Education, business markets lag for Apple



  • Reply 61 of 67
    aquia33aquia33 Posts: 70member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Spare me regarding Education Sales. Sales for Education/Higher Ed don't kick in until August/September.

    Perhaps the State of Maine is an exception. But is seems to me that school systems does their purchases prior to a school year. You might be correct on individual purchases from students and those whose school "requires" a particular product.
  • Reply 62 of 67
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Plain and simple, schools are just poor these days.

    It always infuriates me that education is one of the first to be cut from the budget in an economic downturn. After reading some articales on Japan's "lost decade" of the 1990s, education was one the worthwhile stimulus, not infrastructure jobs.
  • Reply 63 of 67
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    problem is Apple needs Microsoft for continued iPhone development and maybe even MobileMe

    Huh? What? 您說什麼 Why does Apple need MS for iphone dev?
  • Reply 64 of 67
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Dr Millmoss View Post

    Maybe you will and maybe you won't, but either way, that won't stop you from comparing something to nothing.

    Are you reading off a fortune cookie?
  • Reply 65 of 67
    garybaugarybau Posts: 9member
    How much is the wait on netbooks vs. macpad a factor?

    the rumours have been building for months

    all the advice is hold off until after september 9 if you can...

    so..the pattern with recession purchases is hold on for another 6months/12months to delay the update to preserve cash flow...

    some countries have an online apple store for teachers...not available to public or students

    maybe US could follow initiatives from OS!?
  • Reply 66 of 67
    dr millmossdr millmoss Posts: 5,403member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Are you reading off a fortune cookie?

    What is that supposed to mean?
  • Reply 67 of 67
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,907member
    Originally Posted by lightstriker View Post

    It always infuriates me that education is one of the first to be cut from the budget in an economic downturn. After reading some articales on Japan's "lost decade" of the 1990s, education was one the worthwhile stimulus, not infrastructure jobs.

    Yes, this is why our school is buying everything we need this year with our stimulus money and our building project money. We will be dirt poor next year!

    There are plenty of other BS crap that could be cut from a budget before education. IMO, education should always be one of the top priorities.
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