Apple ads hint at thinner iMacs, lighter MacBooks, cheaper Mac minis



  • Reply 81 of 177
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by Ensign Pulver View Post

    Apple makes the exact product you want. It's called the Mac Pro.

    Which is way way too overspecced. I don't need 8 DIMM slots. I don't need 4 drive bays. I don't want to spend a year's savings in the middle of a recession.

    I twice-as-high Mac Mini would suffice.
  • Reply 82 of 177
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by couto27 View Post

    this is a video of what it might be the new thinner imac


    Boy that is an awful render!

    If it's your first render ever pat yourself on the back, if it's anything else, hang your head in shame.
  • Reply 83 of 177
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Gadgetoid View Post

    I want a 24" Apple cinema display to go with a new iMac that doesn't cost £600+ and come with what would be redundant speakers, microphone and camera.

    that display was designed for use with a laptop. in particular with being able to stow it closed. this the speakers etc are not redundant. so expect them to stick around

    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    Announcement Tuesday with availability by Friday at the latest.

    i'm going to see that and raise you a 'silent' update on the website overnight Monday/Tuesday with models arriving at stores starting on Tuesday afternoon with all stores having all models by the weekend

    Originally Posted by couto27 View Post

    this is a video of what it might be the new thinner imac


    how utterly fugly.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Where did you get that DVD burning was a major selling point of iLife in CE 2009? Check out the iLife page.

    While they still include iDVD in the suite, it hasn?t gotten any rich updates in sometime and they only showcase the other 4 apps (iPhoto, iMovie, Garageband and iWeb) from that page. There is only one link that leads to iDVD.

    On top of that we have an unchanged 32-bit version of DVD Player in Snow Leopard and DVD Studio Pro hasn?t been updated in 2 years despite the other pro apps in Final Cut Studio getting regular updates.

    and given this with the 'bag of hurt' and the addition of the SD slots on the last laptop refresh. plus the recent itunes movie extras and folks keep expecting blu-ray built in on the next round of computers. yeah, right. be happy if you get software for play back off an external, cause that's all you might get

    Originally Posted by joe in miami View Post

    I hope the new one [wireless] includes a number pad.

    don't hold your breathe. the drawings off the FCC are too short for a number pad

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    We will get it- Apple has realized the error of their ways. Al Gore or no Al Gore.

    The MacBook Pro adoption of matte points right to this very issue

    actually Apple is likely to have sales figures that show that there was not a massive 'adoption' of matte when it was an in store in the box option. not on anything below the two price points they made currently available. this custom order business is likely more a placebo, shut up the naysayers. but we'll see in the next go around if they start actually making anything else ready to pick up in the stores or not. if they don't it is likely due to a lack of sales to support a notion of interest.
  • Reply 84 of 177
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member
    Originally Posted by rebelmusik View Post

    Honestly, the iMacs are great computers already, and I can't wait for this next update. But without a matte or anti-glare option, I will never buy it.

    It's fantastic for all of you who love or can tolerate the glossy screen. But for those of us who don't, it's unfortunate that the option is not there yet.

    The glossy is there because they are using glass, which isn't going to change any time soon. There are advantages to using glass that far outweigh the tiny portion of the market that won't buy one because it's too glossy. There isn't a hope in hell they will ever make an iMac with a plastic front or something of that nature so we are stuck with the glass for the foreseeable future.

    So ... the only way there will ever, ever, ever, be a "matte option" is if they put some kind of anti-glare or film finish over the top of the glass which is already available from third parties anyway. So it's way more likely that Apple will never actually make one like you want, but on the other hand, you could have one tomorrow if you go the third party route.
  • Reply 85 of 177
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,866member
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    Which is way way too overspecced. I don't need 8 DIMM slots. I don't need 4 drive bays. I don't want to spend a year's savings in the middle of a recession.

    I twice-as-high Mac Mini would suffice.

