Apple removes 'Get a Mac' ads from site, finalizing end of campaign



  • Reply 121 of 157
    Here is what Jobs wrote recently (2 weeks ago) in an Email...

    Original message:

    Dear Mr. Jobs,

    My name’s Matthias, developer of flickery (

    Is there any particular reason Apple has dropped the Design Awards for the Mac? Any plans to have them again in the future?

    Thank you very much for all the great work you and your company has been doing,

    Greetings from Vienna,

    Matthias Gansrigler


    Jobs’ Response:

    We are focusing primarily (though not exclusively) on iPhone OS this year. Maybe next year we will focus primarily on the Mac. Just the normal cycle of things. No hidden meaning here.

    Link :

    I think that sounds logical, doesn't it ?
  • Reply 122 of 157
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Speaking of having no idea what your talking about, FUD from a 2 1/2 decades-long Apple and Mac zealot? Does not compute.

    I don't even think you believe I'm engaging in FUD, you're just picking a baseless, ad hominem attack because you disagree with me, but can't use intellectual reasoning in a dignified, civil rebuttal.

    (If you actually DO believe I'm engaging in FUD I have even less respect for you.)

    Instead, as so many posters do, you hurl insults, like "stupid," use foul language like "BS." Not too constructive and symptomatic of the consequences of anonymity.

    The choices are that you are spreading FUD or that you are stupid. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. The entire concept that Apple is about to abandon the Mac is so stupid that once it's been pointed out why, those who persist in claiming that it's so, deserve nothing more than to be told that the idea is stupid. If there was some sense that you were attempting to engage in meaningful dialog, you might get better, but there isn't, you don't respond to posters who point out why your idea is stupid, you just proceed on to another round of nonsense.

    Bottom line, it's not happening. If you truly believe that it is (which I don't believe you do) your time would be better spent working out a theory on why the Gulf oil spill is a conspiracy to accomplish some evil end.


    My aim is to alert my fellow Mac devotees to something VERY important and consequential.


    EDIT: And "Bullshit" is not foul language. It's a very respectable word. There are books, academic treatises yet, written about it.
  • Reply 123 of 157
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The choices are that you are spreading FUD or that you are stupid. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. The entire concept that Apple is about to abandon the Mac is so stupid that once it's been pointed out why, those who persist in claiming that it's so, deserve nothing more than to be told that the idea is stupid. If there was some sense that you were attempting to engage in meaningful dialog, you might get better, but there isn't, you don't respond to posters who point out why your idea is stupid, you just proceed on to another round of nonsense.

    Bottom line, it's not happening. If you truly believe that it is (which I don't believe you do) your time would be better spent working out a theory on why the Gulf oil spill is a conspiracy to accomplish some evil end.


    EDIT: And "Bullshit" is not foul language. It's a very respectable word. There are books, academic treatises yet, written about it.

    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The choices are that you are spreading FUD or that you are stupid. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. The entire concept that Apple is about to abandon the Mac is so stupid that once it's been pointed out why, those who persist in claiming that it's so, deserve nothing more than to be told that the idea is stupid. If there was some sense that you were attempting to engage in meaningful dialog, you might get better, but there isn't, you don't respond to posters who point out why your idea is stupid, you just proceed on to another round of nonsense.

    Bottom line, it's not happening. If you truly believe that it is (which I don't believe you do) your time would be better spent working out a theory on why the Gulf oil spill is a conspiracy to accomplish some evil end.


    Thanks for your help in proving my point. There you go again asserting that I'm spreading FUD and offering no substantiation. Give me your definition of FUD, and explain exactly how I'm perpetrating such a transgression. And as an Apple and Mac loyalist and promoter for 2 1/2 decades and counting (were you even out of the womb back then?), what possible motive would I have for "spreading FUD"?

    Further proving my point about intelligent, civil rebuttals vs. ad hominem attacks, you again suggested I was wrong because I am "stupid." As sincere advice, may I recommend you work on your vocabulary? If I were in your shoes I might instead craft language like, "there is insufficient evidence to support your conclusion. In my opinion, you are incorrect."

    And you criticized me for not engaging in "meaningful dialog"?! Apparently, we have different definitions of "meaningful dialog." Yours is "You're wrong 'cause you're stupid."

