Apple removes 'Get a Mac' ads from site, finalizing end of campaign



  • Reply 141 of 157
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Bye Bye Mac as we know it. Hello Apple, the Mobile Device Company.
  • Reply 142 of 157
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    i watch some of these fantasy android TV spots and wondered how stupid any one is to think thats the real stuff it can do ??

    great sci fi ad thou

    and hey my 160 g pod can multi task


    I think you need to calm down. I was merely chuckling at the notion that apple would shift it's focus from mac/pc ads to iphone/android ads.

    Just a chuckle, no need to start yelling how great your... ipod, is.
  • Reply 143 of 157
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by Damn_Its_Hot View Post

    Just exactly what are you smokin' dude and where do I get some? Your remarks are some of the most ridiculous I have read in years. Actually I guess the Mac was on the way out right after it was introduced by your way of thinking. It has been such a short run (26 yrs so far) and the slow death you are speaking of - do you count this in decades remaining or years?

    His way of thinking does NOT imply that the Mac was on the way out in the mid-1980's.

    Instead, he's putting two and two together WRT the present.

    Apple has made at least two high-profile announcements that they now consider themselves a mobile device company. They now don't even archive (much less produce) Mac advertising. Add to that the old remark by Steve that the PC war is over, and that Apple lost, and the conclusion that the desktop era for Apple is over is easy to arrive at.
  • Reply 144 of 157
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member
    Originally Posted by Stevie View Post

    ... he's putting two and two together WRT the present.

    Actually, it's more like he's putting two and two together and getting i53


    Apple has made at least two high-profile announcements that they now consider themselves a mobile device company.

    A company can consider itself, and be, more than one thing.


    They now don't even archive (much less produce) Mac advertising.

    When did they discontinue the dancing shadow iPod commercials? Did they discontinue the iPod shortly thereafter? Are they available on their site?


    Add to that the old remark by Steve that the PC war is over, and that Apple lost,

    That remark was made in 1996, before, I believe, the NeXT acquisition. Steve Jobs first major acts when he returned and regained control of Apple where not to kill the Mac and push the Newton, quite the reverse, in fact. That quote is so old, and the actions since then so at odds with any support it might lend to this meme as to make it entirely irrelevant to the issue, which is actually a non-issue.


    and the conclusion that the desktop era for Apple is over is easy to arrive at.

    Since there is now nothing left in your argument, and nothing in any argument, it would seem that that conclusion is only easy to arrive at if you start from it and try to make the big square facts fit into some tiny round holes.
  • Reply 145 of 157
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Actually, it's more like he's putting two and two together and getting i53

    Actually, it's more like putting 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 and getting 9.


    A company can consider itself, and be, more than one thing.

    Not a company run by Steve Jobs. He is a black and white thinker; there's no room for gray; he thinks only in extremes; and Apple can only be one thing, namely, a mobile devices iPhone OS company. There's no room for the pesky Mac in there.

    Viva Mac
  • Reply 146 of 157
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Actually, it's more like putting 2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 and getting 9.

    Well, faulty math is still faulty math.


    Not a company run by Steve Jobs. He is a black and white thinker; there's no room for gray; he thinks only in extremes; and Apple can only be one thing, namely, a mobile devices iPhone OS company. There's no room for the pesky Mac in there.

    Viva Mac

    Actually, your assessment of Steve Jobs thinking style seems wide of the mark by about 180 degrees. From what I've seen him do and heard him say, he's actually an extremely nuanced thinker. Focus doesn't only come in B&W.
  • Reply 147 of 157
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I've never seen anyone who needed so many words to say nothing. You could be a politician. And that's not a compliment.

    There's Ritalin, Ritalin SR, Concerta, Adderall... You seem to have the attention span of a flea, although that might be an insult to fleas.

    Have you ever read a book? If not, I'll tell ya, they're like 300 pages or so! Man!

    In the United States of America there is a law delineated in the U.S. Constitution which guarantees the right of free speech.

    That means I have the right to exercise that Constitutional guarantee, and you have the right not to read anything I write.

    Maybe you should exercise that right and not read any more of my posts. They seem to be touching a nerve or hitting too close to home based on the volume of your replies to my posts.

