LED v LCD Screen



  • Reply 21 of 42
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    From what people at Macbidouille say, this unfortunetaly does not helps. The problem is exactly that, it seems it is not a calibration issue (for those who have the problem anyway) and even specialized third party solutions are unable to provide a fix. As long as calibration does nothing to correct the problem (in the cases where there is one), no one can tell for sure what is going on here before many units are out there.

    We may be talking about two separate issues without knowing about it. My brother has a new SR MBP and it had almost exactly the same colour difference as the two pictures posted in this thread do. It took about five minutes playing around with the Colour Calibration tool to get the screen to a more white tint. There have been no problems since and the comparing his older PB to the new LED SR MBP doesn't show up any colour difference.

    Can you get some more specifics regarding what Macbidouille is saying?

  • Reply 22 of 42
    I kinda suspect someone at Macbidouille doesn't know how to use the display calibration. I was at the Apple Store the Wednesday after the MBPs were released. They only had one of the LED models out, next to an older CCFL model. I saw no noticeable difference in the displays.

    It does sound to me like it's more of an issue with Apple's factory preset calibration, rather than the displays themselves. But who knows, there could be faulty displays out there. If you think you might have one, I'd say either take a trip to the Genius Bar, or call up Apple's support people.
  • Reply 23 of 42
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Sopranino View Post

    Can you get some more specifics regarding what Macbidouille is saying?


    Here is the english version of the article.

    Originally Posted by MusLtngBlue View Post

    I kinda suspect someone at Macbidouille doesn't know how to use the display calibration.

    I am afraid they know well what they are doing. In their MBP they see no yellow shift.
  • Reply 24 of 42
    oh, hm, the translation site I tried was bad... hm... I hope Apple is looking into this I think they may be, because someone reported in the thread for the 7200 rpm HD delays that MBP stock is drying up at Apple Stores in his area (and potentially others), so I wonder if Apple's holding up some production and checking the displays before shipping them out to the stores (and checking them before shipping BTO machines). All I know is I'm gonna be pissed and take it up with them if mine has that tint issue...
  • Reply 25 of 42
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member
    I don't think there's anything *wrong* with these displays at all. Mine works gloriously. Much clearer and brighter than my old PB. It did have the yellowish tint on the default profile, but it's easily tweaked. Mine looks awesome now.
  • Reply 26 of 42
    ssssss Posts: 30member
    But lets be honest,

    - Less energy useage - Fair enough, better saving energy and all that.

    - More evenly spread lighting - Can anyone really say the normal 17" displays are unevenly lighted??!

    - Longer Life - Laptops only have a life themselves of 2-3 years IMO and by that stage normal screens wouldn't even be showing signs of wear. By longer life does that really mean after 10 years the 15" will have 90% of its original power and the 17" like 60%....for example?

    If so who gives a toss? We all know we'll have the newest models within about 3 years of buying your current one!
  • Reply 27 of 42
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member
    The backlight on my old Powerbook 1.67 (well not terribly old - August 2005) was/is very uneven.
  • Reply 28 of 42
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    So let me get this straight. The 17" doesn't come LED at this time, but the 15" does? Not even as an optional upgrade? Just curious, but is this stated on the Apple site? I'm about to pick up a new one, yet will hold off if this is so.

    I just sold a previous model MBP 17" and I couldn't stand the screen with the unevenness. My Pismo, although dimmer and obviously older, seems to be more even and has held up marvelously.

  • Reply 29 of 42
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member
    Yes, the LED screens are only on the 15".
  • Reply 30 of 42
    Yellow tint? I bought my new 15" MBP with LED and the first thing I did (as I've done with all previous Macs I've purchased) was calibrate the screen in "Displays". The whites are WHITE and everything looks amazing. If you're experiencing something different I'd bet the issue to not be the computer.
  • Reply 31 of 42
    Originally Posted by Tony1 View Post

    So let me get this straight. The 17" doesn't come LED at this time, but the 15" does? Not even as an optional upgrade? Just curious, but is this stated on the Apple site? I'm about to pick up a new one, yet will hold off if this is so.

    I just sold a previous model MBP 17" and I couldn't stand the screen with the unevenness. My Pismo, although dimmer and obviously older, seems to be more even and has held up marvelously.


