iPhone Dev Team successfully boots Linux on iPhone

in iPhone edited January 2014
A milestone has been reached in iPhone firmware modification on Friday with the first alternative operating system for the hardware, Linux, now running on the device.

The first build created by Dev Team is now running on iPhone, iPhone 3G, and the original iPod touch in what's considered a "draft" version.

The software primarily includes the main Linux 2.6 kernel as well as rudimentary graphics, serial, and other functional drivers that are just enough to get a command line running when input is sent over the USB interface; the accelerometer, audio, networking and even the touchscreen have yet to receive any kind of software support.

Developers have also made a basic multi-boot front end known as OpeniBoot that lets users toggle between Apple's own operating system and an alternative platform.

While only just beginning, the project is the first known instance of a non-OS X operating system running on Apple's touchscreen devices where previous modifications have so far been limited to jailbreaking and unlocking handsets.

It also promises to expand in the future: the Dev Team is hoping to run Google's equally Linux-based but more complete Android mobile operating system on the iPhone and is searching for programmers to help with the project.



  • Reply 1 of 81
    So I can't have stereo bluetooth or sent my contact details vial bluetooth on my iPhone but I might be able to with my iPhone loaded with Android. Might be a reason to change. Don't want to. Just don't like the limitation.

    We could start up a petition. Get a mass of iPhone users and petition Apple for features that Android has. If they don't we all then change our iPhones to iDriods, send videos to Apple. We could be like virtual terrorists holding our iPhone hostage to other software. Wonder if we could get "Achmed the dead terrorist"s as our spokes person. If you don't know who that is just type it into youtube.
  • Reply 2 of 81
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    This article is incorrect. Windows Mobile has been ported to the iPhone for some time now... maybe

  • Reply 3 of 81
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    These people should get out more. Why on earth would you want to spend all that time messing with the iPhone. If it's Android you want, just get one. I can't think of anything less useful, to be quite honest.
  • Reply 4 of 81
    k.c.k.c. Posts: 60member
    Geekdom rolls on.
  • Reply 5 of 81
    ALPICH, why do you even bother with the iPhone. Clearly, CLEARLY, it is not good enough for you, so why not just jump into the Android/WinMob camp and be done with it? Or are you just one of those guys that isn't happy until he has everything precisely HIS way? (Even if that means Frankensteining everything you own.)
  • Reply 6 of 81
    Originally Posted by VinitaBoy View Post

    ALPICH, why do you even bother with the iPhone. Clearly, CLEARLY, it is not good enough for you, so why not just jump into the Android/WinMob camp and be done with it? Or are you just one of those guys that isn't happy until he has everything precisely HIS way? (Even if that means Frankensteining everything you own.)

    You are a funny guy. Not happy until I have everything precisely my way? That is just funny. Of course I am not happy until I have everything the way I want it. Are you telling me that you don't mind it when things are not the way you want it. I can see you at McDonalds. "Can I have a Big Mac"."Yes Sir two cheese burgers coming your way". "Thankyou". lol

    But back to the iPhone. It is a good product. But even good products can be improved on. Since the iPhone has bluetooth built in I just want my Bluetooth un-crippled.

    Maybe I threaten your status quo life. Sorry for that.
  • Reply 7 of 81
    Originally Posted by bbwi View Post

    This article is incorrect. Windows Mobile has been ported to the iPhone for some time now... maybe


    That was a hoax. Check out the way he starts it. He taps the screen. That is no way to start an iPhone, Windows of iPhone OS,
  • Reply 8 of 81
    Why would anyone want to run linux on an iPhone? What an unbelievable waste of time and effort.
  • Reply 9 of 81
    Running Linux on an iPhone is like buying a brand new Ferrari, removing the engine, and installing a Yugo engine.

    It will work, it will give satisfaction of being able to do it, but it won't impress that many people.

    Your time is better spent developing iPhone applications. The APP store will distribute them worldwide.

    You're putting Linux on the iPhone? Don't quit your day-job.
  • Reply 10 of 81
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,101member
    Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post

    Why would anyone want to run linux on an iPhone? What an unbelievable waste of time and effort.

    Just because you think it is a waste of time should not negate the effort of other people trying.

    A lot of people criticize folks for doing things they themselves would never do. Whether anything comes out of it is to be determined however we should be grateful that the garage-tinkerers do things just out of curiosity.

    Better for folks to have tried and failed than to have never tried. I applaud them and am curious what will happen next.

    I myself own an iPhone and have no desire to run linux on it. I also think that it is a rather expensive way to run Linux in the US since to get an iPhone means you also have to be on a 2-year contract to basically get the hardware. But nonetheless, kudos to those guys for trying it just because they can.

    It's easy for you to sit on your high-chair and criticize the effort of other people.
  • Reply 11 of 81
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    Of course I am not happy until I have everything the way I want it. Are you telling me that you don't mind it when things are not the way you want it.

