Microsoft says Office 2010, Outlook for Mac coming next year



  • Reply 61 of 80
    taurontauron Posts: 911member
    Originally Posted by mposer View Post

    More vapour-ware.

    MSFT have found something to announce just before the release of Snow Leopard just to make sure their name is also in the news.

    They do it all the time except this time they didn't have to invent an OS for the purpose. Windows, Win ME, Vista....

    Exactly right.
  • Reply 62 of 80
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by G.O.A.T View Post

    Outlook was one of the factors that prompted me to leap from MS Windows to Macs and OSX. I have to use Outlook on a work PC and it just makes me appreciate Mail on my Mac when I'm at home.

    1000% agree. I hate using outlook at work everyday, unless these are the same only in name outlook for mac can't be good.
  • Reply 63 of 80
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    Originally Posted by mariofreak85 View Post

    A cocoa version of outlook for mac?

    Holy shit, Hell just froze over.

    Hell has cooled off a bit. It would freeze over if they announced they ported Access...
  • Reply 64 of 80
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Hell has cooled off a bit. It would freeze over if they announced they ported Access...

    cocoa? i don't buy it...i'll believe it when i see it

    like they have done with windows me (which was the same piece of crap as any other windows version) the new outlook will be the same as's taking them a while to figure how to copy and paste so much code on their sad computers...
  • Reply 65 of 80
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    It's good that they're using the system frameworks. You can do the GUI in Cocoa and still have most of the code in plain C, maybe even in a library shared with the Windows version. That's the beauty of Objective C, it is just a runtime added to C, and you don't have to use the runtime in all parts of your program.

    I will be taking a good long look at this when it comes out.

    With the next version of Adobe CS being Intel-only, I wonder if MS will follow suit.
  • Reply 66 of 80
    Originally Posted by fluffylump View Post

    Please no!

    I say that they should keep on their current path, fine tune these great apps, keep improving background linking/synchronisation/connectivity. It's a winning formula for me at least. I'm not saying they are perfect, but they are more than adequate.


    I like it when in my Palm Desktop I can LINK Contacts to Notes/Memos + Appointments, To Do's etc. Same can be done in Entourage 2004.

    In any case, all that LINKING doesn't transfer to my Palm Treo 700p, never mind iPhone, which doesn't even sync with Notes/Memos!

    If Apple's apps: Addresses, iCal, and other "modules" were to have same kind of "linking/synchronisation" that transferred itself to iPhone, now THAT would be IDEAL!

    As to Separate Apple Apps vs. All In One - it reminds me of Time Machine and SuperDuper seeing that LARGE Entourage Database of mine (5GB?+) as ONE FILE! Thus it gets duplicated ENTIRELY, instead of just whatever changed in the Individual Module!

    So, as long as it all WORKS FAST: "linking/synchronisation", and gets tansferred to iPhone, preserving all the LINKS -- that would be the best of all worlds..., assuming quick searches in Spotlight are possible on Macs and iPhones!

    Switching to iWork is a bit scary, given how many documents I've created in Word! Also, how easily can I share iWork docs with the Windows Word Universe? Would I have to save them in 2 formats? And if 2 Formats, when I make a change in Mac file, does it's Windows "mirror file" gets updated automatically, or would I have to do another Save As to overwrite that Windows "mirror file"?

    I hope Apple and MSFT monitors this and other Forums where they can pick up lots of feedback from a lot of smart folks that post here!
  • Reply 67 of 80
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    I was thinking on the model and pricing from Microsoft, if anyone have any insight or info to shared would be good.

    Office for Mac are marked up MUCH higher then their PC counterpart. But Office on PC can get away with large volume. Where Mac is much smaller volume.

    As i am not aware of any Multi Liscense Discount, or any other major disocunt on Office for Mac. Then every copy sold for Mac would be worth 10 - 20 times more then averge selling price of Office for Mac.

