Everything you need to know about Apple Music



  • Reply 81 of 103
    ibyronibyron Posts: 7member
    "I'm still not seeing anything to replace Beats Music's Curator Playlists."

    From the article:
    Preset playlists are also available from a number of sources, including Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, The Gran d Ole Opry and more. Apple Music editors also contribute their own playlist picks.
  • Reply 82 of 103
    ibyronibyron Posts: 7member

    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post


    I'm still not seeing anything to replace Beats Music's Curator Playlists.

    That would be these (from the article):


    "Preset playlists are also available from a number of sources, including Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, The Grand Ole Opry and more. Apple Music editors also contribute their own playlist picks."

  • Reply 83 of 103
    rudeboyrudeboy Posts: 3member
    What about "The Sentence"? I LOVE "The Sentence" feature in Beats.

    Beats often has an easily accessible library of "liner notes" type information on most albums and artists. It's very welcome information after I've discovered an interesting song or artist via "The Sentence." This also appears to be missing from Apple Music.

    How many presses is it going to take to mark a track for a custom playlist or whatever? I don't imagine Apple will make it any more intuitive than Beats does.
  • Reply 84 of 103

    iTunes Match (-/+)~=Apple Music


    I think whoever gave the proposal for Apple buying beats was a helluva magician.

    Because speakers that catch fire and the above equation seems to me like a strange investment.  If it works as proposed so eloquently in this thread; it would make the purchase of beats very small change indeed.  I will smile with glee if Apple starts forcing the extinction of music industry slavery to the labels.

    Next it's magazine publishing; and then on to television broadcasting and whoops all of media.


    Good investment.   But also  a serious gamble.  Although I wonder someone who's getting millions of dollars as a corporate vp of whatever couldn't have figured it out for a little less than the cost of beats.  I mean, (obviously) Steve had this planned all along.


    And I do love him for that.  

    My god why did I not invest 20 years ago.  Instead I've owned like umm, almost 40 macs.  More I believe sadly.  but I do love you Apple.  And will destroy the first person that stands in the way of that damn watch.  


    It does go with Steve's old adage about using the Mac (or any apple product) as a tool to create art or music and then bam thank you 30% of everything created.  And shout out to Tim Cook!  You better kick somebody ass in the consistency department; which Steve was absolutely unwavering on.  That's consistency in the User Interface.  (I'm thinking of you AppleWatch 1.0)  I am so old folks I remember a book the size of a phone book decicated to Apple User Interface Guidelines.  It was my bible, but I digress.  Thanks peeps.

  • Reply 85 of 103
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,423member

    So after reading more about Apple Music on their website, I'm growing a bit less pessimistic. Although none of this is exposed in screenshots, there appears to be extensive discussion of curated playlists, based on specific genres, with the curation done both by third party music experts as well as internally at Apple...



  • Reply 86 of 103
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,423member
    Originally Posted by Robbie Veith View Post


    I think whoever gave the proposal for Apple buying beats was a helluva magician.


    Whether or not Apple Music proves successful, Apple isn't going to lose any money on the Beats acquisition. The high margin headphone business alone will allow them to recoup their costs within a couple of years.

  • Reply 87 of 103

    Connect... hope Apple has some way of blocking or controlling the ubiquitous trolls from making rude, crude, disrespectful and possibly racist, bigoted, and sexist comments to the artist.


    I am looking forward to trying Apple Music, if it is good to me then I will gladly pay (and still keep my Sirius/XM membership).

  • Reply 88 of 103
    I will say this for what it's worth. Neither of my teenage kids (19 and 16) had heard of "Apple Music", 24 hours later. They were surprised to hear that this was a potential competitor to Spotify. They have not seen or heard about it on any of the social media sites they both frequent, and not one of their friends had mentioned it either.

    I realize that this is only two data points, but it is possibly problematic for Apple if more broadly true.

    Yep. If anything, the timing is poor. I work at a high school/middle school and they wouldn't shut up about iOS7 because it was announced during a school day. Many schools were already out for the year for WWDC. The 3 month freebie will end just as school gets going again...very curious how it will pan out.
  • Reply 89 of 103
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post


    So after reading more about Apple Music on their website, I'm growing a bit less pessimistic. Although none of this is exposed in screenshots, there appears to be extensive discussion of curated playlists, based on specific genres, with the curation done both by third party music experts as well as internally at Apple...



    That was the screen caps I capped for you but couldn't upload to this site. I think it will be more or less like Beat, if not the same. In the long run it could be even better because of Apple resources. But whatever it is the curation will be miles better than Spotify. I'm using Spotify, free user, and the curation there is nothing impressive.

