Web site lists TomTom iPhone mount for £99.00 ($168.50)



  • Reply 81 of 114
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    From http://iphone.tomtom.com

    That quote, to me at least, doesn't suggest the cradle is complimentary to the app, but a requirement of the app.

    Also, I've read some people questioning about line out... the cradle has a 3.5mm mini jack on the side for music. Not sure how the hands free bit is working, but seeing as Apple are doing the software, they might well be working with TomTom about other aspects of the iPhone to work with the dock connector. Maybe the app will allow the phone to work as a sub-process of the app some how, which in turn would allow the audio to be played through the connector in the same way the audio directions are. Would also mean you don't loose the maps screen.

    I don't know, I'm just speculating... as we all are.

    man, if Apple is doing the software and is putting in special hooks for TomTom kit to get around things like the app closing when a call comes in, I would be pissed if I was with one of the competing TbT Nav apps on the iPhone...unless they then publish an API all can use.
  • Reply 82 of 114
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Ummm, since apps can only be sold through the app store, all this should tell anyone is that the app is being sold through the store. Of course they have to sold separately. Unless you know of a way to sell the cradle through the app store or think TomTom will provide a jailbreak for all buyer so they can ship the app with the cradle. Seriously, the fact that the cradle is sold separately from the app should tell you nothing. at all.

    For the rest of your points, besides internet rumours, can you provide links where TomTom states that the App will be fully functional without the cradle? With the rumoured price, if it is accurate, and is for the cradle, then the price every one went ballistic about will perhaps be even higher, once they add the app.

    The Car Kit is Optional

    You don't need it. Peter-Fran Pauwels says so, i.e., "o p t i o n a l" in the WWDC video.

    "The TomTom solution combines two new TomTom products to provide users with state of the art in-car navigation on their iPhone 3G:"
  • Reply 83 of 114
    hdasmithhdasmith Posts: 145member
    I'm not saying they are, I'm just thinking it could be one of the many advantages of having Apple do the software for you. It could be done, but I doubt it will be... too many complaints from the developer community would cause a huge headache for Apple.
  • Reply 84 of 114
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by hdasmith View Post

    From http://iphone.tomtom.com

    That quote, to me at least, doesn't suggest the cradle is complimentary to the app, but a requirement of the app.

    Also, I've read some people questioning about line out... the cradle has a 3.5mm mini jack on the side for music. Not sure how the hands free bit is working, but seeing as Apple are doing the software, they might well be working with TomTom about other aspects of the iPhone to work with the dock connector. Maybe the app will allow the phone to work as a sub-process of the app some how, which in turn would allow the audio to be played through the connector in the same way the audio directions are. Would also mean you don't loose the maps screen.

    I don't know, I'm just speculating... as we all are.

    Watch the WWDC video. "…using the new features SDK 3.0…"

    Watch all the videos!
  • Reply 85 of 114
    hdasmithhdasmith Posts: 145member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    The Car Kit is Optional

    You don't need it. Peter-Fran Pauwels says so, i.e., "o p t i o n a l" in the WWDC video.

    "The TomTom solution combines two new TomTom products to provide users with state of the art in-car navigation on their iPhone 3G:"

    I haven't seen the video since WWDC, so I can't remember. Are you quoting that the TomTom representative actually used the word "optional". The quote you've given doesn't mean that one works without the other, just that there are two products. I can buy a Scalextric car without the track, but without the track, there's not a lot I can do with it, and vice versa.

    Edit: Just seen the post above.

    Edit 2: You're quite right, he does say "optional accessory" when referring to the cradle. In which case, the website is misleading.
  • Reply 86 of 114
    gustavgustav Posts: 827member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Have been a professional software developer for many year. Went to one of the best CompSci/Maths schools in the world. Exactly what is your point?

    And no, I don't think the software will be dramatically different. Yes, the software will have to support the OS, hardware and interface.

    Wow, you went to "one of the best CompSci/Maths schools" and yet your infinite knowledge can't figure out that he's talking about the architecture of the software and you're talking about the user interface and navigation code.

    For the record, the UI and navigation code probably won't be that different, but if you think the architecture of the software on the iPhone is not dramatically different than a hardware TomTom, you are probably kidding yourself for the sake of having an argument.
  • Reply 87 of 114
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    The Car Kit is Optional

    You don't need it. Peter-Fran Pauwels says so, i.e., "o p t i o n a l" in the WWDC video.

