Behind closed doors: Jobs on a Mac tablet and Apple cell phone



  • Reply 21 of 50
    This is all that we already know. Tablet PC does not make sense for Apple right now and the iPhone is on its way. Just wait another few days until January 9th to see what Steve Jobs' got for us.


    Wanna get to most out of your mac?

  • Reply 22 of 50
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by AjayBot View Post


    As well as the Playstation 3 is being used in medical organizations to find a cure for cancer. Therefore, showing that the liability isn't too grand.

    Using the PS3 as a general computing device to help in *researching* a cure for cancer is not comparable *in any way* to the thought of using a tablet based device for on the spot diagnosis of conditions on live human subjects. Was that a dead pixel or a cyst?

    Seriously, that was a 5 year old meeting and in the meantime tablets have gone next to nowhere (beyond any niche where they have always been found). If you're *really* excited, go check out the one being unveiled by Other World Computing.

    It's not *really* all about the hardware feasibility either. The thing needs applications to really shine and excel on a tablet in ways that a laptop just can't match. So far no one's come up with any killer app to really make tablets compelling (yet).
  • Reply 23 of 50
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Once you add in VOIP, e-mail, text messaging, multimedia, file sharing...

    Okay, and you're saying Apple will have all of that rolled in with Rev A product? Remember iTunes? Pages? iWeb? Mac mini? Hell, iPod? All one trick ponies--with slim feature sets--at launch.

    Now, unprecedentedly even, Apple will announce something that is the be all and end all of mobile communications from the starting point?

    Not happening folks.
  • Reply 24 of 50
    Originally Posted by dancm2000 View Post

    How topical....Bizzam!

    Um, topical refers to something, like an ointment, that is applied to and usually absorbed by the skin. What part of ?tablets? are leaching in to my skin? I think you were looking for poignant.
  • Reply 25 of 50
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by gordy View Post

    To date--and I will eat my shoe if wrong--I have seen nothing to support an Apple cell phone. Absolutely nothing. Apple no longer enters highly competitive markets just because they can. There's just no angle. I don't believe it.

    They did introduce that HiFi thing. I don't think that fits. It's supposedly a nice unit, but there were plenty of good products already there. They also introduced those rediculous iPod socks and cases.

    I think a phone is all but inevitable. The more various marketplaces demand converged devices, the less viable dedicated devices are. For example, smart phones have crippled the market for PDAs. Yes, PDAs were a smaller market, but why carry two or three devices when you can carry one? For example, iPod and iTunes hasn't been as much of a hit a country like Japan because people there were already using their phones for their downloaded music. I expect that attitude to spread, maybe slowly, but it's just a matter of time because seemingly nearly every phone is offing music playback. Even members of this forum say that they are often good enough to do what they want without spending $150 or more to get a separate unit to do the same job a little better.
  • Reply 26 of 50
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by MacSuperiority View Post

    Aw man. I'm going into he health care field and a mac tablet world be sweet for Doctor type stuff. Charts, quick access to labs, medical images would all be so nice on a tablet.

    What field are you going into? As the article points out, tablets ( the current ones) are not good for viewing images. I've tried viewing x-rays with them and was disappointed. For labs and other things they are fine.
  • Reply 27 of 50
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    What field are you going into? As the article points out, tablets ( the current ones) are not good for viewing images. I've tried viewing x-rays with them and was disappointed. For labs and other things they are fine.

    OOOO! Wait for it.... WAIT FOR IT..... Its the ZOOM BUTTON!!!

    Yeah, I know, does not apply.
  • Reply 28 of 50
    Originally Posted by TheMadHermit View Post

    OOOO! Wait for it.... WAIT FOR IT..... Its the ZOOM BUTTON!!!

    Yeah, I know, does not apply.

    Oh, I suppose I should also say "Resolution Independence". Not usefull right now, but in 3 or 4 years when we have 600 - 1200 dpi monitors, it aught to solve the problem.
  • Reply 29 of 50
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by sCreeD View Post

    Calling a CIO an idiot is not what I would label as "reprimanding customers". I'd call it "efficient management skills." You have to understand that the higher you go on the corporate ladder, the stupider the person... in general... for large organizations.

    I don't like Steve's style but I can certainly understand his distaste for clueless managers.

    As for Blackberry, "NIH ... wanted Apple to push RIM for better compatibility". Wha? Better compatibility? Maybe somebody should tell Research in Motion that OS X developer kits are really easy to get ahold of. Maybe NIH should have met with RIM instead to shit a few more Mac developer FTEs.

    Tablets are a neat concept but have a small, vertical markets and that's why I think Steve isn't all that interested... to a point. When the technology is ready to make a tablet that is light, lasts 8 hours on one charge, can be dropped-kicked without ill effect and cheap, then it'll be ready for grade school and college students. And that's a big, big market.

