Thermal testing shows new iPad no hotter than Android tablets, notebooks



  • Reply 21 of 87
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    The irony is that I've been approached by non-iPad/non-Apple owners who have asked me if my iPad gets too hot because they've heard this on the blogosphere. Consumer Reports' goal of smearing Apple has succeeded; it hardly matters that other sites could not replicate their results. Mike Daisey would be proud.

    You're absolutely right. In flipping through TV channels this weekend, G4 (don't really watch) happened to have whatever tech news blip they do and were talking about both the 'weak Wifi issue' and the 'noticeable thermal issues'. Sensationalist media indeed.
  • Reply 22 of 87
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    He understates the case for CR simply looking for attention. I've seen at least 4 other reports of iPad temperatures and NONE of them have gotten over 100 degrees - much less 116 degrees.

    CR's report is highly suspect.

    Agreed. My only point was was simply that the language used by critics in this case is intentionally dishonest and suspect. Whatever his thoughts about CR, they are at Least as suspect as being merely sensationalist, and unfortunately, possibly a whole lot more. It's amazing to me that I can play with a product for less than an hour, talk to a few friends who have one, and get better information than a "professional report." What schlock.
  • Reply 23 of 87
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    They'll accuse PC World of lying, of course.

    The interesting thing is that with at least 4 published reports, NO ONE has seen temperatures over 100 degrees while CR claimed 116 degrees. Given CR's history of lying, I'm very suspicious of their results.

    Even 116 degrees is only 18 degrees over the human body's temperature. You drink hot coffee way hotter then this and the air coming out of your heater vents is way hotter. I could brand cattle with the heat from my 2006 MBP and it's never failed me in 6 years. The issue is a non-issue.
  • Reply 24 of 87
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    This report does not bode well for the iPad's rating on ''.
  • Reply 25 of 87
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I knew it was bull since I got one. Leo Laporte (known to many as "The Tech Guy") also says it's a non-story.
  • Reply 26 of 87
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Your absolutely right. In flipping through TV channels this weekend and G4 (don't really watch) but happened to have whatever tech news blip they do and were talking about both the 'weak Wifi issue' and the 'noticeable thermal issues'. Sensationalist media indeed.

    They're all in it for the clicks. Sensationalism sells. Calm, cool logic loses.
  • Reply 27 of 87
    jimtjimt Posts: 16member
    I'd say it's just a matter of degree!
  • Reply 28 of 87
    tipootipoo Posts: 1,147member
    Most of those are made of plastic though, I wonder if you just subjectively feel it more from the metal? Just like how plastic laptops may run as hot as the MBP or hotter, but against bare skin the aluminium will feel hotter since it absorbs and dissipates heat better.
  • Reply 29 of 87
    I have a 4s and a ipad3. Now I haven't really stressed the iPad yet, but I know the iPhone has been WAY hotter... Marginally uncomfortable temp. I'm guessing it is at about 120-130 F, I'll have to get a measurement next time I think of it. My iPad has yet to register even noticeable warmth...
  • Reply 30 of 87
    msimpsonmsimpson Posts: 452member
    Since it looks like playing a game on the new iPad will not cause you to catch on fire or get burned, it would be nice to know how much battery power remains after playing a game on those systems for one hour? Could you play the same game for two hours on any of those tablets only on battery power?

    I have my suspicions on what the results would be, but some test results would be nice to have.
  • Reply 31 of 87
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Okay perhaps 1 degree F is not statistically significant in their test - but how do you run a headline that the iPad 3 is no hotter than other similar devices when the chart supporting the claim shows that the iPad 3 is in fact hotter than every other device tested under every single parameter reported?

    Again - a claim of no hotter than - is not at unreasonable in my opinion - when you are talking about a range of temperatures - nearly all of which can be measured on nearly all devices - and the deviation is on the order of 1% or so - and I suppose that a headline more like - the iPad 3 is only marginally hotter than all other devices tested and well within the range of consumer electronic devices - including products such as notebooks that are designed to be used while in physical contact with the human body (asbestos clothing optional).
  • Reply 32 of 87
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post

    I would like to know what the room ambient temp was for the tests as that makes a difference.

    I used to work in a testing facility and we had to measure "temperature rise." That is the measure of the difference between ambient temp when device is not under power and the operating temp. The theory goes, that the rise "should" be consistent depending on the starting temperature. Start testing at 70 degrees and the operating temp goes to 90 degrees gives a 20 degree rise. So, if you test starting with ambient temp at 100 degrees, you should get an operating temp of 120 degrees. is relevant what the ambient temperature was for the Consumer Reports tests, end user tests, and tests referenced in this article. (results also should be consistent across all devices tested)


    Temperature is a non-linear scale. The amount of heat (in calories/joules) given off would be the same but is unlikely to result in a 20 degree increase in both examples given. That is why ambient temperature is relevant.
  • Reply 33 of 87
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member

    but not especially uncomfortable if held for a brief period

    This to me screams spin. What is "especially" uncomfortable as opposed to uncomfortable. Sitting on rubbish chair is uncomfortable (you want to sit elsewhere), sitting on a rubbish chair on top of a small pin is especially uncomfortable.