    Because people willfully disbelieved my contention (I can understand how someone would not WANT to believe it - I sure don't), I made the effort to carefully lay out the evidence in previous posts. Then I was flamed for being too verbose. Damned if you do; damned if you don't.

    Let me save you the effort of having to pen another post. I'll do you the favor of making your point for you: I should not be believed, not because of the evidence I've provided, but because I am "stupid." I am spreading FUD even though I am the last person on earth who would have any motivation to do so.


    "you don't respond to posters who point out why your idea is stupid."

    Just what language could I use to effectively communicate with them at their level and have them comprehend it?

    Please point to the post number(s) in which you "gave me the benefit of the doubt," as you so claim.


    "you just proceed on to another round of nonsense."

    Nonsense? Nonsense is reasoning that someone is wrong because they're "stupid."

    Evidence is not nonsense.

    Actual quotes from real Apple personnel, Steve Jobs' remark that personal computer users feel their world slipping away. "It is." That's evidence, not "BS," to use your parlance.

    The end of the "Get a Mac" campaign without one word from Apple? No suggestion that they are retiring the campaign in favor of a new one? If anyone knows of one word out of Apple relating to the killing of "Get a Mac" please advise me. Did Apple put the word out that the campaign is being retired in favor of a new Mac TV ad campaign? If so, please tell me.

    An enigmatic conference call comment from an Apple exec about a "Future product transition," and a refusal to answer any questions asking for elaboration or what that means exactly?

    At the iPad introduction Steve Jobs saying, "Apple is now the number one mobile device company in the world."

    COO Tim Cook saying, "Apple is now a mobile device company."

    No ADA awards for Mac entries at this year's WWDC; strictly Apple-approved iPhone OS apps available on the App Store.

    In repeated earnings conference calls, Apple spokespeople saying, the high-end market for Macs and Pro apps remains "economically challenging" for the company.

    What is the high-end? An iMac over $2,000? $1,700? A $1,700 MacBook Pro?

    The best selling Mac is the $999 MacBook.

    A journalist covering the April 20 Q2 2010 earnings conference call writing, "Not much was said about the Mac."

    Steve Jobs' well-documented habit of, without warning, turning on a certain product and getting out the long knives. (Wow, Bill Gates didn't even have to ask him to "knife the baby" this time!)



    "I encourage anyone willing to write in support of the Mac": how much arm-twisting is contained in that innocuous suggestion?

    "If anyone chooses to do this," How much heavy-handed arm-twisting there?

    And did I write anything up for anyone to copy-and-paste in their email - let alone write an entire email myself and just tell everyone to forward it?

    When I'm proven right, and there are no more Mac TV ads, what exactly will you have to say to me then? Will you send me flowers?

    Actually, don't think you will have the ability to "rub it in" if there do happen to be new Mac TV ads because any embarrassment I would feel would be totally overridden by my utter joy at being wrong.

    I hope I am.

    Viva Mac

    P.S. The offense taken or lack thereof to the word "bullshit" is in the eye of the beholder. According to the way I was raised, I consider it foul language and a swear. Do you hear it on major TV networks? I avoid using it because there exists no unanimity as to whether it's offensive or not. Better safe than sorry, so I don't use it.
  • Reply 124 of 157
    bruce youngbruce young Posts: 189member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple has ended its long-running and highly successful "Get a Mac" ad campaign, and this week the company finally pulled the series of commercials from its website.


    On Friday, MacRumors first discovered that Apple had removed the "Get a Mac" commercials from its website.


    I wish they would keep the ads available online, in some kind of archived area, so that we could still view them from time to time.

    As I think about the amount of space Apple must have dedicated to their various websites and servers, for them to keep the ads available online would be trivial and have negligible impact on their disk or bandwidth.

    Soooo, must be some kind of corporate 'political' reason for pulling them.

  • Reply 125 of 157
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by Bruce Young View Post

    I wish they would keep the ads available online, in some kind of archived area, so that we could still view them from time to time.

    As I think about the amount of space Apple must have dedicated to their various websites and servers, for them to keep the ads available online would be trivial and have negligible impact on their disk or bandwidth.

    Soooo, must be some kind of corporate 'political' reason for pulling them.


    'apple doesn't live in the past' is the likely message of the decision not to keep old ads on their site. i don't think you'll find the '1984' ad there either, and it's considered to be one of the best ads of all times by many.