    Apparently, empirical evidence laid out in an organized, logical fashion is something you either don't have the patience to read, let alone give due consideration to before you reach an opposite conclusion. Your knee-jerk description whenever I've provided empirical evidence (like quotes from OTHER people NOT me) is to call it "nonsense."

    And the evidence I've carefully laid out is weighty, not "nothing" as you say. It's reflection on your intellect is deafening.

    NOTE: This actually should have been directed to Anonymouse - a perfect screen name, spouting off anonymously + a mouse. Remember the book, "Of Mice and Men"?

  • Reply 148 of 157
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,940member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    There's Ritalin, Ritalin SR, Concerta, Adderall...

    OK, we were wrong, you actually need to cut back on the meds.
  • Reply 149 of 157
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    OK, we were wrong, you actually need to cut back on the meds.

    Sorry. Not taking any.
  • Reply 150 of 157
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Touchy, touchy. "Methinks thou dost protest too much." The length of your response betrayed more than a little insecurity.

    His reply was 2 lines long ..... your reply was over 30 lines. The neat thing was that his reply was informative and interesting .... yours, not so much.

    Here's a tip for you ... if you have nothing to say ... don't say it.
  • Reply 151 of 157
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    His reply was 2 lines long ..... your reply was over 30 lines. The neat thing was that his reply was informative and interesting .... yours, not so much.

    Here's a tip for you ... if you have nothing to say ... don't say it.

    First, I would call your attention to Article 1 of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the United States.

    Second, are you learning disabled and unable to read long posts? Plus, you don't have to.

    Third, you found his defensive post "informative and interesting"?

    I also replied:


    P.P.S. Feel free to correct any grammar or spelling mistakes I may make. Learning is a lifelong process.

    Do I really have "nothing to say"?

    If you actually LOOK at my posts, I provide strong, evidentiary information, not just unsubstantiated guesses and postulation.

    Was it I who said personal computer users are feeling their world slipping away - it is?

    Was it I who said Apple is now a mobile device company?

    Is it my OPINION that Apple has killed the "Get a Mac" TV ad campaign and responding to this significant action with only silence, and no word of a new Mac television ad campaign (if there is to be one)?

    Do us both a favor: don't read my posts - especially since you consider them to say "nothing" and to be too long. If you feel it is a waste of your time, why do it?

    Viva Mac
  • Reply 152 of 157
    bc kellybc kelly Posts: 148member

    What ya think ? ...


    Well, what the 'ell ...


    "Get a Mac"


    Pure Art

    Wiki has Info, List, etc

    YouTube some easy view Collections

    You'll "See" ...


    Now ...

    Apple should post Everything

    ALL the Ads, Campaigns, Keynotes, etc

    Whatever want to call ALL the "Media"

    Generated over these 35/whatever years

    Put it ALL Out There

    It's Art

  • Reply 153 of 157
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    I think you need to calm down. I was merely chuckling at the notion that apple would shift it's focus from mac/pc ads to iphone/android ads.

    Just a chuckle, no need to start yelling how great your... ipod, is.

    i was also joking back dude ...

    no offence intended

    and yes the whole android iphone ad world is a joke


  • Reply 154 of 157
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Thanks for your help in proving my point. There you go again asserting that I'm spreading FUD and offering no substantiation. Give me your definition of FUD, and explain exactly how I'm perpetrating such a transgression. And as an Apple and Mac loyalist and promoter for 2 1/2 decades and counting (were you even out of the womb back then?), what possible motive would I have for "spreading FUD"?

    Further proving my point about intelligent, civil rebuttals vs. ad hominem attacks, you again suggested I was wrong because I am "stupid." As sincere advice, may I recommend you work on your vocabulary? If I were in your shoes I might instead craft language like, "there is insufficient evidence to support your conclusion. In my opinion, you are incorrect."

    And you criticized me for not engaging in "meaningful dialog"?! Apparently, we have different definitions of "meaningful dialog." Yours is "You're wrong 'cause you're stupid."

