Apple developing "active packaging" for iPods and iPhones



  • Reply 41 of 84
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DonSqueak View Post

    1) If they claim they save the environment with their laptops and then patent some energy sucking PR gig, that makes them borderline hypocrites in my view.

    2) A patent that should have been put down as a waste of development money and potentially energy in the first place. Not published.

    3) Anybody who says that has no impact energy-wise should open calc, run a hundred iPod-touches energy times the number of Apple-Stores times 360 and see how much that adds up on a conservative estimate of what would be powered by that. Of course Apple stores could save alot more on other areas, but will they do that once they launch this?

    You’re missing the point entirely, you are still jumping to false conclusions about a patent (for christ’s sakes), making odd statements about MacBooks that save the environment, and you are ignoring too many rational points for me to continue this discussion as a rational adult.
  • Reply 42 of 84
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    I'm far from a green zealot... in fact I'm not green at all... I'm of the opinion that this planet will survive just fine no matter what we mere humans manage to do to it. Its survived (speculated) planetary collisions that gave birth to our moon... Its survived ice events on the order of which covered the entire globe (also speculated). Its survived mega volcano explosions that blackened the sun for countless years. It survived the ripping apart of entire land masses multiple times to bring us the view we now have of the globe.

    The earth will do just fine... we really can't hurt it in any meaningful way... US however... people, animals, plants, you know the living stuff... yea we can sure bring a world of pain down on our heads... no doubt about it. In fact... if 'green freaks' would wise up... they would stop with this whole silly self important 'save the earth' media campaign... Save the earth... how arrogant are these people... we can't even take care of ourselves in much of the globe, and WE are gonna 'save the earth'...


    So where was I.. oh yea.. no green agenda here but this is a STUPID and DANGEROUS idea and I actually have a hard time thinking Apple would have even admitted to something so wrong on so many levels.

    1. Batteries have been known to combust... I'm pretty sure Apple has seen its fair share of lawsuits to know this.

    2. Heat! Lets imagine for a minute... a huge electronic department at your local wall-mart chock-full of every gadget you can imagine, end-cap to end-cap ceiling to floor and all of them being powered!!!! Can you just imagine the heat that wall-o-death must be producing?

    3. Product life... Hey Joe... I got a great idea... let me take my iPod, hermetically seal it in plastic and then wirelessly power it 24 hours a day 7 days a week... I got a better idea why not just preheat an oven to 325 and do the job right!

    4. Liability... A wall of iPods was identified as the cause of a 6 alarm fire in midtown today... lost of life and property are still unknown.

    Not a green reason to be found... but all the same still a really stupid idea... something that I'd expect from a company found far to the north of cupertino.

  • Reply 43 of 84
    Boxes should be compostable, recyclable, small as possible yet efficient enough to protect its contents. Nothing more. No charging is needed, no "self demo" needed etc. Apple, and ALL manufacturers need to cut packaging waste. This idea sounds like an easy way to create more single use crapola packaging.

    Despite the green/enviro chatter above, it's proven that INDUSTRIAL and manufacturing waste is a greater percentage of waste/garbage/inefficiency than any 1 person. So it's a company's job to waste less. The packaging decisions made about 1 iPod box can be multiplied by 10million, and even 1 extra ounce of packaging adds up to tons of waste and transportation costs.
  • Reply 44 of 84
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    I'm far from a green zealot... in fact I'm not green at all... I'm of the opinion that this planet will survive just fine no matter what we mere humans manage to do to it. Its survived (speculated) planetary collisions that gave birth to our moon... Its survived ice events on the order of which covered the entire globe (also speculated). Its survived mega volcano explosions that blackened the sun for countless years. It survived the ripping apart of entire land masses multiple times to bring us the view we now have of the globe.

    The earth will do just fine... we really can't hurt it in any meaningful way... US however... people, animals, plants, you know the living stuff... yea we can sure bring a world of pain down on our heads... no doubt about it. In fact... if 'green freaks' would wise up... they would stop with this whole silly self important 'save the earth' media campaign... Save the earth... how arrogant are these people... we can't even take care of ourselves in much of the globe, and WE are gonna 'save the earth'...


    Even if we find that we are not the cause for the global climate change, that this is all just a natural cycle, we have a responsibility to ourselves to maintain the current global environmental homeostasis that we find most habitable.
  • Reply 45 of 84
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by DonSqueak View Post

    How's that? I honestly don't wanna fight, I'm curious about how that can be perceived in any way but being a waste of energy? The demo-units show of everything you need, right? Why does anybody need the functionality described in the patent?