  • Reply 126 of 157
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Thanks for your help in proving my point. There you go again asserting that I'm spreading FUD and offering no substantiation. Give me your definition of FUD...

    MAJOR snip

    well - as you probably know - FUD stands for 'Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt'.

    In the literal sense of that definition (and without assigning any judgement to your motivation), your posts certainly qualify.

  • Reply 127 of 157
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    well - as you probably know - FUD stands for 'Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt'.

    In the literal sense of that definition (and without assigning any judgement to your motivation), your posts certainly qualify.

    I've known what FUD means ever since it was IBM's modus operandi.

    So I'm spreading FUD with the aim of scaring people from buying Macs. Huh. Interesting.

    Only thing is, it doesn't comport with my oft stated wish that the Mac will continue for as long as it is relevant technology and there is demand. Huge sales would certainly help my cause.

    Working to decrease Mac sales would seem not to serve that goal.

    I don't think FUD applies to me in the least. Repeating it won't change that fact.

    FUD is for Microsoft, not a 25+ year Mac "Young Turk."

    I will watch for statements from Apple, Inc., I will watch TV, and I will hope and pray with every ounce of my being that I will see a fresh, new and abundantly present new collection of Mac TV ads.

    I will buy the next released top-of-the-line Mac Pro, unless Apple has ceased further development of the line, but will continue to sell current models so long as demand exists.

    BTW, the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion and oil leak was George W. Bush's fault - oh, and the Haiti earthquake, too.
  • Reply 128 of 157
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    So I'm spreading FUD with the aim of scaring people from buying Macs. Huh. Interesting.

    A third possibility occurs to me, other than your goal being to spread FUD or that you are stupid. A possibility that each post you makes makes me think more likely. You may just be entirely delusional.
  • Reply 129 of 157
    groovetubegroovetube Posts: 557member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    I've known what FUD means ever since it was IBM's modus operandi.

    So I'm spreading FUD with the aim of scaring people from buying Macs. Huh. Interesting.

    Only thing is, it doesn't comport with my oft stated wish that the Mac will continue for as long as it is relevant technology and there is demand. Huge sales would certainly help my cause.

    Working to decrease Mac sales would seem not to serve that goal.

    I don't think FUD applies to me in the least. Repeating it won't change that fact.

    FUD is for Microsoft, not a 25+ year Mac "Young Turk."

    I will watch for statements from Apple, Inc., I will watch TV, and I will hope and pray with every ounce of my being that I will see a fresh, new and abundantly present new collection of Mac TV ads.

    I will buy the next released top-of-the-line Mac Pro, unless Apple has ceased further development of the line, but will continue to sell current models so long as demand exists.

    BTW, the Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion and oil leak was George W. Bush's fault - oh, and the Haiti earthquake, too.

    don't worry, it seems that's the only way anonymouse knows how to have a conversation. Calling people stupid, ignorant fools, delusional. I doubt he (or it) sees the irony in this...

    I'm rather surprised that the notion that apple may be focusing on developing high power, extremely capable devices like the ipad that can do production would be considered FUD. Of course it wouldn't replace -all- desktops-, that's silly indeed. And certainly the first ipads out won't. And this is FUD? Believing that apple is capable of something quite astonishing... is FUD?

  • Reply 130 of 157
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    A third possibility occurs to me, other than your goal being to spread FUD or that you are stupid. A possibility that each post you makes makes me think more likely. You may just be entirely delusional.

    I know what the acronym stands for, but you still haven't explicated HOW I have "spread FUD," no less why on earth I, a LONGTIME Apple and Mac fanatic and enthusiastic promoter would have the slightest motivation for doing so.

    Contributing to a decline in Mac unit sales is 180 degrees opposite of what I want. I want no ammunition for Steve Jobs to employ in getting upper-management, the Board of Directors and others to agree to discontinue the Mac. Declining sales would be just such ammunition.

    Your logic is upside-down or backwards or whatever.

    And once again, your most powerful rebuttal is that I'm wrong because I'm "stupid."

    Let me pay you a compliment: I know you can do better than that.

    There exists a curious phenomenon concerning "belief." People can believe something because they strongly "WANT to believe." And people can not believe something because they strongly "do not WANT" to believe. The obvious casualty is the objective truth.

