Apple unveils 64GB iPod touch with faster processor for $399



  • Reply 201 of 260
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    I am sorry you do not have the cognitive function to understand what i was saying.

    I'm sorry that you don't have the ability to express yourself properly, based on the way you write, it would seem that english is not your first language.
  • Reply 202 of 260
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    So there are 50 million iPhones, and iPod touchs, 1.8 billion downloads, does that mean on average that users of these devices have downloaded 36 applications each?

    Huh? How does that relate to my comment?
  • Reply 203 of 260
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    Huh? How does that relate to my comment?

    You were inferring that people were purchasing them as a great games machine, but they aren't.
  • Reply 204 of 260
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    You were inferring that people were purchasing them as a great games machine, but they aren't.

    Wow! Do we ever have massive reading comprehension issues tonight!

    How on earth did I infer that they were buying them as great game machines?!
  • Reply 205 of 260
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    I was thinking about this too. I suppose this is a possibility. But no, I don't think it will happen. If anything, the new tablet device would be compared to the iphone because I'm sure it will have a built in 3G radio. Or maybe not.

    Yes, of course it's all just speculation. Perhaps the entry level small screen tablet will not come with 3G, and the larger "Pro" model will. (Maybe they both will)

    Maybe Apple will sell a 3G add-on adapter.

    Maybe Apple will make a dozen different models.

    Maybe only one.

    All I know is I have to decide if I am going to buy the one that is available right now; or wait (and wait and wait and...)
  • Reply 206 of 260
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    Wow! Do we ever have massive reading comprehension issues tonight!

    How on earth did I infer that they were buying them as great game machines?!

    Someone posted that it was a crap games machine, you replied that it can't be as they have sold 20 million of them.

    That's how.
  • Reply 207 of 260
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    Wow! Do we ever have massive reading comprehension issues tonight!

    You aren?t kidding!
  • Reply 208 of 260
    I can see why the iPod Touch is being, "neutered" for the time being. This platform is being phased out as the premium mini-puter offering I bet, probably for the tablet. The Touch will eventually morph into a "game" machine/media box and that's about it. Kinda like what a ARCOS tablet was supposed to be but never took off.

    Also, the software is already out there to support this platform. The cheaper they make this thing, the more they can sell. There's hundreds of millions of Indians, Chinese, whatever, that would like a device of this quality that costs $100, $50, etc.

    As the iPhone OS platform line gets pimper and pimper in the coming years, you'll see apps in the App Store that will utilize all that (future) horsepower, but won't really hum on an iPod Touch 2G. So I think you'll end up seeing a tiered App Store, a "1G" App Store and a "2G" App Store. With appropriate marketing and so forth, in two years or so you can get your iPhone OS fix on in the 1G store with a $75 widget and when you move up to the new iPimp or whatever in the future, you move all your old Apps over to the new widget. For instance, what's this Tablet going to be capable of running? If its as slick (and iPhone OS platform) as people drool about, it will undoubtedly be able to run apps that no current iPhone OS platform has the horsepower to run.

    Its an interesting problem that way. iTunes sells music. Music is music. But applications evolve in complexity with the platform. There has to be some separator or division to avoid customer frustration. Apple has dealt with this before, and has had to basically ditch entire installed platform bases when they've switched (OS9->OSX, PowerPC->Chipzilla) and I bet they see a chance to repeat history with lessons learned.

    It makes sense to me, but only over a period of years.
  • Reply 209 of 260
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    So there are 50 million iPhones, and iPod touchs, 1.8 billion downloads, does that mean on average that users of these devices have downloaded 36 applications each?

    The average, according to a recent AI article (unfortunately, I am too lazy to do the search for you) was higher: something like 52.
  • Reply 210 of 260
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Someone posted that it was a crap games machine, you replied that it can't be as they have sold 20 million of them.

    That's how.

    cycomiko stated “It’s a pathetic games machine, and the cost is irrelevant when they provide nothing of interest for peopel to part with their cash.”

    Cycomiko said it’s a pathetic games machine AND that the Touch, at any price, provides nothing of internet . Macnyc never stated it is a great gaming machine, he just stated a simple figure which shows that it holds at least some interest for 20M people to have already parted with their cash to buy a Touch.
  • Reply 211 of 260
    Originally Posted by jfanning View Post

    Someone posted that it was a crap games machine, you replied that it can't be as they have sold 20 million of them.