    I don't think Apple will ever use this concept. They patent all kinds of things that never see the light of day. Don't waste your energy on arguing that it is a waste of energy.

    BTW: Our business cards are printed on 100% recycled material from sustainable resources produced using wind power by vegetarian minority workers who ride bicycles to work.
  • Reply 46 of 84
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by DonSqueak View Post

    Tell me again, what exactly made me a troll here? My use of argumentation (waste of energy)? My citing Apple? My caring for the environment? My distaste of hypocrisy?

    My distaste of hypocrisy?

    Hmmm you mean like Celebrates and Politicos calling for all of us to modify our lifestyle to behave in a more ecologically sound way and then take a private jet to one of their many summer homes in places like France, Hawaii or some privately owned island in the Caribbean?

    Yep.. you're right, can't stand the lot of em...

  • Reply 47 of 84
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    It would be, but is solar power cost effective yet?

    No, not yet. From data that I've seen (don't have the links offhand, but could get it to you if you're really interested), it would cost about $0.25 - $0.30 per kWhr for solar (compared to the average retail $0.10/kWhr in the US today).
  • Reply 48 of 84
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    BTW: Our business cards are printed on 100% recycled material from sustainable resources produced using wind power by vegetarian minority workers who ride bicycles to work.

  • Reply 49 of 84
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Maybe I'm of a minority here, but I love having opening a product and turning it on for the first time.

    I don't see how having racks and racks of packaged iPods all showing an advert or running through the functionality is better than simply having a floor model that's there for people to use and try out themselves.

    Interesting idea, but unless Apple has some far-out, life-altering gameplan to go with it (and they have once or twice), I don't see it as anything special.

  • Reply 50 of 84
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    No, not yet. From data that I've seen (don't have the links offhand, but could get it to you if you're really interested), it would cost about $0.25 - $0.30 per kWhr for solar (compared to the average retail $0.10/kWhr in the US today).

    I appreciate the info, but I do think I would read it. That cost seems much closer than I recall, from 5 years ago.
  • Reply 51 of 84
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Even if we find that we are not the cause for the global climate change, that this is all just a natural cycle, we have a responsibility to ourselves to maintain the current global environmental homeostasis that we find most habitable.

    Hey I never said one way or the other if we were to blame for the current condition of the planet we live on... All I'm saying is the earth will continue on, period end of sentence. We can explode all the nuclear weapons ever made, unleash the worst man made plagues, mate dogs with cats, you name it... and guess what... the world will continue.. life as we know it today... not a chance in hell.. but life has been all but wiped from the face of the earth not just once but TWICE (that we know about) and guess what.. We're here now having this debate...

    "The Earth doesn't need saving... We do!" (tm)

    Edit: In fact THIS should be the new GREEN CATCH PHRASE...

  • Reply 52 of 84
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Hey I never said one way or the other if we were to blame for the current condition of the planet we live on... All I'm saying is the earth will continue on, period end of sentence. We can explode all the nuclear weapons ever made, unleash the worst man made plagues, mate dogs with cats, you name it... and guess what... the world will continue.. life as we know it today... not a chance in hell.. but life has been all but wiped from the face of the earth not just once but TWICE (that we know about) and guess what.. We're hear now having this debate...

    The earth... doesn't need saving... WE need saving!


    I didn?t mean to imply that. I was working off your statement ?which I completely agree with? and moving even further stating we may need to warp the planet to do thy bidding if we want to survive.
  • Reply 53 of 84
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You’re falling into the all-or-nothing, black-or-white of Teckstudian logic.[indent]1) They aren’t liars if the claims they made are true. According to the links above they are doing what they stated in removing toxic chemcials, reducing packing and using recyclable materials.

    You jumped to and erroneous an absolute conclusion based on zero evidence and a false understanding of what Apple means by going green with their product line while screaming foul in the vein of Teckstud.That is why someone mentioned troll earlier (which i don’t agree with, BTW).

    Yet you repeat it? Please refrain and do not use my name in vain.
  • Reply 54 of 84
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    Originally Posted by Jimzip View Post

    Maybe I'm of a minority here, but I love having opening a product and turning it on for the first time.

    I don't see how having racks and racks of packaged iPods all showing an advert or running through the functionality is better than simply having a floor model that's there for people to use and try out themselves.

    Interesting idea, but unless Apple has some far-out, life-altering gameplan to go with it (and they have once or twice), I don't see it as anything special.