    80% of African-Americans believe O.J. Simpson is innocent. About 10% of caucasians believe he is innocent. The "will to believe" is a subjective phenomenon that is very common.

    As far as my own subjective biases, I don't WANT to believe Apple will kill the Mac. I don't WANT to believe that there will be no more Mac TV ads.

    But I simply can't ignore the ample evidence. If I did, then indeed I would be "stupid."
  • Reply 131 of 157
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    I know what the acronym stands for, but you still haven't explicated HOW I have "spread FUD," no less why on earth I, a LONGTIME Apple and Mac fanatic and enthusiastic promoter would have the slightest motivation for doing so.

    Contributing to a decline in Mac unit sales is 180 degrees opposite of what I want. I want no ammunition for Steve Jobs to employ in getting upper-management, the Board of Directors and others to agree to discontinue the Mac. Declining sales would be just such ammunition.

    Your logic is upside-down or backwards or whatever.

    And once again, your most powerful rebuttal is that I'm wrong because I'm "stupid."

    Let me pay you a compliment: I know you can do better than that.

    There exists a curious phenomenon concerning "belief." People can believe something because they strongly "WANT to believe." And people can not believe something because they strongly "do not WANT" to believe. The obvious casualty is the objective truth.

    80% of African-Americans believe O.J. Simpson is innocent. About 10% of caucasians believe he is innocent. The "will to believe" is a subjective phenomenon that is very common.

    As far as my own subjective biases, I don't WANT to believe Apple will kill the Mac. I don't WANT to believe that there will be no more Mac TV ads.

    But I simply can't ignore the ample evidence. If I did, then indeed I would be "stupid."

    i don't know... i read all your posts and i think your 'evidence' is rather thin, and in my opinion doesn't warrant the kind of all out freak-out you seem to be engaged in.

    i better go looking for my tinfoil hat!
  • Reply 132 of 157
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    i don't know... i read all your posts and i think your 'evidence' is rather thin, and in my opinion doesn't warrant the kind of all out freak-out you seem to be engaged in.

    i better go looking for my tinfoil hat!


    I appreciate the polite, civil reply. It's refreshing for once.

    One piece of evidence has yet to present itself. Apple has killed the "Get a Mac" campaign without offering one word of comment. You'd think they would recognize the interest it would raise among customers, Apple watchers and the press.

    So if in the coming days (I hope, not months) Apple says SOMETHING related to the Mac and television advertising, we'll know more.

    Some of the strongest evidence is Steve Jobs' own words. He has said personal computer users feel their world is slipping away, adding, "It is." Plus, in the iPad introduction keynote, Jobs said "Apple is now the largest mobile device company in the world."

    In an address to a Goldman Sachs technology conference, Apple's COO, Tim Cook said, "Apple is a mobile device company now."

    In an article covering Apple's very recent (Apr. 20) quarterly earnings conference call the author wrote, "Not much was said about the Mac."

    In that same conference call, an Apple exec alluded to a "Future product transition." But when, pressed, refused to elaborate. The statement doesn't seem to allude to a new Apple product, but a "transition" of some sort. I'm only human, and I can't help thinking this might mean a transition to the actual devices Apple customers will use from here on out.

    In repeated conference calls, Apple execs have said over and over that sales of high-end Macs and Pro software "remain economically challenging." They did little to hide their disappointment.

    The industry has pretty much divided all computers into two categories: sub-$1,000 systems and $1,000+ systems. It has been widely reported that Apple, Inc. gets 90% of the revenues of all computers in the $1,000+ range - ALL computers, Windows PCs, etc.

    Is an "economically challenging high-end Mac" a $2,000 iMac?

    Steve Jobs is infamous for going to extremes, for seeing things in a black and white fashion, and when he's caught up with an idea, he goes whole-hog to the exclusion of all else. It is my OPINION that he wants people to use devices and interact with technology a certain way: HIS way; the latest is the iPhone OS way. (And I thought Bill Gates was a dictator.)

    Unfortunately, black and white extreme thinking doesn't afford room for two different types of devices and two different ways of interacting with technology. There's only room for one in a black and white thinker's mind.