    That's how.

    You might want to reread the person's comment and my response.

    SAT scores are going to be way low this year!
  • Reply 212 of 260
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    I'm sorry that you don't have the ability to express yourself properly, based on the way you write, it would seem that english is not your first language.

    what I wrote is perfectly clear. Perhaps you should work on your comprehension
  • Reply 213 of 260
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    The problem is that people shouldn't be hanging so much hope on rumors. All the stories you linked had the word rumor in the link, in the headline and in the text. I think that should be enough of a hint that it might not be real.

    The problem is not the rumor, it was the person harrassing others for believing in a rumor that did not exist. When it did.
  • Reply 214 of 260
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    Wow! Do we ever have massive reading comprehension issues tonight!

    How on earth did I infer that they were buying them as great game machines?!

    Let see, you are complaining about two others having reading comprehension, when you are having trouble reading. Pot, kettle, something.
  • Reply 215 of 260
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    Let see, you are complaining about two others having reading comprehension, when you are having trouble reading. Pot, kettle, something.

    For some reason Logisticaldron understood but not you:

    "cycomiko stated ?It?s a pathetic games machine, and the cost is irrelevant when they provide nothing of interest for peopel to part with their cash. Cycomiko said it?s a pathetic games machine AND that the Touch, at any price, provides nothing of internet . Macnyc never stated it is a great gaming machine, he just stated a simple figure which shows that it holds at least some interest for 20M people to have already parted with their cash to buy a Touch."

    How do you explain that?
  • Reply 216 of 260
    so many people posting the same exact comment.

    i believe the camera issue rumor relates to still photos on the NANO, and will probably be fixed with an update in the near future to enable photos.

    the closest thing i heard to explaining why the touch might not have video is that it's a stopgap until the tablet is announced in 4 months... still an odd upgrade - especially the nano fm tuner. for a company that eliminated the floppy disc from the iMac and the optical drive from the Air, WHY add an antiquated radio frequency?

    does anyone here know if the new processor in the touch requires any other new hardware, or is this upgrade purely a processor and memory? perhaps the new processor isn't the same as the 3gs and it is causing issues w/ a camera?
  • Reply 217 of 260
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    Then apple would have to license smb from Microsoft as well and unless you have vista sp2 or windows 7 it's going to take a very long time. Hours and hours

    Why would they have to license smb from Microsoft? Apple has their own self contained protocols - I'm sure the syncing DOES NOT use smb....

    As far as time, even 802.11g would be faster then USB - and my phone charges overnight - I could re-load an iPhone on an overnight charge. Really I don't see time as an issue.
  • Reply 218 of 260
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    so many people posting the same exact comment.

    i believe the camera issue rumor relates to still photos on the NANO, and will probably be fixed with an update in the near future to enable photos.

    We?ll have to wait for a breakdown, but it?s likely that the Nano can?t even do a decent photo. Flip cameras are video only. They are engineered that way. The iPhone takes 3Mpx stills and 0.3Mpx video.


    does anyone here know if the new processor in the touch requires any other new hardware, or is this upgrade purely a processor and memory? perhaps the new processor isn't the same as the 3gs and it is causing issues w/ a camera?

    I?m sure iFixit will let us now shortly. I?d imagine it?s the same as the iPhone, maybe even with a faster running CPU if they really are focusing on gaming. They did that before.
  • Reply 219 of 260
    Originally Posted by macnyc View Post

    For some reason Logisticaldron understood but not you:

    "cycomiko stated ?It?s a pathetic games machine, and the cost is irrelevant when they provide nothing of interest for peopel to part with their cash. Cycomiko said it?s a pathetic games machine AND that the Touch, at any price, provides nothing of internet . Macnyc never stated it is a great gaming machine, he just stated a simple figure which shows that it holds at least some interest for 20M people to have already parted with their cash to buy a Touch."

    How do you explain that?

    that in addition to reading comprehension issues, you also are unable to use the quote function?
  • Reply 220 of 260
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    that in addition to reading comprehension issues, you also are unable to use the quote function?

    You seriously can?t see the quotation marks around the test he pasted or are you so young that you don?t realize that is how people who were born before 1995 use quote. Sure, it?s not as pretty on a web forum, but it serves the purpose just as well.
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