    Maybe I threaten your status quo life. Sorry for that.

    Man, I pity whoever you end up getting married to, although with an attitude like that odd are good it will never happen.

    As for the "news"... so, they loaded a linux kernel and now have an iPhone running linux that is completely useless since none of the control inputs have working drivers. I commend the technical achievement of getting the kernel on, but this doesn't mean there is a second useable OS. And since Android isn't multi-touch (yet, as far as I know) you'd still be losing a lot of functionality.
  • Reply 12 of 81
    bbwibbwi Posts: 812member
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    That was a hoax. Check out the way he starts it. He taps the screen. That is no way to start an iPhone, Windows of iPhone OS,

    Maybe the modified boot code they have works that way, but maybe it's a hoax.

    It looked pretty real though. Guess we'll find out for sure when/if they release it.
  • Reply 13 of 81
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Just because you think it is a waste of time should not negate the effort of other people trying.

    A lot of people criticize folks for doing things they themselves would never do. Whether anything comes out of it is to be determined however we should be grateful that the garage-tinkerers do things just out of curiosity.

    Better for folks to have tried and failed than to have never tried. I applaud them and am curious what will happen next.

    I myself own an iPhone and have no desire to run linux on it. I also think that it is a rather expensive way to run Linux in the US since to get an iPhone means you also have to be on a 2-year contract to basically get the hardware. But nonetheless, kudos to those guys for trying it just because they can.

    It's easy for you to sit on your high-chair and criticize the effort of other people.

    I think some people just get offended when people take an Apple device such as an iPhone and make it do what it wasn't designed to do. I personally think its fun to fool around to see if things that aren't supposed to do something, actually do it. Its how people learn.

    Yes, its probably something that very few will do. But if it takes off, it could potentially be more sales for Apple. The phone will have to come from Apple. So they're not using the apps store, or the iPhone OS. Big deal! Its still money in Apple's pocket for the purchase of the phone. Like I said, out of the 10 Million iPhones sold, I seriously doubt a large portion of current and even future iPhone owners would even remotely try to get it running. Even if they got Andriod working on it, honestly if people wanted an Andriod phone most would just go buy a phone with Andriod on it. General people want an out of the box solution, not something they gotta screw around with for hours on end to get working out of the box. If they wanted that, they'd get a phone with Windows Mobile.
  • Reply 14 of 81
    Originally Posted by ALPICH View Post

    So I can't have stereo bluetooth or sent my contact details vial bluetooth on my iPhone but I might be able to with my iPhone loaded with Android. Might be a reason to change. Don't want to. Just don't like the limitation.

    We could start up a petition. Get a mass of iPhone users and petition Apple for features that Android has. If they don't we all then change our iPhones to iDriods, send videos to Apple. We could be like virtual terrorists holding our iPhone hostage to other software. Wonder if we could get "Achmed the dead terrorist"s as our spokes person. If you don't know who that is just type it into youtube.

    Well it goes both ways...There are things you can do on the iPhone that you can't with Android. So maybe Andriod users should start a petition to get Google to put iPhone capabilities in their OS. *end sarcasm*
  • Reply 15 of 81
    Does Android have copy & paste?
  • Reply 16 of 81
    Maybe they should get their Pwnage and QuickPwn tools working well under 2.2 first. Neither one leads to a stable phone OS; the former disables cell service and the latter won't let the Phone.app run. And both lead to crashy apps (yes, even more than Apple's unmodified OS). So I'm a lot more interested in seeing stable Jailbreaks of the existing OS than a whole new OS...
  • Reply 17 of 81
    Originally Posted by ktappe View Post

    Maybe they should get their Pwnage and QuickPwn tools working well under 2.2 first. Neither one leads to a stable phone OS; the former disables cell service and the latter won't let the Phone.app run. And both lead to crashy apps (yes, even more than Apple's unmodified OS). So I'm a lot more interested in seeing stable Jailbreaks of the existing OS than a whole new OS...

    Shocking, Apple may have just put added security features into their OS in order for jailbreaking to be that much harder. Go figure.
  • Reply 18 of 81
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    i won't be satisfied until beos is running on the iPhone.

  • Reply 19 of 81
    Originally Posted by floccus View Post

    Man, I pity whoever you end up getting married to, although with an attitude like that odd are good it will never happen.

    hehe. I pity my wife too. But just coz she is stuck with me. Not because I want her to be something she is not. All people are imperfect (sadly including me). I was really referring to purchased things. I do think I should be able to purchase things and expect certain things.
  • Reply 20 of 81
    Originally Posted by mklos View Post

    Well it goes both ways...There are things you can do on the iPhone that you can't with Android. So maybe Andriod users should start a petition to get Google to put iPhone capabilities in their OS. *end sarcasm*

    Very cool idea. Anyone able to take the iPhone OS and put it on other devices. I have a DoPod 838pro doing nothing at the moment.
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