Apple's much-anticipated tablet device coming early next year



  • Reply 181 of 332
    jousterjouster Posts: 460member
    While I agree with those who have suggested that such a device might have some valid professional markets (medicine, the military, stock control etc etc) I just don't think Apple is interested in releasing _any_ device unless it has mainstream consumer appeal. Those might be side benefits, but I doubt they're enough to drive sales on their own. Apple is used to selling its pocketable products by the bucketful.
  • Reply 182 of 332
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    I would be scared to scratch the screen when carrying it in my backpack. A big beautiful screen like that and no way to fold it up. Maybe a leather case?

    If it comes about, like every other iteration, I will probably get one.

    I do hope my wife is opened minded enough to get me another Mac Case

    Flight Jacket to go with it.

    Man, am I slow. Didn't realize they had a matching iPhone Case. Would of had the family save on shipping.
  • Reply 183 of 332
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    I won't mention leading of with "After four years of meticulous of development..." (Oops, just did)

    Come on guys, we're interested in what is being said here but saying it so badly is painful to watch.

    You really shouldn't have. It's leading off.
  • Reply 184 of 332
    OMG so much anticipation for a decade long vaporware Is this MSinsider?
  • Reply 185 of 332
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    Originally Posted by Undo Redo View Post

    Come on Apple, just make an 11 inch MacBook/netbook and quit wasting time on this.

    I'm beginning to agree with you. Ever since i heard about this tablet idea 2 years ago i've been telling people i'll be first in line when it comes out. But, when i really think about HOW i'd use this device. I'd much rather have a netbook. And now, you're right, Apple, just make a netbook that has the same guts as the Mac mini and call it the MacBook Mini.

    I think the biggest complaint of Steve J. and the Netbook community is that Netbooks are a lot of money for very slow devices. So, Apple, just make a better device like you always do.
  • Reply 186 of 332
    ryslerysle Posts: 1member
    Why couldn't this device be tegra based?
  • Reply 187 of 332
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Gwydion View Post

    I highly doubt Apple will launch a 10" multitouch device. Why?

    -A 10" inch capacitive multitouch screen of 1024x600 moreless resolution in expensive.

    -To last an acceptable time, it have to have a good battery so it adds weigth to the device

    -Working with a tablet it's the epitome of poor ergonomy. You must to hold it with the two hands so to write (in a virtual keyboard) you have to hold with one hand (tired) and write with the other, or hold it flat and look at it vertically and write.

    I have never understood why everyone is willing to have an iTablet.

    Please, make a 10"-11" Macbook and then yes, this can be the answer to netbooks, but an iTablet is not the answer to netbooks.


    What makes you think a ten inch touch screen would be expensive. Apple woul probably be paying in the nieghborhood of $75 for such a screen.


    Battery life is exactly why Apple went with ARM, an Intel solution doesn't exist for the platform. Besides there are an endless number of battery technologies coming online.


    Well there are issues I will give you that. However these are really only an issue if you think of this as a laptop like device. Instead you have to consider it to be a new platform unlike previous attempts. This is very dependant on how Apple focuses apps on the platform. I just don't see success here based upon laptop or desktop like usage. Instead the platform needs features that can drive it's success outside of the initial apps available on the machine. Video iPod is one example as is Apple getting into e-Books. There are others too, these are just two examples of features Apple could add to drive initial sales. The device needs a reason for being to get off the ground just like Touch had music and the web.

    I can see myself being interested in such a device for movies, books and magazine subscriptions. Of course web access and general networking is mandatory. Note how these are consumptive uses not production uses. Big difference. The idea of course is to take a tablet with you in a way that is as easy as a magazine or book.


    I can't ever see Apple being successful with a netbook as has rightfully been noted they are for the most part junk. The reality is though I don't think Apple has any intention at all of competeing against netbooks with the device. It won't be a Mac Touch at all, what it will be is an advance model of Touch with new services associated with it. Think big deals with publishing.

  • Reply 188 of 332
    venkat1venkat1 Posts: 2member
    Originally Posted by cbw87 View Post

    It looks like it has a 4:3 aspect ratio: surely this can't be true?


    I thought the same. Clearly, we would expect to see 16:9. So, this representation is obsolete, I think.
  • Reply 189 of 332
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    It seems like a long time coming. Nearly two years have past since AppleInsider exclusively reported in September of 2007 that Apple's next big product initiative would be a modern day reincarnation of its beloved-but-defunct Newton MessagePad.

    You're kidding right? AI exclusive info? Yeah because no one knew a tablet or netbook was coming. After all the Newton was fictitious.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    AppleInsider has also picked up in recent months that its initial artist's rendition of the tablet device was off the mark proportionately and has since taken another stab at what the product may look like in respect to the iPhone, as can be seen below.

    Wow good managed to blow up pictures of an iPod and label it "artist rendition" LOL

    This article smells so desperate.
  • Reply 190 of 332
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Will it be called the Knowledge Navigator?

    Yes... of course it will.... Not only that, the first one off the line will be hand delivered to John Sculley by Steve Jobs himself... Seeing how close they are... Steve is also expected to dedicate the new product like to John S.

    Everyone should know I'm OBVIOUSLY kidding... which is OBVIOUSLY why I don't need to bother telling the other readers... telling then what?? Telling them that I'm kidding... being sarcastic.... etc etc etc...

    Yea they'll know I'm just kidding... no worries..

  • Reply 191 of 332
    oc4theooc4theo Posts: 294member
    This does not look anywhere like an artist's rendering. It is an actual picture/photo, possibly a little bit stretched so as not get in trouble with Apple. Nice work!

  • Reply 192 of 332
    enzosenzos Posts: 344member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Typing on an iPhone (or any similar device) by laying it on the table and typing like it's a mini-typewriter is ridiculously inefficient. If you are using your iPhone this way you are "doing it wrong" as they say. .

