WSJ: Apple to announce arrival of Beatles catalog on iTunes



  • Reply 61 of 90
    Originally Posted by Ronbo View Post

    So okay, I'm going to be a little disappointed if it's the Beatles.

    HOWEVER, I don't think it's fair to expect Apple not to make SOME kind of big deal about it. Be fair, they've been working their assess off for years to land the deal. When they finally succeed, they get to make a make some noise.

    And I'll agree that a lot of people probably already have their stuff. But not everyone. I don't. It'll probably be a little while before I do, too. I've been known to hold grudges a long time, and I've been pretty frustrated with the the B for how long this took.

    Don't kid yourself... if The Beatles come to iTunes, it will be a stampede. Remember, there is an entire generation that isn't very familiar with them. My daughter is 15, and the only Beatles we have is Love (which was very well arranged, I might add). If the entire catalog comes to iTunes, wow. Discovering "new" music on iTunes is ridiculously easy, and I suspect a ton of new fans will come aboard the Yellow Submarine. (Oh yes I did.)
  • Reply 62 of 90
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post


    Appleinsider is the King of iHype. Quoting morons like Jon Gruber who never gets stuff right or say things that are obvious to everyone. Notice how these types never say they were wrong? How many times did AI say that the new Mac Pro's were coming, but got it wrong again and again.

    The iHype is getting so bad its having a negative effect, because the truth is always a let down now.

    Beatles on what. I ripped my CD's years ago, and dont even listen to them often any more.

    Maybe you should listen to them more often. Might sweeten your attitude a little.
  • Reply 63 of 90
    Originally Posted by FormerARSgm View Post

    If tomorrow's but announcement is the Beatles on iTunes, I'll be at the front of the hugely disappointed line .

    In the words of Dr Laura - "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."




    Please Steve - don't make The Beatles reason for the big announcement.

    given that this 'event' is at 7am Cupe time I really doubt it is anything super huge. Honestly I won't be shocked at all if it is just iOS 4.2. The rest seem like something worthy of some press attendance or a video stream or something more than just there it is. Which seems like what doing it so early is going to be
  • Reply 64 of 90
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    aah, the poor sad people who can't get over that steve might not introduce a shiny new aluminum dild* for idiots to purchase?

  • Reply 65 of 90
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The Beatles have long resisted digital music, instead opting to re-release albums on physical mediums.

    I was under the impression that Beatles music had been available for CD for many a year, do people forget that CDs are digital music, or is it just lazy reporting?
  • Reply 66 of 90
    Originally Posted by ElectroTech View Post

    Apparently, the Beatles are a rock band from my parents time. They used to be very big. Maybe I should listen to them . . . OR NOT!

    Who would care?

    As you are clearly very young I suppose such idiocy is forgivable. When I was in my early teens I also had the view that anything old wasn't worth listening to as there was David Bowie, Queen, Pink Floyd, Stevie Wonder, Carpenters, Deep Purple etc. etc. etc. to listen to.

    Now, of course music is a crucial expression of a generation's moods and feelings but what I was saying, as you are too, is that a huge %age of the world's music is rubbish and/or irrelevant because it is "old". The only good music is "new" music although a few seconds reflection will reveal that there is current "new" music which you probably can't stand (Lady GaGa, some overhyped boy band, another pouting short-skirted glammed up talent contest winner ...).

    As you mature you will realise that not all the best music was written within the last 5 years and that maybe, just maybe, some kids, only a little older than you at the time, had some brilliant ideas 20, 30, 40 or more years ago and wrote some stunning music.

    The Beatles are not as famous and for so long for no reason. They are not alone. We have Mozart, Beethoven, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Chuck Berry, Hendrix (and this is a very Westernised list too) ... but I think you get the idea.

    Remember, what you think is currently the most fantastic music ever made will, in 10 years time, be being dissed by a 15 year old who thinks that anything made before he could hum a tune is rubbish.
  • Reply 67 of 90
    I do think it's gonna be mainly the Beatles. I can see Apple teasing us with "tomorrow" yesterday and turning that into "Yesterday" (the Beatles' biggest hit) today --that is, the time when iTunes had no Beatles becoming a thing of the past, a day we will (or rather, they) will never forget. You heard it here first.
  • Reply 68 of 90
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by 3M TA3 View Post

    beatles are overrated. yawn.


