Parents complain Amazon's Kindle Fire gives kids access to porn, accounts



  • Reply 21 of 150
    You can buy porn directly from How much of a surprise should it be that their devices deliver porn too?

    As someone upstream said, that's they get for cheaping out. Buy an iPad.
  • Reply 22 of 150
    what's ironic is that the Android market allows you to password protect purchases. lol.

    Good job Amazon.../s
  • Reply 23 of 150
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,363moderator
    Given that it runs a version of Android, that should really be the target of criticism. I couldn't immediately find parental controls in stock Android either and while the Market app seems to have some, it's not the case system-wide. If Google hasn't addressed this in newer versions like Ice-Cream Sandwich, it should probably rank quite highly on their todo list.
  • Reply 24 of 150
    Haha, love it when people complain about parental controls on devices and there children being able to view porn. Its not like you just stumble a cross porn you do actually have to search for it, and if you kid wants to look at it then your not going to stop them. Plus seriously what is the big deal, there going to learn what sex is at some point.
  • Reply 25 of 150
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    There are certain jobs where people don't ever have to touch Windows. I've never owned a Windows machine in my entire life.

    I am fortunate to have one of those too.

    Windows? Ugh. Never.
  • Reply 26 of 150
    dualiedualie Posts: 334member
    Mwah mwah mwaaaaaaah
  • Reply 27 of 150
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    The reason you're leaving is the reason so many of us who happen to be fans of other OSes are here. Ironic.

    It makes no sense for people who don't like Apple to be here. You're never going to find me on an Android forum talking about how much Android sucks or how great Apple is.
  • Reply 28 of 150
    This is old news! Seth Meyers talked about this months ago on Weekend Update.

    46 seconds in:

  • Reply 29 of 150
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by timgriff84 View Post

    Plus seriously what is the big deal, there going to learn what sex is at some point.

    There's nothing wrong with porn, but if you think that having a seven year old kid watch porn is ok, then I feel sorry for your children.
  • Reply 30 of 150
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,094member
    Ha ha ha... Amazon did'nt think through any of this. None. Sometimes 'ship early' is really bad

    There is a big difference in a company that invests the creative energy to create a great user experience...and those that don't. You only can pretend for so long

    That said, the Fire is a Christmas gift to Apple. As bad as it is, it will derail all the ongoing Android efforts
  • Reply 31 of 150
    jlanddjlandd Posts: 873member
    I don't get it. Pull up "Iron Giant", hand it to your kid in the back seat and remind him that only Mom or Dad can put movies on it.

    When we used to eventually get to grandma's, grandpa usually was playing poker and cussing and drinking. And my folks told me not to go in the den when he was. (Either way I didn't turn out much of a cusser, drinker or gambler, though it wasn't for lack of trying).

    I don't get it. You don't want to tell your kid how you want him to behave? What he can't do? Isn't that the whole point of parenting?
  • Reply 32 of 150
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I am fortunate to have one of those too.

    Windows? Ugh. Never.

    OWS member? Parking lot attendant? Why are you so proud you have never used Windows? Hard to say "ugh" about something you have never tried.
  • Reply 33 of 150
    Originally Posted by skolvikings View Post

    Is this an Apple site or a Kindle Fire site? Oh yeah, the Kindle Fire is potentially a threat to a beloved Apple product. Therefore anything potentially negative about it must be reported immediately.


    Like I've commented previously, I have numerous iOS devices and love them, and loved this blog to find out about new Apple stuff. But alas, it's time to dump you from my RSS feed reader. I'm not an Apple zealot, and can't deal with anymore of the "bash everyone else" stories.

    I agree. Either report in a balanced way about competitors' products or don't report about them at all.

    It is reporting like this which gives the Apple fan community a bad name. The Kindle Fire has generally been well-received; it is disingenuous to focus solely on relatively minor negative aspects such as this. What is the purpose of this site; to inform, or to whip the fanboy crowd into a frenzy?
  • Reply 34 of 150
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by tbsteph View Post

    OWS member? Parking lot attendant? Why are you so proud you have never used Windows? Hard to say "ugh" about something you have never tried.

    It is highly unlikely that I would ever be an OWS member, as those people are scum.

    I've never owned a Windows machine, but I have tried it and seen it occasionally, as a few friends had such machines. I know enough about it to know that I don't like it and it looks hideous.

    I avoid it like the plague and I would even turn down a job, if it required using Windows. Luckily, I get to choose my own tools that I use.
  • Reply 35 of 150
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Euphonious View Post

    It is reporting like this which gives the Apple fan community a bad name.

    It's a completely legitimate issue to report about. Would you prefer that news was censored like in North Korea and we could all pretend that this issue doesn't exist?

    And who cares about what Fandroids might think about the Apple fan community? Those people suck. The Apple fan community doesn't need to care about what losers might think about them.
  • Reply 36 of 150
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Being fair, how many complaints about Smurfberries have we seen here?

    And Apple countered that there were parental controls from day one and the parents weren't using them. Or worse where telling their kids the passwords.

    Amazon isn't even asking for passwords or giving parents controls to turn on

    And you would think after all the Apple stuff they would have thought of that
  • Reply 37 of 150
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by jlandd View Post

    I don't get it. Pull up "Iron Giant", hand it to your kid in the back seat and remind him that only Mom or Dad can put movies on it.

    Clearly you don't have kids. Because if you did you would know how easily they can click on something just because they are curious what it does and suddenly you just bought $5000 in stuff.
  • Reply 38 of 150
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Being the great and loving parent that I'm sure that I would be, my kids will never have to suffer, growing up using second rate junk, like an Android tablet.

    And I am sure you will be a great and loving parent but it is very obvious that you don't have kids now. Most kids, you see, are hard wired to rebel. That's how they grow up to become independent beings. With an Apple nut of a parent, no matter how great and loving, it's fairly certain that your kid will want something else than an Apple. Sorry to burst your bubble, mate, but I speak from experience. "I want a Blackberry, I hate texting on my iPod" (silence, then.?) "You WHAT???? You want , WHAT??" and I have to tell you - I lost the ensuing battle.
  • Reply 39 of 150
    Originally Posted by tbsteph View Post

    OWS member? Parking lot attendant? Why are you so proud you have never used Windows? Hard to say "ugh" about something you have never tried.

    Hmmm... why do [some] people have to make their comments personal?

    In the 80s and 90s all of my Macs just worked. My friends who were using pc's were having a myriad of problems... every last person I knew... problems, problems, problems.

    After Steve came back the Mac just got better and better... there was never ever a reason to switch to a system that had been so terrible in the 90s, even if it got better as it finally entered the 21st century.
  • Reply 40 of 150
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    Mommy, what are these two men doing to each other? OMG give me that. Wife to husband. We are going to return this tablet.
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