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  • Apple apologizes for iPad Pro 'Crush' ad after massive backlash

    They are probably just embarrassed, that they were caught copying an ad from LG from 2008
    Apple Ads used to be good and creative, but due to cost cutting that needs to suffer as well.
    OR — Another marketing creative 16 years later just happened to have the obvious idea that a super-slim device embodies so many discrete devices in one, and a press turns thick objects into something so thin?

    I think this ad was great, but I do understand how people could feel. I feel crushed when I see those blend and drop tests of brand new Apple devices.
  • Apple's 'Crush' iPad Pro ad sparks intense backlash from creatives

    I think it's a great ad, since it beautifully expressed the message... the thin and light iPad encompasses all of those items.

    Shouldn't we be appreciative that Apple is moving us away from a super wasteful world?

    Now imagine if there were people playing those instruments when the press came down....
  • Apple said to be stealing tech from expensive suppliers to give to cheaper ones

    AppleInsider should be embarrassed about giving this article the title that they did.

    Nowhere in the article does it support the notion of "stealing" if the signed contract says that Apple at least co-owns the tech.

    That means a firm can invest in developing a production technique, and Apple is entirely within its rights to take that process to another firm. The accusation is both that Apple does this, and that it does so by giving information from US companies to suppliers in China.

    Ethical? No, but if Apple was paying the supplier while that supplier developed the process or technique, then one can say that Apple does own it, and the contract supports that.

    As a software engineer, I experience this all the time with clients. They can't see the grey areas between their product and my technology solutions developed in-house.

  • Apple to unveil AI-enabled Safari browser alongside new operating systems

    The days of Google having a stranglehold on accurate web searches are numbered.
  • Apple bids farewell to Frank Casanova after pivotal 36-year tenure

    Strange timing for retirement. 

    The VP is not considered a resounding success and is almost a beta-level product. Not the usual Apple standard. 

    With obvious need to follow up and redesign the AR/VR goggles into something more mainstream compatible, why retire now?

    seems more like a “hey buddy, thanks for everything, but it’s time” kind of convo had taken place. 

    I wonder if this is the guy who pushed past Srouji and everyone who knew it wasn’t ready for prime time and got Tim on board. Bet Tim regrets it internally. He’ll never state that publicly, but he’s got to be wishing he had a do-over. 

    @StrangeDays gave an excellent response. Don't believe the media anti-hype. Apple deliberately released this device into the wild when they did for a very strategic reason. WWDC coming soon, followed by the Fall updates. The best is yet to come.