    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Sort of not the point, though. Is it? If they want to tells us The Beatles are on iTunes, just do it. Don't yank our chain in the process. Any Beatles albums fans desperately want, they already have, iTunes or no iTunes. The Beatles, who incidentally, broke up in 1970. 40 years ago.

    Ah, look at all the lonely people

    Ah, look at all the lonely people

    Eleanor rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been

    Lives in a dream

    Waits at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door

    Who is it for?

    All the lonely people

    Where do they all come from ?

    All the lonely people

    Where do they all belong ?

    Father mckenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear

    No one comes near.

    Look at him working. darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there

    What does he care?

    All the lonely people

    Where do they all come from?

    All the lonely people

    Where do they all belong?

    Eleanor rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name

    Nobody came

    Father mckenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave

    No one was saved

    All the lonely people

    Where do they all come from?

    All the lonely people

    Where do they all belong

    Originally Posted by edwardryu View Post

    so what? other already have sold beattles album for a long time ago. get over it. I don't care. I am not even a fan of beattles. so much about them.

    you have no idea how much they meant to us to me much ever rock band in the world turned on a dime and outright stole bestle chords . jerry garcia included

    only bob dylan was better

    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    This is a big deal to us old Farts. I'm happy for Steve Jobs, he has been working this deal for years. The band is legendary and iconic ... and not having them in the iTunes collection made it very incomplete. Not sure if they will sell alot because they are entering the game 8 years after the fact and many of us just ripped the cd's to itunes.

    Originally Posted by ElectroTech View Post

    Apparently, the Beatles are a rock band from my parents time. They used to be very big. Maybe I should listen to them . . . OR NOT!

    Who would care?

    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    i think getting the beatles for itunes means a lot to steve and he really doesn't care about the pathetic apple fans who don't get it.

    steve named apple after the beatles

    so its a huge thing for him


    Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC

    Didn't get to bed last night

    On the way the paper bag was on my knee

    Man i had a dreadful flight

    I'm back in the U.S.S.R.

    You don't know how lucky you are boy

    Back in the U.S.S.R.

    Been away so long I hardly knew the place

    Gee it's good to be back home

    Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case

    Honey disconnect the phone

    I'm back in the U.S.S.R.

    You don't know how lucky you are boy

    Back in the U.S.

    Back in the U.S.

    Back in the U.S.S.R.

    Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out

    They leave the West behind

    And Moscow girls make me sing and shout

    That Georgia's always on my my my my my my my mind.

    I'm back in the U.S.S.R.

    You don't know how lucky you are boy

    Back in the U.S.S.R.

    Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out

    They leave the West behind

    And Moscow girls make me sing and shout

    That Georgia's always on my my my my my my my mind.

    Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south

    Take me to your daddy's farm

    Let me hear your balalaika's ringing out

    Come and keep your comrade warm.

    I'm back in the U.S.S.R. hey

    You don't know how lucky you are boy

    Back in the U.S.S.R.

    >>>boac was a >>>> nah you figure that out
  • Reply 69 of 90
    Originally Posted by iLoveStuff View Post

    Reading all your posts...

    Everyone is so f'ing negative about EVERYTHING!!!!!!

    If it's this, you'll be disappointed, if it's 'that' then Apple should have done it years ago, blah blah blah.

    What a bunch of cry babies.


    boy did you ever nail that correct... why do people have

    to put so much effort into complaining?

    Rick from Austin
  • Reply 70 of 90
    Does anyone really care that the Beatles catalog is now avail on iTunes?

    By now, who has not downloaded or ripped a Beatles song that was not avail until now. Too little to late to care about.
  • Reply 71 of 90
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Anything owned by that Australian, no offense to Australians meant, is nothing, in my book. That guy is nothing more than a wrinkly old shit-bag. They do get scoops though. Directly from Apple.

    I don't see what the man's nationality has to do with this. I don't judge your country by your antics, so why drag Australia into this?

    Originally Posted by bugsnw View Post

    It can't just be the Beatles, can it? Is their tagline a play on words?

    iTunes in the sky...with diamonds. Cloud based iTunes?

    iTunes has lost movie revenue from me since I switched to Netflix. Can't Apple offer the same, but better?

    Throw in the iPad OS update and it starts to get interesting.

    Apple often encodes meaning into their teasers. If it's about music, what songs have similar phrasing as in the banner: "Tomorrow is just another day. That you'll never forget."?

    Originally Posted by ncee View Post

    The living Beatles, aren't getting any younger, maybe they want to try and get some money while they can, for their kids

    What's funny is they have a beautiful song about not being bogged down in material possessions, but they were also worth over a hundred million dollars at that time.