    I think the part of this patent we would actually see would be the updating of software while products were still on store shelves, that would reduce the load on servers, especially when there is a product launch like the iPhone. Oh and I'm guessing that might actually SAVE ENERGY, because people wouldn't have to power up home computers (even though they would most likely already be on), send and receive data over the interweb (even through they probably already are) such as page graphics and things that make the load larger (giggle .. larger load ). So in a way this is a green practice in the works.

  • Reply 55 of 84
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by DonSqueak View Post

    Remember when Apple started lying about being "green" and stuff? Yeah, waste more energy, sounds like a good idea to me.

    exactly....what a Fn joke
  • Reply 56 of 84
    adamiigsadamiigs Posts: 355member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Hey I never said one way or the other if we were to blame for the current condition of the planet we live on... All I'm saying is the earth will continue on, period end of sentence. We can explode all the nuclear weapons ever made, unleash the worst man made plagues, mate dogs with cats, you name it... and guess what... the world will continue.. life as we know it today... not a chance in hell.. but life has been all but wiped from the face of the earth not just once but TWICE (that we know about) and guess what.. We're here now having this debate...

    "The Earth doesn't need saving... We do!" (tm)

    Edit: In fact THIS should be the new GREEN CATCH PHRASE...


    But dude .. one of my favorite shows is "Life Without People", so if these Green nazis were really smart they'd want us all to die off faster so the planet can mend itself, right?
  • Reply 57 of 84
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    But dude .. one of my favorite shows is "Life Without People", so if these Green nazis were really smart they'd want us all to die off faster so the planet can mend itself, right?


    We need to stop teaching our youth that we can save the planet... Its almost as if some unknown force came along and screwed things up and **THIS** is what we can do to **FIX** it.

    Bzzzzzt... Marry, Jimmy... You're Mom & Dad, Dear old Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else in your family are to blame for the current conditions on this planet not just them but your friends next door and people in another state and even people half way around the world they are all to blame. Perhaps they didn't know any better or more than likely the public as a whole will do whatever is most convenient but they messed things up and now we have to put a stop to it.

    We are not saving the world we are (trying to) correct millennia of bad and irresponsible behavior and if we fail... the earth will clean up the mess we made after we're gone.

  • Reply 58 of 84
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post


    We need to stop teaching our youth that we can save the planet... Its almost as if some unknown force came along and screwed things up and **THIS** is what we can do to **FIX** it.

    Bzzzzzt... Marry, Jimmy... You're Mom & Dad, Dear old Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else in your family are to blame for the current conditions on this planet not just them but your friends next door and people in another state and even people half way around the world they are all to blame. Perhaps they didn't know any better or more than likely the public as a whole will do whatever is most convenient but they messed things up and now we have to put a stop to it.

    We are not saving the world we are (trying to) correct millennia of bad and irresponsible behavior and if we fail... the earth will clean up the mess we made after we're gone.


    So all these green inititives are just prolonging our stay, increasing our long-term damage thereby making it take longer to heal after we are gone? So GreenPeace is really hindering the Earth, not helping it?
  • Reply 59 of 84
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by AdamIIGS View Post

    I think the part of this patent we would actually see would be the updating of software while products were still on store shelves, that would reduce the load on servers, especially when there is a product launch like the iPhone. Oh and I'm guessing that might actually SAVE ENERGY, because people wouldn't have to power up home computers (even though they would most likely already be on), send and receive data over the interweb (even through they probably already are) such as page graphics and things that make the load larger (giggle .. larger load ). So in a way this is a green practice in the works.


    Yeah, and the universal charger adapter is already plugged into the dock and is exposed on the bottom of the package. The point of purchase display is rows of micro USB plugs and the device only comes alive when the accelerometer detects that it is being handled by a customer.
  • Reply 60 of 84
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post


    We need to stop teaching our youth that we can save the planet... Its almost as if some unknown force came along and screwed things up and **THIS** is what we can do to **FIX** it.

    Bzzzzzt... Marry, Jimmy... You're Mom & Dad, Dear old Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else in your family are to blame for the current conditions on this planet not just them but your friends next door and people in another state and even people half way around the world they are all to blame. Perhaps they didn't know any better or more than likely the public as a whole will do whatever is most convenient but they messed things up and now we have to put a stop to it.

    We are not saving the world we are (trying to) correct millennia of bad and irresponsible behavior and if we fail... the earth will clean up the mess we made after we're gone.


    "We are the World, We are the Children......."
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