Apple unveils 64GB iPod touch with faster processor for $399



  • Reply 161 of 260
    Originally Posted by moose07 View Post

    Apple completely dropped the ball on the new ipod touch. Seriously, what a let down. I have been holding out for months waiting for the new camera/mic equipped units that not only were rumored, but were the only logical next step. So what does Apple do? They give the NANO a video camera and do hardly anything for the Touch. What a miserable fail on Apple's part. I hope the stock goes into the ground. They tout the Touch as some great gaming device. Fine. But it could be that one gadget that you need that can take care of all your multi-media & computing needs on the go without the insane data package price and atrocious "service" from AT&T (a company that everyone is beginning to realize sucks to the core, don't get me started on that one...), but no. Now you still have to carry your camera and/or camcorder along with your music/gaming device. They definitely didn't make the Touch a must-have by any means. What a pathetic joke. Apple: this just might be the beginning of the end for you, you sad, sad fools. I hope you sell no more than 27 new units and make a public apology for not delivering what you KNEW the consumers wanted.

    Today's lesson: Don't buy into rumors, unless they're no longer rumors.
  • Reply 162 of 260
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Today's lesson: Don't buy into rumors, unless they're no longer rumors.

    So the ?Don?t buy into rumors, unless OMG I want to be true because it would be like the coolest thing ever I love unicorns? is not the way to go?
  • Reply 163 of 260
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    And having Apple ship the iPod touch with a known defective camera would be what?! FTW???


    Obviously, I haven't read all the posts at this point.

    I, too, think it is odd that the Touch doesn't have a camera at least the equivalent of the corresponding iPhone models.

    And, I agree that, No Way, would Apple ship a product with a known, highly visible, defect-- that's called "Pissing in the Soup"

    They could have (rather easily, IMO), announced a Touch with a camera with availability a month (or 2 out) and/or constrained supply... maybe with some incentive to compensate for the delay & inconvenience. That would be the kind of "good marketing" we expect from Apple.

    So there could be a availability constraint on a specific component for the camera (sensor, lens, flash, etc).

    Or maybe they tried to include a, relatively high-quality, camera with a physically adjustable lens... and missed.

    Or, there could be something else in play, altogether.

    They could be avoiding a perceived market segment, because they have another device waiting in the wings.

    This whole show may have been an off-Broadway introduction of the play to come!

  • Reply 164 of 260
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Egad, I hope not. I don't want this version to get too much larger, just more capable... like the nano.

    No. That's exactly what I mean. Just like the MacBooks, the tablet will come in "small" and "large" version (and maybe a "medium"). The small version will be the iPod Touch (with enhanced feature set, including camera etc.)
  • Reply 165 of 260
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Too bad, I was ready to buy. I hope I do not have to wait another year.

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The lack of a camera on the new iPod touch is surprising

  • Reply 166 of 260
    Originally Posted by Zoolook View Post

    What, did we just return to 1982?

    The Nano has the FM tuner.

    Actually, I have an iPod shuffle I use at the gym except when I am jogging on the treadmills, because I watch the TVs there where each one is on its own low power FM signal. I was hoping that the new Touch's would have FM radio so I can merge these together. Instead, I guess I need to go with a Nano...WTF?
  • Reply 167 of 260
    All the whining about cameras really surprises me; the mic is a bigger disappointment to me hands-down! The mic lets you use it as a Skype/VOIP phone with wifi, and wouldn't impact margins. Likewise, bluetooth networking would let you use whichever phone network you like...

    People would have been pissed over a 2MP, fixed-focus camera as well.

    For me, it is a non-sale due to the mic, but the mass market won't care.
  • Reply 168 of 260
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Here is come compelling information as to why the Touch didn?t get a camera, but take it with a grain of salt.

    Q You put a camcorder on the iPod Nano. Why not on the iPod Touch?

    A Originally, we weren?t exactly sure how to market the Touch. Was it an iPhone without the phone? Was it a pocket computer? What happened was, what customers told us was, they started to see it as a game machine. Because a lot of the games were free on the store. Customers started to tell us, ?You don?t know what you?ve got here ? it?s a great game machine, with the multitouch screen, the accelerometer, and so on.?

    We started to market it that way, and it just took off. And now what we really see is it?s the lowest-cost way to the App Store, and that?s the big draw. So what we were focused on is just reducing the price to $199. We don?t need to add new stuff ? we need to get the price down where everyone can afford it.

    Its a pathetic games machine, and the cost is irrelevant when they provide nothing of interest for peopel to part with their cash.
  • Reply 169 of 260
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Now that I think about it the current refresh makes sense sort of. First, Apple usually only does an incremental upgrade to it's higher end iPods before Christmas. It focuses on lower end lines like the Nano and Shuffle before the Holidays knowing that people usually are buying for other people and spend less money doing so. After the Holidays people have holiday money and buy for themselves and are willing to spend more. I suspect Apple will do a more significant iPod Touch upgrade in January.
  • Reply 170 of 260
    Originally Posted by skottichan View Post

    I'm sorry, but really, why is everyone in full on geek rage over an unsubstantiated rumor not coming to fruition?

    Because I've been wanting the camera for years. I'm disappointed that Apple didn't give me a real reason to buy a new iPod Touch. I have a 1G iPod Touch (16 gb). I'm not paying $299 for an extra 16gb of storage.

    Camera, GPS, etc would have given me a reason to purchase now. 'Tis a pity.
  • Reply 171 of 260
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Well, it fell all of 1% (on a day that the NASDAQ fell by 0.64%). I suppose that is, technically, a decline....