    Yep, the 17" MBPs are still on the old CCFLs, due to costs. We've had word from people getting new models that the base model 17" models are still the same displays, but if you get the option for the higher resolution screen, the backlighting is more even.

    Thanks for the info, Loungepop... did you get a base model, or have a BTO option on it, and did you order it online, or pick it up in-store? I'm kinda thinking maybe we can pin down exactly where the yellow tint problem is happening...
  • Reply 32 of 42
    easyceasyc Posts: 69member
    Originally Posted by MusLtngBlue View Post

    Someone reported in the thread for the 7200 rpm HD delays that MBP stock is drying up at Apple Stores in his area (and potentially others), so I wonder if Apple's holding up some production and checking the displays before shipping them out to the stores (and checking them before shipping BTO machines). All I know is I'm gonna be pissed and take it up with them if mine has that tint issue...

    Curious though, If Apple was holding back machines because of a potential display problem wouldnt the online store be reflecting that and the ship time of 3-5 buisness days on the regular MBP be longer? (Im guessing 3-5 and not 1-3 like normal due to the demand which to me is reasonable.)

    Makes sense also that the 17' that uses the old backlighting is shipping fine with any option given it. Interesting....
  • Reply 33 of 42
    easyceasyc Posts: 69member
    After having just made my last post i checked the apple online store and the ship date on the MBP base has changed from 3-5 to 5-7. A full week is a little more than a demand issue of you ask me. Possibly as mentioned apple gets their LED backlights from different distributors and one makes the yellowish tint?

    Good thing mine ships by July 31. Plenty of time to correct it...right?!?!
  • Reply 34 of 42
    Originally Posted by MusLtngBlue View Post

    Thanks for the info, Loungepop... did you get a base model, or have a BTO option on it, and did you order it online, or pick it up in-store? I'm kinda thinking maybe we can pin down exactly where the yellow tint problem is happening...

    I bought the top-end 15" MBP with LED, 2.4 Santa Rosa etc... I got it the day of release at the Apple store right after they opened...
  • Reply 35 of 42
    Hi you guys, im from the netherlands, and shoud receive my MBP next week.

    Could you please ellaborate on how to calibrate the colours?
  • Reply 36 of 42
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by oscarroberto View Post

    Hi you guys, im from the netherlands, and shoud receive my MBP next week.

    Could you please ellaborate on how to calibrate the colours?

    You just open System Preferences, and then you go to the Displays preference pane. There you will find the calibration utility. All you have to do is to follow the instructions.
  • Reply 37 of 42
    Originally Posted by PB View Post

    You just open System Preferences, and then you go to the Displays preference pane. There you will find the calibration utility. All you have to do is to follow the instructions.

    If only everything in life would be that simple!

    Can't wait till i get my MBP!
  • Reply 38 of 42
    tony1tony1 Posts: 259member
    Originally Posted by MusLtngBlue View Post

    if you get the option for the higher resolution screen, the backlighting is more even.

    I had planned on the high res option if I went 17" again. How does it compare to the evenness/brightness/crispness of the 15" LED? I assume not even close.

    If times get tight and I have to purchase I guess I could go 15", but then the high res option is out.

  • Reply 39 of 42
    Originally Posted by oscarroberto View Post

    If only everything in life would be that simple!

    Can't wait till i get my MBP!

    lol, now there's the reaction Apple aims for when making their stuff

    Originally Posted by Loungepop View Post

    I bought the top-end 15" MBP with LED, 2.4 Santa Rosa etc... I got it the day of release at the Apple store right after they opened...

    Hm, so there could be potential for the low-end to have a problem...
  • Reply 40 of 42
    Yey! I got mine today:

    2,4 ghz model, matte, 2 gig RAM, 160 gig 5400 HD Im so happy!

    So far so good, no problems as noted above.

    -anyone have any tips on the screen colour calibration?

    I do notice the colours are rather pale, and i read i can change this via system prefs-displays-colours, but any tips on how to use the expert settings? what worked for you guys?

    =They say its good to charge your battery to the max, and use it until its almost emtpy. Is this true?

    Furthermore, they say that if you don't use your mbp much, its good to discharge it once a month. How do I do this? (www.apple.com/batteries/notebook.html)

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