    And what does if held for a brief period mean? How brief? Half an hour? 20 minutes? 10 minutes? How are you supposed to hold it for a brief period when playing a game say?

    Apple should have opted for a manufacturer that could produce a die shrink too since they were expecting the intense requirements of the screen.

    This coupled with the crippling storage maxing out at 64gb despite the ever increasing uses of the ipad and retina increasing the demands for storage makes it a typically very technologically advanced apple gen 1. product with very serious compromises.

    They should have at least been fair with the storage issue and not offered 16 and 32gb models (well 32gb could have been the entry one) which are crippling the device in order to incite people to buy at the extra high margins of the 64gb models. Top end 128gb should have been standard.
  • Reply 34 of 87
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Except it does in 11/12 cases and by 12-14 degrees after an hour of playing. Good spin though.

    Under MOST of the tests, the iPad 2 is within a couple of degrees of the Tab - which is probably within the error margin.

    It's certainly close enough that the "the iPad 3 is HOOTTTTTT!!!" people are obviously wrong.

    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    Okay perhaps 1 degree F is not statistically significant in their test - but how do you run a headline that the iPad 3 is no hotter than other similar devices when the chart supporting the claim shows that the iPad 3 is in fact hotter than every other device tested under every single parameter reported?

    Again - a claim of no hotter than - is not at unreasonable in my opinion - when you are talking about a range of temperatures - nearly all of which can be measured on nearly all devices - and the deviation is on the order of 1% or so - and I suppose that a headline more like - the iPad 3 is only marginally hotter than all other devices tested and well within the range of consumer electronic devices - including products such as notebooks that are designed to be used while in physical contact with the human body (asbestos clothing optional).

    The margin of error is probably more than 1%. Look at the temperature increase in moving from one column to the next - or in measuring at a different location. The margin of error is likely a couple of degrees - at least. That makes the devices comparable in most tests.
  • Reply 35 of 87
    Originally Posted by Sol77 View Post

    The following was posted on Daring Fireball a few days ago. It's a good analysis of slippery language devoid of critical information. In essence: they called it. I've been knew to tech over the last few years since I first got a smart phone (no jokes, please), and it has been a wonder to watch how much deliberately misleading information is placed in print. It really is very much like the tech equivalent of local religion or local football home-teams...people really do just pick one side and enjoy blasting the other side. It's amazing. I'm wondering how much is money/stock driven, and how much is just sheer away-team bashing. That intoxicating feeling of tearing down the competition...on "paper"...

    Yellow Journalism my friend, yellow journalism.
  • Reply 36 of 87
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Dunks View Post

    Temperature is a non-linear scale.

    Since when?

    Temperature most certainly is a linear scale.
  • Reply 37 of 87
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    This to me screams spin. What is "especially" uncomfortable as opposed to uncomfortable. Sitting on rubbish chair is uncomfortable (you want to sit elsewhere), sitting on a rubbish chair on top of a small pin is especially uncomfortable.

    And what does if held for a brief period mean? How brief? Half an hour? 20 minutes? 10 minutes? How are you supposed to hold it for a brief period when playing a game say?

    Apple should have opted for a manufacturer that could produce a die shrink too since they were expecting the intense requirements of the screen.

    This coupled with the crippling storage maxing out at 64gb despite the ever increasing uses of the ipad and retina increasing the demands for storage makes it a typically very technologically advanced apple gen 1. product with very serious compromises.

    They should have at least been fair with the storage issue and not offered 16 and 32gb models (well 32gb could have been the entry one) which are crippling the device in order to incite people to buy at the extra high margins of the 64gb models. Top end 128gb should have been standard.

    Actually in the winter time that extra heat is gonna be nice. Forget holding onto a hot cup of tea, I got my new iPad!

    I have the 16GB iPad 2 and it's been awesome for me. I use an app called Files Connect, lets you access your computer docs without trying to fit your entire life on your iPad. Also, go outside & take a big breath of fresh air, you need to relax a little.
  • Reply 38 of 87
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Except it does in 11/12 cases and by 12-14 degrees after an hour of playing. Good spin though.

    Where are you getting "12-14 degrees"? The chart clearly shows that iPad running between 3 and 8 degrees warmer.
  • Reply 39 of 87
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    Apple should have opted for a manufacturer that could produce a die shrink too since they were expecting the intense requirements of the screen.

    Which manufacturer is this? Who was offering a smaller lithography of the GPU on a large sacle when these started going into production several months ago?


    This coupled with the crippling storage maxing out at 64gb

    Yes, 64GB is crippling. Maybe you should get a class action lawsuit going. You've clearly been hurt Apple's actions against you.


    They should have at least been fair with the storage issue and not offered 16 and 32gb models

    Now it's not fair that Apple offered more choice instead of less? That's right, Apple should what you want without regard for their average customer or trying to run a successful business.
  • Reply 40 of 87
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    Actually in the winter time that extra heat is gonna be nice. Forget holding onto a hot cup of tea, I got my new iPad!

    I have the 16GB iPad 2 and it's been awesome for me. I use an app called Files Connect, lets you access your computer docs without trying to fit your entire life on your iPad. Also, go outside & take a big breath of fresh air, you need to relax a little.

    Oh I love to breath that fresh air but mine comes with no condescension.
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