the day tho, i'm gonna buy one as soon as possible.
  • Reply 5 of 77
    All about iTMS reaching the rest of the world - its beginning to cheese me off that you can't get it in Europe or elsewhere.

    The whole thing must be annoying apple loads - I keep winning coke music, but I can't access their music website, purely because I have a mac. What a joke.

    Surely the iPod would stay similar - perhaps slightly lighter, but just with larger HDD, better screen, slightly extended battery life if poss and the keys on the scroll wheel like the Mini? Too much?

    I could see apple releasing a topend PowerPod type with colour screen, which automatically connects to iPhoto and downloads your pics so you can show them on the move. Then the Belkin accessory would allow you upload them directly and view them - pretty cool. Afterall, Apple did say they were working together with Belkin for some cool accessories. It would have to be a simple system though.

    Also they could put bluetooth into the iPod? That would be hype. Wireless and then simple software would allow you to use the iPod to control iTunes/ your mac from afar and wireless headphones that cut out when your mobile phone rings....... food for thought
  • Reply 6 of 77
    quagmirequagmire Posts: 558member
    I have been waiting for 4thy since I saw mini. I hope the battery will last longer. Maybe 10 hrs. The color screen is a nice concept but it will suck away battery life. I wonder how Hp will react to the 4th gen ipod. I wonder if HP is going to do the same thing that microsoft did with apples deal with the windows-mac fight back in the 1980's.
  • Reply 7 of 77
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by quagmire

    I have been waiting for 4thy since I saw mini. I hope the battery will last longer. Maybe 10 hrs. The color screen is a nice concept but it will suck away battery life. I wonder how Hp will react to the 4th gen ipod. I wonder if HP is going to do the same thing that microsoft did with apples deal with the windows-mac fight back in the 1980's.

    WTF are you talking about, Apple and HP are probably working very closely on their deal. I am pretty positive, though it is a guess, that HP knows what they will be "competing with" when they have their version of the iPod.

    Apple and HP wont be fighting each other, its a harmonious situation and a win-win for both firms.
  • Reply 8 of 77

    Originally posted by Messiahtosh

    WTF are you talking about, Apple and HP are probably working very closely on their deal. I am pretty positive, though it is a guess, that HP knows what they will be "competing with" when they have their version of the iPod.

    Apple and HP wont be fighting each other, its a harmonious situation and a win-win for both firms.

    Yup definately a win-win for both companies. Hp gets a mp3 player with huge recognition around the world without having to put a cent into development and Apple gets to expand its user base with every new Hp computer sold. Sounds pretty good to me.

    As for the 4th gen iPod, a colour screen would be great but just dont make it at the expense of battery life. Battery life IMO is the most important thing that needs to be updated in the next gen iPod.

    Oh ya, and I am buying a 4th gen the moment it comes out even if it means driving 10 hrs to get one.
  • Reply 9 of 77
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    I hope that there is a big iTMS new music day on teh anniversary, yesterday's update was really disappointing, especially after 3 weeks of solid additions.
  • Reply 10 of 77
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    I kinda doubt there will be a new iPod for awhile yet, unless it's the same that HP will be selling and that's been the plan all along. HP wouldn't want to be forced to sell an inferior third generation product after Apple moves to fourth generation and HP wouldn't want to update too soon after they first start selling hPods. If HP is to begin selling (fourth generation) iPods soon after they are updated then maybe we will see a new model soon.

    Whatever the upgrade plan is, I hope Apple goes back to button controls around the scroll wheel like the first and second generation models and the Mini. I never have cared for the third generation controls.
  • Reply 11 of 77

    Originally posted by iDave

    I kinda doubt there will be a new iPod for awhile yet, unless it's the same that HP will be selling and that's been the plan all along. HP wouldn't want to be forced to sell an inferior third generation product after Apple moves to fourth generation and HP wouldn't want to update too soon after they first start selling hPods. If HP is to begin selling (fourth generation) iPods soon after they are updated then maybe we will see a new model soon.

    Whatever the upgrade plan is, I hope Apple goes back to button controls around the scroll wheel like the first and second generation models and the Mini. I never have cared for the third generation controls.

    The 3rd gen isn't inferior... i think it's good for apple to differentiate itself from HP with a new model.
  • Reply 12 of 77
    messiahtoshmessiahtosh Posts: 1,754member

    Originally posted by TrunksGoku

    The 3rd gen isn't inferior... i think it's good for apple to differentiate itself from HP with a new model.

  • Reply 13 of 77
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Kubdibore

    All about iTMS reaching the rest of the world - its beginning to cheese me off that you can't get it in Europe or elsewhere.

    Europe has been clamoring for this; if anything, I think Apple would open iTMS-Euro rather than a 4th gen iPod.
  • Reply 14 of 77
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member

    Originally posted by TrunksGoku

    The 3rd gen isn't inferior... i think it's good for apple to differentiate itself from HP with a new model.

    Um how do you know 3rd gen isn't inferior to 4th gen? You might think it's cool for Apple to differentiate, but HP wouldn't. HP is already being left off the Mini bandwagon. I seriously doubt that HP would have agreed to anything which says they have to sell old models while Apple goes about selling newer better.
  • Reply 15 of 77

    Originally posted by iDave

    Um how do you know 3rd gen isn't inferior to 4th gen? You might think it's cool for Apple to differentiate, but HP wouldn't. HP is already being left off the Mini bandwagon. I seriously doubt that HP would have agreed to anything which says they have to sell old models while Apple goes about selling newer better.

    HP has agreed to selling the3rd gen ipod

    it means nothing to apple if they release a new 4th gen ipod

    who cares...HP has the 3rd gen..let apple have the 4th gen

    thats how business is...pc software has always been shafting the mac platform...why cant apple do the god damn same?@!!!!!

    if you had 2 companies selling the same crap it doesnt make sense ...apple HAS to sell something different...it's not apple begging at HP's feet...it's the other way around...apple can do as it pleases
  • Reply 16 of 77

    Originally posted by iDave

    Um how do you know 3rd gen isn't inferior to 4th gen? You might think it's cool for Apple to differentiate, but HP wouldn't. HP is already being left off the Mini bandwagon. I seriously doubt that HP would have agreed to anything which says they have to sell old models while Apple goes about selling newer better.

    Actually, casting my mind back to the announcements, interviews etc., that's pretty much what HP has signed up for.

    You have to remember that HP will be moving iPod and their iTunes-enhanced Pavilions in markets where Apple barely has a presence, let alone a mature iPod/iTunes marketing message.

    These markets will be typified by lower levels of disposable income and - without meaning to patronise - lower levels of expectation. Selling 3G iPods where the development and engineering expenses have already been amortised in 'developed' markets will result in HP being able to sell 3G iPods at lower prices, which is good for the consumer, good for HP and good for Apple.
  • Reply 17 of 77
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    I stand corrected. New iPods next week then.
  • Reply 18 of 77
    jaredjared Posts: 639member
    Where did HP and Apple ever say that they will not be selling updated HP models of the iPod when Apple updates?
  • Reply 19 of 77
    mattjohndrowmattjohndrow Posts: 1,618member

    Originally posted by iDave

    I stand corrected. New iPods next week then.

    really? i'm so excited!!!!!!!!! i have a 3G but i could always go for a 4G
  • Reply 20 of 77
    I hope they add either a switch to turn shuffle on and off or a couple of customizable buttons where I could do the same thing. I spend a lot of time messing with shuffle settings.
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