    A twice as high Mini that has what you want would also very likely overlap in price with iMacs and cannibalize sales of those. Unless Apple abandons the iMac concept as it's midrange desktop solution, which doesn't seem likely at present, you simply aren't going to see a small tower in between the current Mini and Pro.
  • Reply 86 of 177
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    actually Apple is likely to have sales figures that show that there was not a massive 'adoption' of matte when it was an in store in the box option. not on anything below the two price points they made currently available. this custom order business is likely more a placebo, shut up the naysayers. but we'll see in the next go around if they start actually making anything else ready to pick up in the stores or not. if they don't it is likely due to a lack of sales to support a notion of interest.

    Actually Apple more than likely added glass to up their "green" rating as has been documented was a low as could be. Al Gore on the Board of Directors of Apple made it an inconvenient truth for Mac users to only get glossy for 2 years. Apple realized that many of us were not biting the BS and simply were not buying new Macs. NOw we finally will be able to but a new matte iMac, I suspect.

    It behooved Apple to sell more glassy & glossy and keep their "green" rating high. Thank you Al Gore.
  • Reply 87 of 177
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    The glossy is there because they are using glass, which isn't going to change any time soon. There are advantages to using glass that far outweigh the tiny portion of the market that won't buy one because it's too glossy. There isn't a hope in hell they will ever make an iMac with a plastic front or something of that nature so we are stuck with the glass for the foreseeable future.

    So ... the only way there will ever, ever, ever, be a "matte option" is if they put some kind of anti-glare or film finish over the top of the glass which is already available from third parties anyway. So it's way more likely that Apple will never actually make one like you want, but on the other hand, you could have one tomorrow if you go the third party route.

    The only advantage to glass is that it up Apple's "Green" rating- nothing more or less. Total BS.
  • Reply 88 of 177
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Thinner sounds bad. The desktop is going to have to rely even more on laptop components. I'm not looking forward to seeing laptop hard drives, graphics cards, processors and optical drives in Apple's $1000 - $2200 desktop range.
  • Reply 89 of 177
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,866member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    The only advantage to glass is that it up Apple's "Green" rating- nothing more or less. Total BS.

    Well, glass is easier to clean and less susceptible to damage, just to point out two other advantages.
  • Reply 90 of 177
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, glass is easier to clean and less susceptible to damage, just to point out two other advantages.

    ?? The disadvantage of glass is that you need to clean it more often due to more smudges. Never had a damaged matte screen on my iMac or Powerbook- ever. However I've seen many a scratched glass screen at a Best Buy.
  • Reply 91 of 177
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,866member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    ?? The disadvantage of glass is that you need to clean it more often due to more smudges. Never had a damaged matte screen on my iMac or Powerbook- ever. However I've seen many a scratched glass screen at a Best Buy.

    My experience is exactly the opposite of yours. So, who's right? (Well, we already know you think you are, but that was a rhetorical question.) At the very least, the situation is ambiguous. But, also at the very least, your absolute assertion regarding only a single advantage for glass overstates the point by a considerable amount.
  • Reply 92 of 177
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    My experience is exactly the opposite of yours. So, who's right? (Well, we already know you think you are, but that was a rhetorical question.) At the very least, the situation is ambiguous. But, also at the very least, your absolute assertion regarding only a single advantage for glass overstates the point by a considerable amount.

    Dude - I haven't even mentioned all the disadvantages to glass regarding documented visual distortions, placement and constant repositioning of the screen, etc. , so give it up already.

    One advantage? You really are delusional and not worth debating on a beautiful Sunday here in NYC. Off on my bike now with my glossy, glassy iPhone, the only situation where glass is acceptable- TOUCHSCREEN.
  • Reply 93 of 177
    I wonder if Apple will introduce a wireless keyboard and mouse with a built-in rechargeable battery. You could connect to a USB port and charge the battery (just like the iPhone) as well as make it work like a wired keyboard (or mouse) while it is charging.

    I am tired of replacing the batteries every couple of days in my wireless keyboard and mouse.