    So there probably is no room for the Mac in that philosophy. And it is my OPINION, having read every Apple book ever written and every Steve Jobs biography, and having some idea as to his habits and behaviors and beliefs, that he may view the Mac as an annoyance now - a detraction from his desire for a total focus on iPhone OS mobile computing devices. He is 100% into iPhone OS devices - and 100% leaves 0 percent for the Mac. That's my OPINION, but my educated opinion. I know a little something about Steve Jobs.

    As far as my "freaking out"? I am a strict adherent to the Scientific Method. Hastily jumping to conclusions - especially with insufficient data to go on - is a clear violation of the Scientific Method. A conclusion can only be made after plentiful data or evidence is collected that is sufficient in amount and significance.

    I have been taking note of some curious comments made by Apple folks for some months now. Upon hearing them, I had theories of course, but strictly avoided making definitive conclusions.

    I showed restraint for a long time as any good practitioner of the Scientific Method should.

    The curious, insinuating comments kept coming. I took note of them and added them to my collection of data or evidence, still restraining myself from arriving at a conclusion.

    Then, without warning, Apple unceremoniously killed the "Get a Mac" TV ad campaign and made no statement.

    I do not know yet if a brand new Mac television ad campaign will take its place and be all over TV. My hope is that one will.

    But after months of observation, data collection, and restraint, Apple's taciturn killing of the "Get a Mac" TV ad campaign finally put me over the top.

    I looked at the months of evidence, connected the dots and reached a conclusion that Apple's (or rather, Steve's) plan is to gradually phase out the Apple personal computer.

    It will require that Apple finds gobs of revenue to make up for the Mac's, and it will be a somewhat protracted process, playing out over two or three years until personal computers are completely removed from Apple's product lines.

    Macs may be the new Adobe Flash in Steve Jobs' mind - yesterday's technology - an era that is coming to an end.

  • Reply 133 of 157
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Funny how they end a little after Windows 7 is released. I guess they had nothing negative to really complain about since it's a solid OS and isn't crushed in reviews like Vista was. I know I'll get flack for that last comment, but who cares. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't want a Mac.

    Actually I think you're right.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if MS lawyers didn't gave Apple a call at some point regarding those commercials and current state of things (not unlike Apple legal gave MS a call regarding Mac pricing mentioned in Laptop Hunters).
  • Reply 134 of 157
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Apple products are the quality leaders in their segments. Quality costs money. Apple's "i" products have often been compared to BMW in the auto market. The auto market is rife with wannabe high end cars, and they sell very well--"almost" as good as a BMW, but half the price. Some people who buy them even mod them out to get even closer to the car they wish they had.

    This in itself is not a bad thing, hell, I drive a Honda. What irks me is when these drivers try to say their knock-off is actually better than the real thing. Or they post on car blogs about how they "used to have one of those crap BMWs, but traded it in for a Kia that they find is so much better."

    Time to call out Android for being a low-balling poseur. I am sure Chiat Day can come up with some pretty ripe slogans that make potential buyers of these wannabe iPhones think twice. "For another $20 bucks your mom coulda got you a real iPhone." And many other angles on this.

    I don't think it would work for Google. They could (and are perky enough to really do that) come with counter-add saying "For another $20 bucks your mom coulda got you a real iPhone. It works almost as good as Android, but hey, it has a fruit on it's back side".
  • Reply 135 of 157
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by gregroberts View Post

    Here's the ad I always wanted to see....but I guess we'll never see it now.

    Mac walks in and sees PC shining a flashlight all over the screen (your TV screen actually). As it moves across the screen, you see parts of icons appear and disappear.

    Mac asks PC what he's doing, and he responds he's searching for his icons. He then offer's Mac the use of his flashlight when he's done so Mac can find his icons too.

    Mac says "That's OK PC, I don't have a problem finding my icons".....or something like that!

    Of course this would have been much funnier a year ago before Windows 7.

    Yes, because a year ago Pc could not display icons on a desktop.

  • Reply 136 of 157
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    You watch.

    The removal of this highly successful Mac TV ad campaign is step one in Steve Jobs' efforts to kill the personal computer.

    The "Campaign of the Decade" was also called by a Madison Avenue publication a "cultural phenomenon."

    There was no data-oriented or logical reason to discontinue this campaign. It worked EXTREMELY WELL and had plenty of head room for more and more ads. Viewers would watch the ads to see if the ad was a new one, and they wanted to find out because they were usually both funny and compelling.

    There was NO logical reason to end this highly-successful, praised and award winning TV ad campaign.