    "The TomTom solution combines two new TomTom products to provide users with state of the art in-car navigation on their iPhone 3G:"

    Ahh, right you are. I was going by the info at the TomTom site, which doesn't mention it being optional. The video does indeed say that it is.
  • Reply 88 of 114
    jahonenjahonen Posts: 364member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Why didn't you include the exact link? Heck you didn't even give us your search criteria.

    Because I just did a quick check instead of an exhaustive one to correct the myth that the standalone models didn't have realtime traffic etc. Which they do.

    I didn't think that someone was going to bounce on this as a comparison as to if a standalone Tomtom could compare to a smartphone in other areas (which I at least wasn't trying to do). I was merely correcting a wrong assumption.

    But this is the link I was using to check if it has "live" internet access:


    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Where you afraid to show the price, i.e., the TomTom GO 740 LIVE that you most likely were referencing, is priced at $369.95 US and it won't do a smidgen of what the iPhone is capable. http://www.tomtom.com/products/category.php?ID=0&Lid=4

    Certainly it is not portable, unless you can put your vehicle in your pocket.

    I was looking at the UK site. I have a TomTom and I do use it as a portable device (an older 710).

    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I would suggest that every body visit TomTom's iPhone site and get the latest info. http://iphone.tomtom.com/

    I couldn't agree more with this one!
  • Reply 89 of 114
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    Wow, you went to "one of the best CompSci/Maths schools" and yet your infinite knowledge can't figure out that he's talking about the architecture of the software and you're talking about the user interface and navigation code.

    For the record, the UI and navigation code probably won't be that different, but if you think the architecture of the software on the iPhone is not dramatically different than a hardware TomTom, you are probably kidding yourself for the sake of having an argument.

    Are you being intentional daft or is it just your nature?

    Let's look at what I actually replied to:


    There is a huge amount of R&D and software development that goes into designing the interface

    (bolded for those with reading difficulties)

    Notice the word 'interface'. Gee, I wonder why, then I would respond by discussing the interface? Perhaps he meant the backend architecture. Perhaps he meant interface, since he used the word interface.

    Going to a good school doesn't mean I have infinite knowledge, but certainly helped with reading comprehension. This might have also help your attempt at sarcasm, you know, make sense.

    To help you further, your 'for the record' point was what I was saying about the UI and nav code.
  • Reply 90 of 114
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Nope, he said when driving, not when he was driving. That could mean when someone else was driving. Even still, if he's a good enough driver to multitask, then have at it. Some people can chew bubble gum and walk at the same time.

    The more time I spend in my car these days, the more I'm convinced that people only think they are good enough drivers to multitask. If it takes 50 state laws to ban texting while driving and holding their phone to their ear, based on what I've seen just this week, I say do it.

    Last week a 16 year-old girl slow-speed tapped my bumper at a red light, when I got out to see if there was any damage, she was still talking on her phone.

    This morning there was a guy in the fast lane of the interstate with nobody in front of him doing 45 mph, carrying on some sort of animated conversation and having no clue that he was driving 15 mph under the speed limit and that traffic was backing up behind him. I say enough is enough.
  • Reply 91 of 114
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    The more time I spend in my car these days, the more I'm convinced that people only think they are good enough drivers to multitask. If it takes 50 state laws to ban texting while driving and holding their phone to their ear, based on what I've seen just this week, I say do it.

    Last week a 16 year-old girl slow-speed tapped my bumper at a red light, when I got out to see if there was any damage, she was still talking on her phone.

    This morning there was a guy in the fast lane of the interstate with nobody in front of him doing 45 mph, carrying on some sort of animated conversation and having no clue that he was driving 15 mph under the speed limit and that traffic was backing up behind him. I say enough is enough.

    As a motorcyclist I see my fare share of idiots on the road. Many of them shouldn't have a license in the first place. I wish there was more emphasis on the fact driving is a privilege, not a right. With that said though I do think there are people capable of doing both, not necessarily in every environment though. If you can't conduct a phone call on the interstate while driving then it is time to turn in the license. However I hang up the phone when traffic gets bad (and whenever I'm on the bike) .
  • Reply 92 of 114
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    The more time I spend in my car these days, the more I'm convinced that people only think they are good enough drivers to multitask. If it takes 50 state laws to ban texting while driving and holding their phone to their ear, based on what I've seen just this week, I say do it.

    Last week a 16 year-old girl slow-speed tapped my bumper at a red light, when I got out to see if there was any damage, she was still talking on her phone.

    This morning there was a guy in the fast lane of the interstate with nobody in front of him doing 45 mph, carrying on some sort of animated conversation and having no clue that he was driving 15 mph under the speed limit and that traffic was backing up behind him. I say enough is enough.