    Apple could claim a few more Green points.
  • Reply 94 of 177
    Originally Posted by couto27 View Post

    this is a video of what it might be the new thinner imac


    Sorry, but this video was posted a year ago and I'm pretty sure that it's just some guy who wanted some attention and made up how an iMac Air would look like.

    I'm sure that we'll get some new informations in the coming week about the new iMac, and hopefully we'll get some surprises too
  • Reply 95 of 177
    mcarlingmcarling Posts: 1,106member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Assuming that optical drives do eventually go away, your order is likely correct (except perhaps for the position of the mini, which should perhaps be before the MBP), but the schedule is far too ambitious, I think. I think we are still quite a few years away from the necessary bandwidth being plentiful and inexpensive enough that the network replaces optical as a medium.

    The situation is not really the same as eliminating the floppy drive. Other than supporting legacy disks, the floppy wasn't really necessary any more. Optical drives could do pretty much anything a floppy drive could and cheaper. Pretty much all software was already shipping on optical and it was cheaper to do so, and floppy disks were not used for anything outside of the personal computer industry.

    Today, optical has not yet been effectively superseded by another medium and it has uses -- music, video -- besides being strictly a data storage and software distribution medium. Consumer bandwidth is not increasing significantly at this point, nor is geographical availability. In fact, rather than building out networks, ISPs are looking at usage caps and higher and tiered rate structures. (Wired, ISPs, at least, and the wireless carriers are nowhere near being able to provide the necessary bandwidth.)

    Based on the current situation, I think your schedule would probably need to be at least doubled. Unless there's a major shakeup in the broadband industry, the network isn't going to be fast enough and ubiquitous enough that it can effectively replace optical for several years, at least, and eliminating optical drives would be problematic for many consumers. And, I don't really see another medium that's cheap enough and widely enough used that would replace optical either.

    The few users who will need an optical drive a few years from now can simply get an external drive.
  • Reply 96 of 177
    I was planning on ordering a new MBP tomorrow, but given the excitement over the refresh to the rest of the lines, is the MBP likely to be updated too?

    It seems that if they update the Macbook, then it places it close in terms of specs to the MBP, and Apple would need to update the MBP to give people a reason to get the top of the line.

    Also of course Apple would love to steal thunder from the Windows 7 launch, another good reason to update everything and hit Microsoft hard..


    So, should I purchase a new MBP tomorrow, or wait until the 14th?

    SO excited about getting my new toy...
  • Reply 97 of 177
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,866member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Dude - I haven't even mentioned all the disadvantages to glass regarding documented visual distortions, placement and constant repositioning of the screen, etc. , so give it up already.

    One advantage? You really are delusional and not worth debating on a beautiful Sunday here in NYC. Off on my bike now with my glossy, glassy iPhone, the only situation where glass is acceptable- TOUCHSCREEN.

    Enjoy the day and thanks for the laugh.
  • Reply 98 of 177
    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    I think we have a few months before another MBP update.
  • Reply 99 of 177
    Apple should bring back the black macbook, sell it with 250gb hd 4gb ram 2.26ghz or 2.53 for around 1000 to 1200, plastic better for students cause aluminum scratches and dents a lot easier and black cause its a lot cooler than white
  • Reply 100 of 177
    Originally Posted by Gazoobee View Post

    The glossy is there because they are using glass, which isn't going to change any time soon.

    This is something I'd expect from Dell.

    What happened to the Apple that invested in their product? If something needs changing then CHANGE it. Keeping with a disliked product because a redesign would be too costly is straight from the playbook of General Motors.


    There are advantages to using glass that far outweigh the tiny portion of the market that won't buy one because it's too glossy.

    I didn't know that seeing your own reflection was an advantage...


    There isn't a hope in hell they will ever make an iMac with a plastic front or something of that nature so we are stuck with the glass for the foreseeable future.

    I'm writing this on an early Core Duo iMac with a beautiful, quality matte screen (far and away the best computer I've ever owned, I should've bought two at the time!). Why is Apple completely unable to produce such a machine today?
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