    If the fabulous beast be real it would be about the same size, mass and geometry as a small textbook. I'm neither a great typist nor HI expert but I can see by picking the latter up and testing the possibilities that one could enter data with the right hand (and or draw with a stylus) while supporting the tablet across the palm and wrist of the left. For casual typing it could go onto a solid surface and I can see/imagine that one could then easily two-hand touch type in landscape mode, with about 60% of the screen clear for viewing. For *serious* typing, docking on a stand at one's desk with a full-sized keyboard is the way to go.

    Well executed (and let's face it - Apple has a genius overseer and smarter geeks, designers and engineers than anyone else has), sight unseen, this thing has me reaching for the credit card in anticipation. I want one and want it yesterday.
  • Reply 193 of 332
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    As in previous threads about this, I'd say for battery life, ARM seems like a good fit. For performance and compatibility it's not.

    I'm not sure why you are saying such things. Any ARM used in the tablet will be vastly more powerful than the current iPhone processor. As to Atom; at similar clock rates Cortex ARM is very competitive. More importantly you can have more cores in an ARM SoC and still maintain a favorable power profile. Put an OpenCL compliant GPU on that SoC and you are farther ahead again.

    As to compatibility it depends upon what you are concerned about being compatible with. From my standpoint it would be a total waste to support anytype of compatibility with Mac OS and it's legacy APIs. Better to build upon fresh and limited APIs of iPhone OS.


    Atom looks like a much better fit. Intel weren't too happy about Apple using ARM for the iphone as if somehow Atom could have worked.

    Going with Intel and Atom would be a huge mistake. It is not just the terrible power profile either. Intel has some extremely restrictive policies with respect to what can be implemented with it's Atom lineup. There are limits for example as to where dual core Atoms can go platform wise. Plus they don't have a suitable model for this device.


    Intel's Pine Trail is pushed back to 2010 with integrated video on the processor:

    The problem is even when it does arrive it won't be good enough. Apple needs a highly integrated SoC to minimize board space, save power and increase reliability. Last I knew Intel didn't even do custom SoC so they are out of the picture by default.


    Giving Apple an exclusive launch for the platform would be good for both companies and Apple will be at CES 2010 so they could use something new to show.

    I can't see this replacing the white Macbook. I think the aluminum Macbook Pros will either drop to that price point or the white one will stay. Either way, I can't see a 10" screen device with Atom processors being a huge hit at anything over $700.

    niether can I. The only way this device could be successful is if it redefines the market. Pricing is going to be a huge problem. Part of the problem is that for the unit to work well it will need lots of Flash storage, this of course will drive up the price.


    I also think it should go beyond just multi-touch and allow Wacom-style drawing.


    I'd rather that it did voice transcription.

  • Reply 194 of 332
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    It's always 6 months away...

  • Reply 195 of 332
    maxmannmaxmann Posts: 85member
    well, the problem with "next year" is that Apple is a consumer electronics company.. in the history of that classification -never has a major manufacturer introduced anything after the first of the year that is as important as this media device! everything is programed for the FALL - even if it is late FALL.

    furthermore, this is what Peter O said unsolicited in the conference call with analysts this week..

    "I don't want to make comments today about future quarters.. but..

    I'll give you a couple of things that are on our minds.. First, for many key components costs are rising, and your are seeing that in the market as well.. And secondly, we will continue to focus on delivering state of the art products at price points that our competitors can't match, and we are going to provide customers ever increasing values.. and so you think about quarters beyond september and i would urge you to consider those factors".

    he was not asked to answer a question .. he just brought it up as something he planned to get into the conference call with analysts..


    Apple insider is just being sucker baby for the first of plenty of rumors before the big surprise in September!!!

    This is nothing more than espionage and fluff!
  • Reply 196 of 332
    Originally Posted by zolotroph View Post

    Every time I see text message abbreviations ("u," "ur," etc.) or the blissfully clueless misuse of heterographs (their/there, it's/its) I want to reach through my computer screen and strangle the "author" who is responsible.

    The classic example was a post to MacRumors on April 2 a few years back. For April fools' day, MR changed the ranking of forum posters to a Pirate Theme instead of the traditional CPU theme. The next day the ranking returned to normal, and one poster was disappointed, giving the following post:


    I want to be a pirate again. I hated to leave my shipmate's behind.

  • Reply 197 of 332
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    thats what I was just going over in my mind. I'm picturing what people would look like using something like this. It just seems odd, but then again, I guess I'm just so used to the classic folding laptop style.

    Just imagine how great this would be for students!

    Only one tablet to carry instead of half a dozen textbooks.

    Make your notes, work on your essays, play games, listen to music... No more need for a backpack!
  • Reply 198 of 332
    undo redoundo redo Posts: 164member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    I can't ever see Apple being successful with a netbook as has rightfully been noted they are for the most part junk.

    That's what you seem to think, but netbooks are selling by the millions and every manufacturer has at least one model, except for Apple.

    I don't know why Apple couldn't apply their usual upscale design and features to a mini notebook, charge a premium and be successful with it. Tim Cook has stated that cramped keyboards on netbooks are a turn-off, but several manufacturers are now proving that a full-size keyboard will fit nicely into an 11.6 inch netbook. Would a tablet computer with NO keyboard be better than a netbook with a "cramped" one? I think not. I plan to buy a new 11.6" netbook soon and won't be waiting long for Apple to get their act together.

    I don't believe this rumor. Apple would fail with a 10" tablet computer, IMO.
  • Reply 199 of 332
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    This article smells so desperate.

    That has to be the worst sentence I've read all day - and I read a lot today!
  • Reply 200 of 332
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Good bye Kindle, wasn't nice knowing ya.
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