    *Wipes tears away at your tragedy* /sarcasm

    Yes please lets have more Unconstitutional "laws" that violate the rights of citizens because some people want all stupidity to be out of their way.

    Guess what? These people are stupid because of 1.) Parenting 2.) Television (mostly news) and 3. The Horrible Failure that is Public Education.

    Fixing this inherent problem is not done on the surface by regulating people to death, it is done on the back end by changing the failure of a system that allows it to CONTINUALLY happen. If we didn't need the law 20 years ago, we don't need it now. What we need is a return to common sense, critical thinking, and actual intelligence.

    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    As a motorcyclist I see my fare share of idiots on the road. Many of them shouldn't have a license in the first place.

    Irony is funny thing. You're a motorcyclist, calling other drivers idiots. Interesting. Most people who actually care about safety on the road, consider motorcyclists to be THE example of road idiots. Just the fact that you get on an un-protected vehicle and fly down the road filled with massive (by comparison) vehicles of all kinds, puts you in a category that honestly, makes your criticism of "idiots" more than a little ironic.
  • Reply 93 of 114
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    Why didn't you include the exact link? Heck you didn't even give us your search criteria.

    Where you afraid to show the price, i.e., the TomTom GO 740 LIVE that you most likely were referencing, is priced at $369.95 US and it won't do a smidgen of what the iPhone is capable. http://www.tomtom.com/products/category.php?ID=0&Lid=4

    Certainly it is not portable, unless you can put your vehicle in your pocket.

    I would suggest that every body visit TomTom's iPhone site and get the latest info. http://iphone.tomtom.com/

    TomTom for iPhone

    The TomTom navigation application for iPhone; an Apple version of TomTom?s award-winning turn-by-turn navigation software, including IQ Routes and latest maps from Tele Atlas;
    • The TomTom navigation application for iPhone; an Apple version of TomTom?s award-winning turn-by-turn navigation software, including IQ Routes and latest maps from Tele Atlas;

    • The TomTom car kit for iPhone; a specially developed car kit for secure docking, enhanced GPS performance, clear voice instructions, hands-free calling and in-car charging.

    As well, Check out Apple?s key note speech. Scroll to 1:22 minutes for the TomTom for iPhone demonstration. http://iphone.tomtom.com/announcement.html

    Note, TomTom is bringing out the App and Car Kit separately. That should tell you something, i.e., they will be separately priced and an app for which you don't need the car kit to use.

    A Car Kit, which by the way, a bunch of you never even considered the features but went ballistic on a rumored price.

    relax man... No need to rip on everyone you disagree with. You do that a lot.
  • Reply 94 of 114
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by mebbert View Post

    relax man... No need to rip on everyone you disagree with. You do that a lot.

    I am relaxed. You don't want to be in my class when I am not.

    Just how many times does one have to explain something before they understand. If you had followed the blog you would see that the issue was finally resloved.

    It gets very frustrating seen all the misconceptions, outright lies and innuendos when all it takes is to read the articles carefully, follow the links to get a better understanding and do some due diligence before raising questions or commenting on, particularly in the negative and invariably by the same trollers, naysayers and dissers that perpetrate these sites.

    And I don't need you to tell me what to do.
  • Reply 95 of 114
    mebbertmebbert Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    I am relaxed. You don't want to be in my class when I am not.

    Just how many times does one have to explain something before they understand. If you had followed the blog you would see that the issue was finally resloved.

    It gets very frustrating seen all the misconceptions, outright lies and innuendos when all it takes is to read the articles carefully, follow the links to get a better understanding and do some due diligence before raising questions or commenting on, particularly in the negative and invariably by the same trollers, naysayers and dissers that perpetrate these sites.

    And I don't need you to tell me what to do.

    I did follow the blog. Your comments are still often unnecessarily harsh.

    If you're a teacher, I hope you are a little more lenient on the number of times someone can ask the same question. There's really no set limit.

    That being said, I won't "tell [you] what to do."
  • Reply 96 of 114
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Guess what? These people are stupid because of 1.) Parenting 2.) Television (mostly news) and 3. The Horrible Failure that is Public Education.

    I'm sure the guy driving way under the speedlimit on his cell phone considers himself to be an upstanding citizen and outstanding multitasker. The reality is that the guy is a hazard to himself and everyone around him.

    As it stands, the existing laws seem to do nothing to fix the problem. A recent study shows texting drivers are 23 times more likely to be in an accident. Judging by the idiots swerving across lanes while texting (I saw another one of these at lunch), that statistic has to be somewhere in the right ballpark. If people can't self-correct, society does it for them. Its the way things are.