    Sorry to burst your bubble

    but NASDAQ finished +22.62, AAPL -1.79
  • Reply 172 of 260
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    i'm usually pretty wordy about new product postings, but really Apple...


    now for the verbose part...

    So no camera and no FM tuner (FM tuner? why not HD radio Tuner?)

    What the hell were they thinking? Oh, yeah, right, they're loosing sales on the Nano so let's beef that up and milk the touch by lowering price and offering more memory. Sounds like a by-year for the touch. I could care less considering i have the iPhone, 3g but i could care less about GPS.

    Then, no camera and no tuner on the iPod classic. My girlfriend just had a pretty crappy birthday because her thoughtful boyfriend was going to wait to purchase that 160 GB classic because it might offer a camera and Tuner. Fail times 2!!!

    we're of the crowd that likes our entire library on our iPod. Why bother if it doesn't IMHO? Not even 64 GB is going to cut the proverbial mustard.
  • Reply 173 of 260
    Originally Posted by moose07 View Post

    Apple completely dropped the ball on the new ipod touch. Seriously, what a let down. I have been holding out for months waiting for the new camera/mic equipped units that not only were rumored, but were the only logical next step. So what does Apple do? They give the NANO a video camera and do hardly anything for the Touch. What a miserable fail on Apple's part. I hope the stock goes into the ground. They tout the Touch as some great gaming device. Fine. But it could be that one gadget that you need that can take care of all your multi-media & computing needs on the go without the insane data package price and atrocious "service" from AT&T (a company that everyone is beginning to realize sucks to the core, don't get me started on that one...), but no. Now you still have to carry your camera and/or camcorder along with your music/gaming device. They definitely didn't make the Touch a must-have by any means. What a pathetic joke. Apple: this just might be the beginning of the end for you, you sad, sad fools. I hope you sell no more than 27 new units and make a public apology for not delivering what you KNEW the consumers wanted.

    Give me a break. You are the moron for believing the rumor sites! They don't want the Touch to tap into iPhone sales. If you want a camera in the iPod Touch, buy an iPhone. Since you don't have an iPhone, you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You are reading posts on a message board. I have no problem with AT&T and I get great service in Los Angeles. All my friends with iPhones have great service too, both originals and 3G's. Apple did not drop the ball, you were the idiot that believed the rumors would be true!
  • Reply 174 of 260
    Originally Posted by antkm1 View Post

    i'm usually pretty wordy about new product postings, but really Apple...


    now for the verbose part...

    So no camera and no FM tuner (FM tuner? why not HD radio Tuner?)

    What the hell were they thinking? Oh, yeah, right, they're loosing sales on the Nano so let's beef that up and milk the touch by lowering price and offering more memory. Sounds like a by-year for the touch. I could care less considering i have the iPhone, 3g but i could care less about GPS.

    Then, no camera and no tuner on the iPod classic. My girlfriend just had a pretty crappy birthday because her thoughtful boyfriend was going to wait to purchase that 160 GB classic because it might offer a camera and Tuner. Fail times 2!!!

    we're of the crowd that likes our entire library on our iPod. Why bother if it doesn't IMHO? Not even 64 GB is going to cut the proverbial mustard.

    The bullshit rumors never said the Classic would get a camera! Who the hell listens to FM? Can't believe you fell for a rumor that never existed!
  • Reply 175 of 260
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    The iPhone monthly charges are the same as what verizon charges and less than the blackberry tour

    I want it as a go-phone. I don't use the phone part. I'd love the data plan.
  • Reply 176 of 260
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by rearden View Post

    I am disappointed. I wanted to get an ipod touch but there is little difference between 2nd and 3rd generation.

    No internal mic.

    No GPS.

    No camera.

    No 802.11n.

    I will not be making a purchase.


    double g

    faster gaming gpu

    that is a lot

    as time goes on all the pods will get a lot of what we all want

    Yet some pods may never get certain things /

    MIFI may also be coming to the ipod touch

    the fat nano may return stripped down and cheap for china india markets

    also for china india and the world an IPOD NANO PHONE

    which for all who don't wanna surf may want this .
  • Reply 177 of 260
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Here is come compelling information as to why the Touch didn?t get a camera, but take it with a grain of salt.

    Q You put a camcorder on the iPod Nano. Why not on the iPod Touch?

    A Originally, we weren?t exactly sure how to market the Touch. Was it an iPhone without the phone? Was it a pocket computer? What happened was, what customers told us was, they started to see it as a game machine. Because a lot of the games were free on the store. Customers started to tell us, ?You don?t know what you?ve got here ? it?s a great game machine, with the multitouch screen, the accelerometer, and so on.?

    We started to market it that way, and it just took off. And now what we really see is it?s the lowest-cost way to the App Store, and that?s the big draw. So what we were focused on is just reducing the price to $199. We don?t need to add new stuff ? we need to get the price down where everyone can afford it.

    why ???

    the touch is a world record device for sales

    to freeze the touch where it is <<<sweet spot > and maybe add faster gpu and more gig's for the gamers and surfer's. Seems like what APPLE AND STEVE have done and will do .

    What the touch will have soon is a MIFI
  • Reply 178 of 260
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
  • Reply 179 of 260
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    nothing went wrong, you have to consider Apple and their margins

    And you know this to be a fact?...
  • Reply 180 of 260
    macnycmacnyc Posts: 342member
    Originally Posted by cycomiko View Post

    Its a pathetic games machine, and the cost is irrelevant when they provide nothing of interest for peopel to part with their cash.

    You're absolutely right, that's why they've sold 20 million of them...
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