Anyone else afraid of disappointment come Monday?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
When reading all the speculation about what is going to be released on Monday, I can't help but think back to MacWorld New York. I happened to come into some money shortly before the show, and I was ready to buy a new system of some kind. Most of the rumor sites predicted the introduction of the LCD imac as well as any number of other wonderful things. I read up on all of the possibilities, thinking what I get, and got myself generally psyched up. But when the show came (as everyone knows) it was pretty underwhelming. Not entirely Apple's fault, since the rumour sites were the ones that got me excited, but it was disappointing none the less.

Given that Apple itself is contributing to the hype, I must assume that they have something up their collective sleeves, but I am very cautious about getting too excited. Anyone else feel the same way?

Also, while I love Apple in general and I think that they do some wonderful things, I don't know where they got the reputation for working miracles. As I think back over the last several years, I can't remember anything that is anywhere near what some people are predicting (global satellite internet?)

Apple's products are fantastic because they are well made and well thought out, and because they make use of available technology in ways that haven't yet been thought of, but they generally don't make miraculous new products or technologies. Take the iPod for example -- it is a fantastic device (listening to mine now) but it is much more evolutionary than revolutionary. They took parts that already existed like the 5GB Toshiba drive and the lithium polymer battery and combined them to make the best MP3 player on the market. They have been very smart about adopting technologies like Airport and consumer DVD burning, but they didn't invent these technologies themselves. I'm not knocking Apple -- I think that this makes the most sense for them as a company, but I think that some people need to take a reality check about what Apple is capable of or is likely to do. (Of course, I may be proven wrong come Monday... )


  • Reply 1 of 43
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
  • Reply 2 of 43
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    yes, I am
  • Reply 2 of 43
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    I expect :

    14,1 inch LCD iMac under 1 Ghz

    G4 just breaking the 1Ghz barriere

    And one more thing (could be anything from iPhoto to the PowerPod-in-screen thingy)

    So I don´t expect to be disappointed


    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Anders ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 43
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    I'm afraid but hopefully Apple wouldn't hype the show so much if they thought they might disappoint.

    J :cool:
  • Reply 5 of 43
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Everyone here knows that Apple can't live up to the expectations that we are setting for the show.

    I doubt we'll see the G5s people want so badly, and that will make it impossible for it to be a good keynote to most people here.

    Last year, I was at MWNY at the keynote. When I left, it was the most empty I'd felt going to a Jobs keynote, and I was in Boston when Jobs gave one of his first speeches.

    Apple has had 6 months to come up with great new products. They've already bumped the TiBook, so that's something to consider. Let's hope they can deliver.
  • Reply 6 of 43
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member
    I'm afraid both for me and for Apple. They will take a serious bashing from the press if they do not impress.

    What was that rhyme all about? Alright, I'm out.

    - Pook
  • Reply 7 of 43
    No way, I am getting a faster ibook or a bitchin new iMac!
  • Reply 7 of 43
    jerombajeromba Posts: 357member
    they MUST deliver... if not they are DEAD !

    Steve will be showing the new iMac and the one more thingSSS (soft & hard)... Steve must demoing a G5 @ 1.6 Ghz minimum.... available in march... but G4 @ 1Ghz available now.... Sneakypeek of Mac OS X 10.2

    HOPING <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: jeromba ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 43
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I'm planning on being les than stunned. Have you noticed Apple has backed off on the hype. The banners are not as exciting as they were 2,& 3 day's ago, but I suppose if your going to post a banner that says "beyond the rumor sites" you should do it before there are any realy loved rumors that you are not going to deliver on.
  • Reply 9 of 43
    erbiumerbium Posts: 354member
    We went way too far this year with all the rumors.

    For future MacWorlds, we need to be a little more realistic when it comes to predicting Apple's announcements.

    Really, is there anyone here expecting Apple to release an iWalk? iPad? Satellite system? 2.4GHz G5's? Let's be realistic, and we won't get let down.

    I'm sure Apple will amaze us with some great hardware, but because of the rampant predicitions around here, I'm afraid people are going to be upset.
    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 11 of 43
    I always expect close to nothing from Apple. Then I'm not that surprised.
  • Reply 12 of 43
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:

    <strong>they MUST deliver... Steve must demoing a G5 @ 1.6 Ghz minimum.... available in march... but G4 @ 1Ghz available now.... ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    SO this would go a little something like this..

    "...and that's the new G4 1Ghz machine for only $2599 but save your money cause it will be completely outdated in 12 weeks by the G5 that I'll be showing you now.."

    I'll only be disappointed by a lack of performance. I really don't care if it's a G4 or a G5 or a Pentium II as long as it performs about the same speed or higher than a PC, photoshop shootout excluded.



    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 43
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    I just wish I was attending this keynote so that if it did turn out to be a dud I could start yelling some stuff.

    I would have done that at MWNY but I was just in to much shock and I honestly thought there at to be a "one more thing" to knock our socks off
  • Reply 14 of 43
    fluffyfluffy Posts: 361member
    [quote]Originally posted by Masker:

    <strong>I'll only be disappointed by a lack of performance. I really don't care if it's a G4 or a G5 or a Pentium II as long as it performs about the same speed or higher than a PC, photoshop shootout excluded.

    [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Definitely. I want to see the new mac kick butt on a Cinebench shootout!!!
  • Reply 15 of 43
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    I think our own RDF is growing in power to equal or surpass Steve's. He probably gasps in horror when he visits and sees the monster he has created. Perhaps if we work with him we can change, nay dominate the world! :eek:
  • Reply 16 of 43
    gigawiregigawire Posts: 196member
    Why are we all thinking that Apple needs to at least "tie" AMD and Intel speed wise. is it so much to hope that Apple just might amaze us on Monday with a product that actually beats the other two in that all unimportant "speed" number? Regardless, Apple has joined the fray this time, and I am sure they have learned a thing or two from the iPod fracas. Also, I am sure their definition of revolutionary has been a little altered by now. After all we act as though the company is composed of one man, when in actuality there are a number of people, many like us, that want to see Apple amaze on Monday. So much so, that they have begun this front page bragging screen to hype people up. Certainly a new turn for Apple in terms of customer relations.
  • Reply 17 of 43
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Gigawire:

    <strong>Why are we all thinking that Apple needs to at least "tie" AMD and Intel speed wise. is it so much to hope that Apple just might amaze us on Monday with a product that actually beats the other two in that all unimportant "speed" number? Regardless, Apple has joined the fray this time, and I am sure they have learned a thing or two from the iPod fracas. Also, I am sure their definition of revolutionary has been a little altered by now. After all we act as though the company is composed of one man, when in actuality there are a number of people, many like us, that want to see Apple amaze on Monday. So much so, that they have begun this front page bragging screen to hype people up. Certainly a new turn for Apple in terms of customer relations.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm not so sure anymore. After talking to someone that knows what the new iMac will look like (I don't, they do via verbal desciption) they believe all the hype is for the iMac (their guess, they don't have any info on other products).

    So I'm just uncomfortably numb and will wait til Monday.
  • Reply 18 of 43
    Resounding YES!

    I think Apple is going to try and introduce some new catagory of product. Like an LCD iMac with a removable screen that doubles as a webpad device.

    whatever it is people will think its really cool, but it will be a sales disaster.
  • Reply 19 of 43
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    I think the results will be somewhere in the middle. Apple will come out with a number of new and impressive products, all of them a little pricey. It will be a stunning lineup. The new lineup will not include a holodeck, phaser or tricorder so some people will be disappointed.
  • Reply 20 of 43
    I'm disappointed Applenut didn't call Steve on the carpet last year.
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