    Because people willfully disbelieved my contention (I can understand how someone would not WANT to believe it - I sure don't), I made the effort to carefully lay out the evidence in previous posts. Then I was flamed for being too verbose. Damned if you do; damned if you don't.

    Let me save you the effort of having to pen another post. I'll do you the favor of making your point for you: I should not be believed, not because of the evidence I've provided, but because I am "stupid." I am spreading FUD even though I am the last person on earth who would have any motivation to do so.

    Just what language could I use to effectively communicate with them at their level and have them comprehend it?

    Please point to the post number(s) in which you "gave me the benefit of the doubt," as you so claim.

    Nonsense? Nonsense is reasoning that someone is wrong because they're "stupid."

    Evidence is not nonsense.

    Actual quotes from real Apple personnel, Steve Jobs' remark that personal computer users feel their world slipping away. "It is." That's evidence, not "BS," to use your parlance.

    The end of the "Get a Mac" campaign without one word from Apple? No suggestion that they are retiring the campaign in favor of a new one? If anyone knows of one word out of Apple relating to the killing of "Get a Mac" please advise me. Did Apple put the word out that the campaign is being retired in favor of a new Mac TV ad campaign? If so, please tell me.

    An enigmatic conference call comment from an Apple exec about a "Future product transition," and a refusal to answer any questions asking for elaboration or what that means exactly?

    At the iPad introduction Steve Jobs saying, "Apple is now the number one mobile device company in the world."

    COO Tim Cook saying, "Apple is now a mobile device company."

    No ADA awards for Mac entries at this year's WWDC; strictly Apple-approved iPhone OS apps available on the App Store.

    In repeated earnings conference calls, Apple spokespeople saying, the high-end market for Macs and Pro apps remains "economically challenging" for the company.

    What is the high-end? An iMac over $2,000? $1,700? A $1,700 MacBook Pro?

    The best selling Mac is the $999 MacBook.

    A journalist covering the April 20 Q2 2010 earnings conference call writing, "Not much was said about the Mac."

    Steve Jobs' well-documented habit of, without warning, turning on a certain product and getting out the long knives. (Wow, Bill Gates didn't even have to ask him to "knife the baby" this time!)

    "I encourage anyone willing to write in support of the Mac": how much arm-twisting is contained in that innocuous suggestion?

    "If anyone chooses to do this," How much heavy-handed arm-twisting there?

    And did I write anything up for anyone to copy-and-paste in their email - let alone write an entire email myself and just tell everyone to forward it?

    When I'm proven right, and there are no more Mac TV ads, what exactly will you have to say to me then? Will you send me flowers?

    Actually, don't think you will have the ability to "rub it in" if there do happen to be new Mac TV ads because any embarrassment I would feel would be totally overridden by my utter joy at being wrong.

    I hope I am.

    Viva Mac

    P.S. The offense taken or lack thereof to the word "bullshit" is in the eye of the beholder. According to the way I was raised, I consider it foul language and a swear. Do you hear it on major TV networks? I avoid using it because there exists no unanimity as to whether it's offensive or not. Better safe than sorry, so I don't use it.


    its the next day

    your trip to mars is over

    please re read all the long winded bloated stuff you wrote yesterday

    seems like the whole board here was trying to bring you back down from your TRIP

    yes do cut back on your meds

    peace 9
  • Reply 155 of 157
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    its the next day

    your trip to mars is over

    please re read all the long winded bloated stuff you wrote yesterday

    seems like the whole board here was trying to bring you back down from your TRIP

    yes do cut back on your meds

    peace 9

    Wow, I'm flattered that the "whole board" accorded me such kind attention! I'm blushing.

    Round and round and round we go. I have no response.

    One love, baby.

    P.S. I'm not on any meds, Doctor.

    P.P.S. If you are an American citizen, you have the right NOT to read my posts. I assume you would be unmotivated to read "long-winded, bloated stuff." So don't. It would be win-win.

    Viva Mac!
  • Reply 156 of 157
    I loved these ads. They sparkled my interest In Macs. Want them back.
  • Reply 157 of 157

    Batman taking out the SWAT team at the end of TDK was great as were all of the various fighting techniques used by Batman throughout TDK, like when Joker breaks into Bruces party.
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