    Oh, and remember back to your driver's ed class; driving is a right and not a privilege. So lose that whole OMG-suxors-they're-taking-all-our-rights attitude, m'kay?
  • Reply 97 of 114
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Irony is funny thing. You're a motorcyclist, calling other drivers idiots. Interesting. Most people who actually care about safety on the road, consider motorcyclists to be THE example of road idiots. Just the fact that you get on an un-protected vehicle and fly down the road filled with massive (by comparison) vehicles of all kinds, puts you in a category that honestly, makes your criticism of "idiots" more than a little ironic.

    Wow, you never met me and yet you think you know how I ride? I guess the Internet really does know all!
  • Reply 98 of 114
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    I'm sure the guy driving way under the speedlimit on his cell phone considers himself to be an upstanding citizen and outstanding multitasker. The reality is that the guy is a hazard to himself and everyone around him.

    As it stands, the existing laws seem to do nothing to fix the problem. A recent study shows texting drivers are 23 times more likely to be in an accident. Judging by the idiots swerving across lanes while texting (I saw another one of these at lunch), that statistic has to be somewhere in the right ballpark. If people can't self-correct, society does it for them. Its the way things are.

    Oh, and remember back to your driver's ed class; driving is a right and not a privilege. So lose that whole OMG-suxors-they're-taking-all-our-rights attitude, m'kay?

    Sorry but no, thats not the way it works. I know you've been taught your whole life that there is no solution for stupidity, the only we can do is regulate regulate regulate until the people are safely secured inside a small box and cannot hurt anyone else... but that's not real America. That's fake America, as sold to you by your friendly television.

    In regard to texting drivers, your statistics are without a doubt indicative of a major problem. However, to fix the leaky dam, do you simply stick a piece of gum in the hole, even when you know the whole structure has degraded over time?

    Yeah, its pretty ambitious to say we need to go back to educating people on how behave correctly, morally, courteously, and safely in society. But guess what? That's the ONLY option in America. Pawning the responsibility off on legislature is a failure before you even hear their alternative (which is undoubtedly a new infringement on our rights).

    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Wow, you never met me and yet you think you know how I ride? I guess the Internet really does know all!

    Actually it makes no difference how you "ride" at all. You could be the best driver on Earth.

    The fact that you get on a motorcycle, at all, and drive it on public roads, at all, destroys your credibility when criticizing any road safety issues.

    There is no such thing as motorcycle safety. It's a total oxymoron.
  • Reply 99 of 114
    I fully understand this is a rumor/comment site, but some people go to extremes with worry and anger from a rumor, wow!


    1_ Don't most things like the iPhone cost more in U.K./Europe? The 32GB iPhone 3GS in England cost £538.30 - that is $903.67 USD. Obviously the iPhone in the U.S. is well under that price. So, why would people think a TomTom that sells for £99 ($168) in the U.K. would cost comparable in the U.S.? That seems foolish and alarmist.

    2_ Looking at the TomTom website, it seems most cost between $129 - 159, so even if it did cost $169, that does not seem extreme to me. But I still seriously doubt it will cost that much, to compete with Navigon which got a bad review on USA Today, they will likely sell it for $90-120.

    3_ The USA Today Navigon review: http://www.usatoday.com/tech/columni...e-iphone_N.htm


    4_ As long as they don't have a monthly fee and force people to buy updated maps every year, I am definitely going to buy the TomTom app - I know it will be great. Better to wait as TomTom and do it right, then rush to market like Navigon with a half asz app that they admit needs multiple fixes. I never had a navigation system, but having one in my pocket at all times will be awesome.

    5_ The guy who said, people will break cars to steal the mount, that is more ridiculous alarm-ism. When is the last time you or anyone ever paid 5 seconds of attention to what kind of mount someone had in their car? Maybe a few might be stolen and that is a huge MAYBE, but I don't see thieves walking around bashing windows for a mount, that is silly.

    Go TomTom, release it soon!!
  • Reply 100 of 114
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    5_ The guy who said, people will break cars to steal the mount, that is more ridiculous alarm-ism. When is the last time you or anyone ever paid 5 seconds of attention to what kind of mount someone had in their car? Maybe a few might be stolen and that is a huge MAYBE, but I don't see thieves walking around bashing windows for a mount, that is silly.

    That's the funny thing about theives; the proficient ones know exactly what golf clubs/camera/mp3 player/cell phone/gps to steal. At that price (and we're still waiting for some confirmation) IMO it'd be too much temptation to leave that mount suctioncupped to your windshield.
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