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    how old are you?

    Think about it though, it's not a totally unfair statement, they broke up 40 years ago.

    Originally Posted by rtm135 View Post

    If the big announcement tomorrow is The Beatles then: Yawn. Who actually buys music anymore anyways--especially music with DRM.

    Originally Posted by Goocher View Post

    iTunes is DRM-free music.

    Wow, the notion that Apple sells DRMed music is very out of date now. iTunes Plus was introduced May 2007. iTunes Plus was made standard for all music starting January 2009.

    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    I was under the impression that Beatles music had been available for CD for many a year, do people forget that CDs are digital music, or is it just lazy reporting?

    It's a common mistake, I don't know why, except maybe some people have short memories. Another might be that "digital" might have become a lazy short hand for "digital download".
  • Reply 72 of 90
    Steve Jobs will now be known as the 6th Beatle.
  • Reply 73 of 90
    I have read a bunch of people saying 'if it is just the Beatles, why did Apple waste the front page of their web site'.

    To me, it boils down to this. Getting the Beatles content fills one of the major holes in the Apple content catalog. The Beatles are a big enough name to require something more than a press release - because of the on-going conflict between Apple and the Beatles [over content, over company names, etc].

    BUT, the adding of one Groups catalog is not worthy of a press event.

    So, we get a teaser web page, and a web only announcement. It seems to me that it is a very good balance.

    Now, I don't agree with the slug 'A day you will never forget'. That's pure hyperbole far beyond what the event represents. That slug is going to generate the most negative comments by Apple fans.
  • Reply 74 of 90
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post


    Appleinsider is the King of iHype. Quoting morons like Jon Gruber who never gets stuff right or say things that are obvious to everyone. Notice how these types never say they were wrong? How many times did AI say that the new Mac Pro's were coming, but got it wrong again and again.

    The iHype is getting so bad its having a negative effect, because the truth is always a let down now.

    Beatles on what. I ripped my CD's years ago, and dont even listen to them often any more.

    I must be the only about-to-be 65 year old AI reader and I'm pumped at John, Paul, George and Ringo coming to iTunes. They are the last pre-Rap/HipHop band (on the run or otherwise) to be inducted and it's fabulous news for music lovers everywhere.

    To all of you children I say: Watch the numbers. Within not many months these tracks will be outselling anything you have ever purchased. Mark my words kiddies.
  • Reply 75 of 90
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by ElectroTech View Post

    Apparently, the Beatles are a rock band from my parents time. They used to be very big. Maybe I should listen to them . . . OR NOT!

    Who would care?

    I really hope you are just trolling, or at least joking. The Beatles are the most famous rock group of all time. It's that simple.

    But that said, them appearing on iTunes is the very definition of a non-event.
  • Reply 76 of 90
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    For those of you who don't know the beef between Apple and the Beatles here's a brief lesson. The Beatles record label is/was Apple records and they sued Apple computers some years ago for that name. One of the stipulations in the settlement was that Apple computers was never to get into the music industry and now years later with iTunes Apple has gone back on their word. That's why there hasn't been any of their music on iTunes.
  • Reply 77 of 90
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    If APPL takes a little dip after today's Beatlemania, I won't be shocked. It would serve them right, for misusing their influence and overhyping one bands music.

    Apple announcements that grip the entire community should have some potential for gain.

    As far as I can see it, Beatles on iTunes is a too little too late formality.
  • Reply 78 of 90
    ....but I already have the whole catalog.....
  • Reply 79 of 90
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    For those of you who don't know the beef between Apple and the Beatles here's a brief lesson. The Beatles record label is/was Apple records and they sued Apple computers some years ago for that name. One of the stipulations in the settlement was that Apple computers was never to get into the music industry and now years later with iTunes Apple has gone back on their word. That's why there hasn't been any of their music on iTunes.

    yea ok. That had something to do with it. That's what the years of failed negotiations were all about.
  • Reply 80 of 90
    At E3 microsoft spent a whack of cash on Beatles crap.

    No one who matters cares.

    It's a waste of money. The beatles were cool - like 30 years ago. Get OVER it. Apple should know better than to drum up attention for something most people who will see this notice couldn't give a flying fudge for.

    Some of the tunes are nice. But this is not worthy of our attention and unless there is something modern or tech related they are wasting my time with this announcement.
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