    Make no mistake, Steve Jobs has declared the personal computer era over. It's 100% iPhone OS from now on. He resents the Mac and the PC and wishes they would "go away" -- yesterday.

    But he has to answer to his management team, Board of Directors, large institutional investors, large customers, the press and The Street.

    So as much as he'd like to -- today -- give the order to all Mac product management teams to cease all development of the Mac, he can't (yet).

    He will accomplish it more gradually. By pulling marketing of the Mac resulting in a continuous decline in Mac sales, he can eventually go to his Board of Directors and say, "See? The Mac isn't selling." Or, "See? The Mac is now losing money for the company."

    Then he'll have the ammunition to deep-six the Mac.

    Jobs is too black-and-white. I love the iPod, iPhone and iPad, but see them as ADJUNCTS to my Mac Pro, whose power I depend on to make a living.

    But now the Mac only serves as an annoyance to Steve Jobs. Watch as it gets the microfloppy and Adobe Flash treatment.

    Mark my words. It will be killed.

    I hate full-quoting a rant. Sorry everybody. At any rate...

    I think Jobs may well think iPhone OS is where things will eventually go. There do seem to have been comments like that in the iPad intro. But I think it's this poster and not Jobs who's getting pathologically black-and-white about that matter. There's no evidence he resents Macs. (Unlike evidence he resented, say, the Newton).

    They may well have decided that they've tapped out the market for these commercials. The old "Bud Lite" commercials were funny at first, but they eventually became terribly annoying as they were run into the ground.

    Apple may feel it got the word out. It might not be any more sinister than that.

    Having said which, I think the one-last-commercial proposed above is a five star idea.
  • Reply 137 of 157
    Originally Posted by Ronbo View Post

    I think Jobs may well think iPhone OS is where things will eventually go. There do seem to have been comments like that in the iPad intro.

    So we agree! Great! Just what I said in my - what you call - "rant." Did you just rant?


    They may well have decided that they've tapped out the market for these commercials.

    Having said that, now you need to follow through and contact Maytag and tell them to stop using the "Maytag Repairman," a human personification of "dependability," and still going strong after 43 years and counting.


    Apple may feel it got the word out. It might not be any more sinister than that.

    Marketing is a continuous, never-ending process. You can never conclude that your message has been gotten across and quit. Consumers need to be reminded and reminded and reminded.

    Your marketing message has to be reinforced and reinforced and reinforced.

    Plus, if you let up on marketing, eager competitors will quickly fill the vacuum you've left - especially in a market as cutthroat competitive as the personal computer market.
  • Reply 138 of 157
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Get screened for ADD. Can you read an entire book?

    calm down

    eat your meds 9

    and it got stale a bit

    and msft and intel is our friend's now

    doodle is darth vader

    time to move on

    time for data farms to harvest some bots
  • Reply 139 of 157
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post

    Because it was NOT stale and not even close to becoming stale.

    Yes, the basic format was the same...

    Wow, you spent enough time not answering the question that you could be a CEO... or maybe a politician.

    You should run for Congress. You could be your party's designated fillibusterer.
  • Reply 140 of 157
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by benji2227 View Post

    Here is what Jobs wrote recently (2 weeks ago) in an Email...

    Original message:

    Dear Mr. Jobs,

    My name?s Matthias, developer of flickery (

    Is there any particular reason Apple has dropped the Design Awards for the Mac? Any plans to have them again in the future?

    Thank you very much for all the great work you and your company has been doing,

    Greetings from Vienna,

    Matthias Gansrigler


    Jobs? Response:

    We are focusing primarily (though not exclusively) on iPhone OS this year. Maybe next year we will focus primarily on the Mac. Just the normal cycle of things. No hidden meaning here.

    Link :

    I think that sounds logical, doesn't it ?

    That's what I've been saying all along. Snow Leopard works great with few major flaws (and minor flaws that can be fixed in point upgrades). There's just not huge rush to jump into 10.7, so R&D is probably doing a lot more experimentation than in the past - and they're just not ready to talk about it yet.

    Like it or not, this is the year of mobile devices for Apple. That doesn't mean next year or the year after will be.

    Originally Posted by defenderjarvis View Post


    I've never seen anyone who needed so many words to say nothing. You could be a politician. And that's not a compliment.
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