  • Reply 90 of 103
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post


    Connect... hope Apple has some way of blocking or controlling the ubiquitous trolls from making rude, crude, disrespectful and possibly racist, bigoted, and sexist comments to the artist.



    That should be easy. Let's the artists control their pages: Blocking trolls & spams. I'd laugh if Apple didn't think about this.

  • Reply 91 of 103
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,423member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post


    That was the screen cap I capped for you but couldn't upload to this site. I think it will be more or less like Beat, if not the same. But whatever it is the curation will be miles better than Spotify. I'm using Spotify, free user, and the curation there is nothing impressive.

    When I speak of curation, I'm not referring to the sort that goes into deciding what gets played on a radio station, nor the type that's used to create custom playlists "just for you". In my experience I have never encountered a radio station or playlist curated based on my interests that I found appealing.


    I'm referring to having access to a broad selection of music experts with great taste in music - curators -  on whom I can depend when searching for playlists that match both my musical tastes and current listening mood. Spotify allegedly is the leader in this field.


    Have you tried to browse through Spotify's list of curators in search of playlists you find appealing?

  • Reply 92 of 103
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post


    When I speak of curation, I'm not referring to the sort that goes into deciding what gets played on a radio station, nor the type that's used to create custom playlists "just for you". In my experience I have never encountered a radio station or playlist curated based on my interests that I found appealing.


    I'm referring to having access to a broad selection of rally good music curators spanning many music genres on whom I can depend when searching for playlists that match both my musical tastes and current mood. Spotify allegedly is the leader in this field.


    Have you tried to browse through Spotify's list of curators in search of playlists you find appealing?

    First, Spotify app is so shit I never want to try anything. And as a music lover I strangely never get the enjoyment out of music from Spotify, the mood is just not right. Not sure why but their app design always kill my enjoyment.

    And I never find Spotify playlists that make me wow. It's alright but nothing extremely good.


    If you like beat, Apple Music will be more or less it.

  • Reply 93 of 103
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,405member
    Yep. If anything, the timing is poor. I work at a high school/middle school and they wouldn't shut up about iOS7 because it was announced during a school day. Many schools were already out for the year for WWDC. The 3 month freebie will end just as school gets going again...very curious how it will pan out.

    Spot on. Summer's a time when none of these kids are remotely paying attention (unlike adults).

    Somehow, the demographic aspect of this seems all wrong. But I hope I am wrong.
  • Reply 94 of 103
    lostkiwilostkiwi Posts: 639member

    I can see on the Apple website they talk a lot about curated playlists and that is great - but I wonder if we will be able to create and share playlists with buddies or find new playlists on the web...not from 'experts' but just some random dude/dudette on the net.


    This is one of my favourite features about Spotify and I hope Apple Music incorporates it....

  • Reply 95 of 103
    sestewartsestewart Posts: 102member

    apple always runs back to school promos and education discounts. 


    The 3 month free trial runs out just in time for tack on additional sales at the checkout when parents are buying their kids new computers/phones/ipads for school.


    Genius. (no pun intended for Apple geniuses.)

  • Reply 96 of 103
    ike17055ike17055 Posts: 121member
    Just one music fan's take on this. I am a big Apple fan. My ipad mini and an ipod classic are rarely beyond my reach, and i am impressed with the company's history and overall trajectory. But i dont see their direction in music as especially helpful or compelling. I am heavily invested in iTunes files, either ripped from CD or downloaded, in a lot of different genres.

    Assembling my own playlsists iver the years guarantees i will have music i like, but i have still become fond of Pandora to discover artists and individual tracks. Some time back i trialed Rdio, which is a great service, but once google released their iOS app, i gave it a whirl, especially since i was able to upload my entire music collection to the web via Google. It easily became my default streaming option. Web access was the dealmaker, and its free. I later upgraded to full access.

    Frankly, this system seems hard to beat, at least for me. nBeats1 holds no interest for me personally since i only infrequently consume mainstream music these days. Plus, does Apple Music allow for web-based access? I have not able to determine this yet. That feature alone attracted me to Google Play Music, and eventually made me a subscriber so i could sample new albums and tracks as desired (which ultimately guides my purchases from iTunes frankly -- i still want to own my music and Control my playlist content, especially for those times i am without internet access, such as in the mountains.)