    Consider M$ sold 100 Million of Office 2007, and 5 million copies of Office 2008 for Mac. The Actual revenue from both would be 10 - 5. Of coz in actual world the different should be something like 10 - 3.

    But considering the amount of resources M$ put in, Office for Mac is actually a cash cow for them.

    I hope we will get an big upgrade from iWork soon.........
  • Reply 68 of 80
    I just finally figured out how to do MuliQuotes here on this forum....

    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    Switching to iWork is a bit scary, given how many documents I've created in Word! Also, how easily can I share iWork docs with the Windows Word Universe? Would I have to save them in 2 formats? And if 2 Formats, when I make a change in Mac file, does it's Windows "mirror file" gets updated automatically, or would I have to do another Save As to overwrite that Windows "mirror file"?

    Any feedback on that: iWork working well with the Windows Word Universe?

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    With the next version of Adobe CS being Intel-only, I wonder if MS will follow suit.

    Oy!!!!!!!!!!!! Another "Decisions!" Fork in the road... -- When + How to upgrade? Example:

    When I buy MBP 17 with SL on it, should I Upgrade my present PB G4, 1.67, 2GB RAM, 10.4.11 to Leopard? I still have that Leopard/iWork Family Pack UNOPENED! So I could swap it to SL's Version of the same Pack, but SL won't Run on my PB G4... Some folks think that I should stay with 10.4.11 on my PB G4, cause it's "native"!!! I just would like to keep both of my laptops "close" in terms of OS's -- networking, file sharing! I know that my present PB G4, even with Leopard 10.5.8 on it, can't be a "mirror", interchangeable system! But, if God Forbid, I ever need to send my MBP 17 to Apple Care, I still don't want my life to stop!

    Any thoughts on any of that?

    TIA to all for your help!!!
  • Reply 69 of 80
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    Hell has cooled off a bit. It would freeze over if they announced they ported Access...

    LOFL, Macs could never run Access. Its 1997 technology is far too powerful... too advanced for Macintoshes. The Mac users' delicate brains might just burst if Office for the Mac became... truly... Office for the Mac. It is unthinkable, and furthermore, wrong to bring up these topics.
  • Reply 70 of 80
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by ksec View Post

    I hope we will get an big upgrade from iWork soon.........

    Exactly, if Apple can build Logic Studio 9 or FCP, it can build a Word and Excel substitute.... no I don't mean today's randy excuse for a joke called iWork.
  • Reply 71 of 80
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    NeoOffice is OK IF you do not have to share Word documents that have any amount of formatting you want preserved.

    I am not a Microsoft fan, but I enjoy Word 2008. In my view, Microsoft's biggest mistake on the Mac is breaking feature parity by removing things like Macros support (supposedly this is coming back). Mac people largely use Office for compatibility with Windows versions.

    Originally Posted by MacTripper View Post

    NeoOffice is a donationware open source program with multiple features. Take a lookie, it's nice.

    They could really use some donations due to the state of the economy, so if you download it, send them a few bucks.

    There is also the free and very powerful Text Wrangler from Bare Bones Software.

    Makes editing hidden and system files a breeze.

  • Reply 72 of 80
    Hopefully this will spur Apple to fix the most basic of issues with their "Address Book" - i.e. the ability to see more than just the contact name on the main list page.

    In Entourage and Outlook, when the address book is opened, you get multiple columns showing lots of info for your contacts like Name, Company, State, Phone #, etc.

    Whereas in Apple's Address Book all you get is the contact's name, unless you open a contact to get the rest of the info.

    I have numerous contacts at different companies, if I can't remember the person's last name but I know the company that they work at, (in Entourage or Outlook) I can just scroll through all the contacts at that company to see if one jogs my memory.