    I agree and add to the fact that during that time PIXAR was used to taking it in the bum for their deals with Disney.
  • Reply 30 of 50
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by mmmdoughnuts View Post

    Um, topical refers to something, like an ointment, that is applied to and usually absorbed by the skin. What part of ?tablets? are leaching in to my skin? I think you were looking for poignant.

    Might want to check your facts before correcting others:



    1.\tpertaining to or dealing with matters of current or local interest: a topical reference.

    2.\tpertaining to the subject of a discourse, composition, or the like.

    3.\tof a place; local.

    4.\tMedicine/Medical. of, pertaining to, or applied externally to a particular part of the body; local: a topical anesthetic.


    5.\tPhilately. any of a collection of different stamps treating the same subject.
  • Reply 31 of 50
    mr.scottmr.scott Posts: 124member
    Just keep the dang phone simple will ya??

    Last thing I need is a more complicated phone that just looks cool. Please let there be bluetooth too! Can not, will not and should not live without it!

  • Reply 32 of 50
    I actually signed the petition at about a year ago. If you visit you'll see that they seem to think that something is up.

  • Reply 33 of 50
    Funny, I'm wanting the exact opposite. I hope it's not just a simple phone, I hope it has all the bells and whistles of MS smartphones. I need to upgrade, and I'd get a Apple brand phone in a heartbeat if it isn't just a phone with slim iPod features.

    Originally Posted by Mr.Scott View Post

    Just keep the dang phone simple will ya??

    Last thing I need is a more complicated phone that just looks cool. Please let there be bluetooth too! Can not, will not and should not live without it!


  • Reply 34 of 50
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Mr.Scott View Post

    Just keep the dang phone simple will ya??

    Last thing I need is a more complicated phone that just looks cool. Please let there be bluetooth too! Can not, will not and should not live without it!


    I can't help but thinking that maybe the market as a whole has said they don't want just a phone. If there was actual widespread demand for a plain phone, then they would be more readily available because they would have sold well enough to stay on the market. It probably costs next to nothing to add features. With lower potential sales because of less demand, a phone with fewer features would probably end up costing more.
  • Reply 35 of 50
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Looks like there will be a tablet at Macworld after all:

    First Tablet Mac Solution to be Unveiled at Macworld by Axiotron and OWC
  • Reply 36 of 50
    legolego Posts: 2member
    I think Dave should not disclose private meeting information between Apple and their customer. (like NIH). It's good that you bring in topics that generate discussions among others here, that part I think is a good thing. However you were legally bind to non disclosure even after you left Apple. Now I understand why Apple no longer let SE stay in NDA meetings because there are people like YOU who do not respect boundaries of disclosing private information. Abusing freedom of speech is a very very bad thing.
  • Reply 37 of 50
    Originally Posted by sCreeD View Post

    ...Tablets are a neat concept but have a small, vertical markets and that's why I think Steve isn't all that interested... to a point...

    <sarcasm>Yes, there is a very small vertical market call computer graphics which Apple has no interest in at all. </sarcasm>

    Seriously, Everyone I know who is involved with in graphic arts wants a pressure sensitive tablet Mac.
  • Reply 38 of 50
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    <sarcasm>Yes, there is a very small vertical market call computer graphics which Apple has no interest in at all. </sarcasm>

    Seriously, Everyone I know who is involved with in graphic arts wants a pressure sensitive tablet Mac.

    Well, with the one OWC is releasing at Macworld, we'll get a chance to see who *really* wants one and who just thinks they're a *neat idea*.
  • Reply 39 of 50
    Originally Posted by lego View Post

    I think Dave should not disclose private meeting information between Apple and their customer. (like NIH). It's good that you bring in topics that generate discussions among others here, that part I think is a good thing. However you were legally bind to non disclosure even after you left Apple. Now I understand why Apple no longer let SE stay in NDA meetings because there are people like YOU who do not respect boundaries of disclosing private information. Abusing freedom of speech is a very very bad thing.

    The only abuse of free speech is to not speak. Period.

    NDAs are strictly contractual agreements that say, "If I disclose this information, then I will pay you a lot of money."

    They have nothing to do with freedom of speech whatsoever.

    Furthermore, most NDAs have expiration dates built in, if I'm not mistaken.

    Please do not EVER suggest that the First Amendment means any thing less than what it does, or that it should not be as it is. I have taken an oath, "to support and defend the Constitution of The United States of America against ALL enemies, foreign or domestic," and have seen good men die in their upholding of that same oath.

    Though I am loath to use the phrase, as it smacks of partyism and obscene abuses of power and the public trust: It is absolutely UNPATRIOTIC to suggest limiting our rights to speech... though I'll defend to my death your right to suggest it.

    Please don't dishonor my fallen comrades.


    Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
  • Reply 40 of 50
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Bancho View Post

    Well, with the one OWC is releasing at Macworld, we'll get a chance to see who *really* wants one and who just thinks they're a *neat idea*.

    Depends on the implementation. I have several tablets and many suck. Just because it runs OSX doesn't make it a decent tablet.

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