    I know you can build custom playlists with streaming, even for offline use, but this strikes me as a total workaround rather than a solution for anyone who is offline for extended periods. Bottom line: i anxiously awaited Appl Music, hoping for something compelling if not revolutionary. Right now, i am seeing no reason to consider anything beyond a test drive, but i see nothing to pull me away from Google, which really is a very nice system with a great app, especially when combined with its component systems of Songza (great lists) and YouTube Music offerings. And i still pay my 4 bucks a month for Pandora, which even with its extremely limited library and high occurence of repeats, really provides a nice service as a supplement. Plus, i have to say, i think "human curation" emphasis is over-rated. Pandora's Music Genome Project actually works extremely well once you spend a little time fine tuning it with the simple thumbs up-thumbs down clicks the first few times on a list.

    Again, this is just one consumer's take and it us what works for me, but i have a hard time thinking i am such an exception. Has anyone else found the alternative services to be more than sufficient? (I will say, i also trialed Spotify a few years back and found the interface confusing and unimpressive although the library is sizeable.)
  • Reply 97 of 103

    Originally Posted by aminorsixth View Post


    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I will say this for what it's worth. Neither of my teenage kids (19 and 16) had heard of "Apple Music", 24 hours later. They were surprised to hear that this was a potential competitor to Spotify. They have not seen or heard about it on any of the social media sites they both frequent, and not one of their friends had mentioned it either.

    I realize that this is only two data points, but it is possibly problematic for Apple if more broadly true.

    Yep. If anything, the timing is poor. I work at a high school/middle school and they wouldn't shut up about iOS7 because it was announced during a school day. Many schools were already out for the year for WWDC. The 3 month freebie will end just as school gets going again...very curious how it will pan out.

    I was under the impression that the "first three months" were to be free... not, "the next three months." BIG difference.

  • Reply 98 of 103
    Originally Posted by Ike17055 View Post

    Just one music fan's take on this. I am a big Apple fan. My ipad mini and an ipod classic are rarely beyond my reach, and i am impressed with the company's history and overall trajectory. But i dont see their direction in music as especially helpful or compelling. I am heavily invested in iTunes files, either ripped from CD or downloaded, in a lot of different genres.

    Apple Music is more for the current generation coming into being... Like you, I'm not that fond of streaming music, but I'm an old fart that's happy with iTunesRadio now and then, but listen to my own library when I get a rare desire to hear certain music.


    The incoming generation has the focus of an over-stimulated puppy. Apple Music will be perfect for this group. I enjoy silence most of all ... a rare event for the most part any more.


    While I on this, I cannot block out noise or distractions, it's just how I'm wired. Because of that, where ever I am, I'm conscious of the "background music." So if I'm in a restaurant and I hear a song that really strikes a chord with me, I'm whip out my iPhone and use Shazam to identify it... those who are usually with me, almost always had no conscious awareness of the music being played... I think it's mostly used to create a high level of "noise" which seems to be a comfort to most people (the younger ones more likely). Ask any architect of most eating establishments, hard surfaces that turn a space into a echo box is the way to go.

  • Reply 99 of 103
    laytechlaytech Posts: 335member
    pmz wrote: »

    - Connect reminds me of Ping, and I have to roll my eyes at Apple once again thinking they are going convince anyone to use it.
    - Iovine and Drake were embarassments and should not have been allowed on stage.

    It's a bit rough to say Lovine was an embarrassment, ok he wasnt as fluent as others on stage but he did a good job and you know, it's not easy in front of a giant audience and millions of online viewers live or not. Tim Cook makes it look easy but it's tough and I thought he did ok. Drake, I didn't really see the point of as the video covered what he had to say better but he did well too for his first time.

    Radio dead, not really, people like DJ's, people like that interaction, live sound, breaking news. Big call to knock all this before it's even left the stalls.

    Whether better or not than Spotify it's now a choice people have, better than being limited to one choice, users have options and what we do know is that Apple will provide quality and functionality that will work, whether you or someone else decides to sign up doesn't matter, better to venture than not if you ask me. I would much rather see Apple regret doing something than regret never having done it.
  • Reply 100 of 103
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,423member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post


    First, Spotify app is so shit I never want to try anything. And as a music lover I strangely never get the enjoyment out of music from Spotify, the mood is just not right. Not sure why but their app design always kill my enjoyment.

    And I never find Spotify playlists that make me wow. It's alright but nothing extremely good.


    If you like beat, Apple Music will be more or less it.

    I like Beats for its curators and for its app. The app is rather unorthodox and took some getting used to. But once you get comfortable with it, it's quite good. One feature I love, that I already know will be absent from Apple's app is the music scrubber. With Apple, if you want to skip to a different part of a song you have to work with an almost invisibly thin timeline and awkwardly drag it back and forth while obscuring your display. Beats displays a song's timeline in a thick circle, which you can very easily drag in circular motion to get where you want to go. 

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