    Additionally, why can't the contacts in the iPhone show two columns of info (like name and company) when the iPhone is rotated into landscape position?
  • Reply 73 of 80

    Switching to iWork is a bit scary, given how many documents I've created in Word! Also, how easily can I share iWork docs with the Windows Word Universe? Would I have to save them in 2 formats? And if 2 Formats, when I make a change in Mac file, does it's Windows "mirror file" gets updated automatically, or would I have to do another Save As to overwrite that Windows "mirror file"

    Depends what you want to do when you say 'share' documents. Most people forget that you don't need Word to send someone some information, it can just as usefully be sent as a pdf. They seem to overlook the create/publish concept (.doc/.pdf). I don't have kids so I don't know how acceptable this would be for handing in school assignments - for example - but it seems it would be silly if you couldn't take this path.

    Of course if you are talking about collaborating with others to produce a document then that's a different story and I am not the best person to comment.

    I still have an copy of Office 2004 on my Macs but I won't be upgrading. I can do everything I need to do for home use with iWork. To be honest I am convinced I could start up and run a small business without Office.


  • Reply 74 of 80
    Originally Posted by Phil Sukalewski View Post

    I have numerous contacts at different companies, if I can't remember the person's last name but I know the company that they work at, (in Entourage or Outlook) I can just scroll through all the contacts at that company to see if one jogs my memory.

    Hi Phil - try making a smart group with Company Contains 'Company Name' or searching using the company name. I find it instantaneous.


  • Reply 75 of 80
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    Exactly, if Apple can build Logic Studio 9 or FCP, it can build a Word and Excel substitute.... no I don't mean today's randy excuse for a joke called iWork.

    Exactly. From my limited experience with iWork, Pages is 10 times easier to layout and make good documents. While Word is ultra annoying.

    Numbers are easy to use as well, but it is slow, and lacking many Maths functions.

    Do i even need to mention Keynotes Vs Powerpoint......
  • Reply 76 of 80
    Originally Posted by ecking View Post

    1000% agree. I hate using outlook at work everyday, unless these are the same only in name outlook for mac can't be good.

    This is interesting... Outlook is one of the reasons I have not moved to Apple, although we have 4 apple machines in the house. Initially my work demanded I use exchange (work PC) and I wanted the ability to keep Outlook databases on my home machine, I went as far as loading a virtual client on my MBA and using outlook when out of the country (can't use MBA, it runs too hot and fan comes on with any strenuous task !!!). I find Office 2008 for Mac is a joke compared to Office 2003 (which I still use). On the negative side I truly hate Vista from the bottom of my heart, such a piece of tosh - can not believe its takes 3 times as long to copy files from a NAS drive using Vista than OS X.
  • Reply 77 of 80
    Originally Posted by souliisoul View Post

    I doubt it, but I think what they are trying to do is, if you swap to Mac, we can still provide the software that you know and understand. This is mostly for IT support/managers, who only know the windows environment and get a panic attack, when you speak about OSX, because they are native to it.


    This is what I am doing...since I work abroad they have not seen me yet....

    The issue is that this Entourage EWS is not really working for me also..a lot of problems.

    I wait for Snow Leopard
  • Reply 78 of 80
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Why do people think that ActiveSync in Snow Leopard is going to provide all the Exchange functionality of Windows Outlook? Especially when the iPhone with ActiveSync "support" still can't sync notes and tasks.
  • Reply 79 of 80
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Why do people think that ActiveSync in Snow Leopard is going to provide all the Exchange functionality of Windows Outlook? Especially when the iPhone with ActiveSync "support" still can't sync notes and tasks.

    You are right. But for me is sufficient to read the email.
  • Reply 80 of 80
    This sounds like good news for Exchange users, but as a SOHO user I have no need for Exchange, and there's no way I would want to complicate my life with Outlook. I'll keep using Entourage for now, but I'll keep an eye on Apple Mail updates and start thinking about a switch.

    I'm also planning to buy iWork along with Snow Leopard when it comes out, so it looks like MS Office is going to be playing a smaller role in my computing life over the coming year.
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